SURVEY 8 th Grade Results
WHAT DO YOU DO ONLINE? Listen to music97% Instant Message/Chat88% Use social media88% Watch streaming TV or videos84% Do work/homework69% Play video games59% Read about things I’m interested in59% Read/send 38% Programming3% Shop3%
WHAT DO YOU DO MOST OFTEN? TOP3 Social media75% Watch TV/Video56% Music53% Instant Message/text50% Video games34% Read9% Home work6% 3% Programming3%
OUT OF ALL, WHICH IS YOUR FAVORITE? Use social media34% Listen to music22% Watch streaming TV or videos22% Play video games16% Instant Message/Chat3% Programming3% Work/Homework Read Create Media
CONVERSATIONS AT HOME? Behaving appropriately online69% Sharing information online (privacy)63% Shopping & buying things online53% Having a balance of online/offline50% Setting privacy settings50% Using tech for homework50% Talking to strangers online47% Choosing passwords44%
CONVERSATIONS AT HOME (CONT)? Sharing pictures of myself38% Creating usernames31% Dealing with cyberbullying28% Downloading movies/music legally19% Tagging or uploading pictures of others19% Sexting16% Understanding creative credit/copyright13% Understanding your digital footprint9%
CONVERSATION AT HOME (OTHER) Don’t follow the crowd3% Language use3% Looking at dirt bike parts3% None3% Respecting others3%
MOST IMPORTANT RULE ABOUT TECH? Behaving appropriately19% Privacy16% Time limit13% Foot Print9% Stranger Danger9% Responsible/Appropriate use6%
MOST IMPORTANT (CONT) Ask before buying3% Ask before downloading3% Avoid drama3% Be aware of what’s around you3% Data limits3% Don’t break it3% Don’t follow the crowd3% Don’t talk to strangers3%
MOST IMPORTANT (CONT) No social media3% No sexting3% One electronic at a time3% Parents aware of usage3% Sharing information3% Using at appropriate times3% Who is following me – Beware3%
FAMILY RULES/GUIDELINES AROUND? How much time you can watch TVYES 38%NO 62% How much time on the computerYES 38%NO 62% Which sites you can visit onlineYES 56%NO 44% Whom you can talk toYES 69%NO 31% Posting photos onlineYES 62%NO 38%
DO YOU OWN A CELL PHONE? NO (including one broken)25% Yes, and it has Internet access72% Yes, but it doesn’t have Internet access3%
TECH USE IN BEDROOM? TVKidsParent 16%Both 68% Cable/Satellite TVKids 3%Parents 31%Both 47% Cell phoneKids Parents 9%Both 84% ComputerKids 9%Parents 12%Both 63% Internet accessKids Parents 3%Both 94% Electronic readerKids 3%Parents 9%Both 78% Video game consoleKids 44%Parents 3%Both 31% TabletKids 16%Parents 3%Both 75%
DO YOU SLEEP WITH CELL PHONE IN ROOM? Yes, right next to my bed63% Yes, somewhere else in the room16% No, I don’t keep it in my room at night0% No, I don’t have a cell phone22%
HAVE YOU EVER? Bought music or ring tonesYES 69%NO 31% Shared your password with a friend YES 41%NO 59% Illegally downloaded music or videos YES 19%NO 81% Registered for a contest online YES 22%NO 78% IM’ed or chatted with people you don’t know YES 22%NO 78% Read online about hobbies/interests YES 91%NO 9% Made fun of/messed with someone online YES 16%NO 84% Read someone else’s text messages YES 25%NO 75% Seen something inappropriate YES 50%NO 50%
DO YOU USE PRIVACY SETTINGS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS? YES75% NO16% I don’t know6% I don’t have social media accounts3%
DO YOUR PARENTS LOOK AT KIDS’ SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS? YES, they look at it a lot13% Yes, sometimes34% Yes, only when setting up account6% No—they know but don’t check47% No—they don’t know which accounts3%
MORE INFO AND HELP PLEASE… No, all set69% Shopping and buying online16% Understanding digital footprint16% Managing tech distractions9% Sexting9% Downloading movies/music6% Dealing with cyberbullying3% Setting privacy settings3% Understanding creative credit/copyright3%
WHAT CONCERNS YOU MOST ABOUT TODAY’S WORLD LIFE? Amount of digital drama & cyberbullying47% Protecting my private information31% Too much screen time28% Seeing poor/questionable content9% Permanence of my online presence3% What kids are becoming3%
WHAT EXCITES YOU MOST ABOUT TODAY’S DIGITAL WORLD? Ability to connect with others47% Variety of content34% Anytime, anywhere information31% Ability to create media6% Connect with distant family3% World at your fingertips3% YouTube3%
SURVEY PARTICIPANTS Are you ParentStudent 100% Are youMale 50%Female 50% What grade8 th grade 100%