Tool Belt Theory For Anika
We humans are tool users. We choose our tools based on what is most effective for our goal. Ira Socol suggests we choose our tools based on the acronym 'TEST.'
'TEST' Acronym ➲ Task at hand. ➲ Environment in which that task must be performed. ➲ Skill set of the individual (the tool chooser). ➲ Tools available.
As a teacher I want tools for students of all learning styles and abilities. It has been said 'the way we learn is as unique as our fingerprints.' Therefore one tool does not fit all. Some examples of learning styles are expressed in Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence.
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence
I design my lesson for those in the margins, thus creating an atmosphere that everyone can use. As a teacher I establish my goal for the lesson. I foresee any barriers that may be present. I also look at: ➲ Representation via multimedia. ➲ Engagement choices that fuel interest and autonomy. ➲ Action and expression giving students options to express what they know.
Meet Anika Anika just turned 9 and is finishing grade 3. Anika struggles academically due to her learning disability. Her language disorder compromises verbal comprehension and expression. Anika has a difficult time keeping up with regular conversation or instruction. She does not read or write. An example of her struggles with expression is; Teacher “What is ten plus ten.” Anika “two, zero.”
This is how I see Anika Anika is smart and creative. She has maneuvered around the school system by using tools she created, such as memorizing, pretending to read along, asking questions that maneuver around the fact that she can't read. Anika is aware that she is behind in reading. This has created low self-esteem and self-confidence Due to her difficulty following rapidly changing conversation, her social group is very small. Anika learns best visually or listening to text. This should be monitored annually as she learns to read. Expression for learning is best created with visual design. Anika's tool belt consists of digital learning tools aiding to increase functional abilities.
Tool belt building for Anika Anika learns best visually or listening to text. This should be monitored on a regular basis. Representation and expression for learning are best created with visual design. Anika's tool belt will consists of digital learning tools to help increase her functional abilities.
Anika's tool belt Anika's ability to understand her environment and express what she has learned will improve with her tool belt. Anika will also learn to read. She will develop technological independence, helping to remove learning limitations while preparing for her future. Tool belt list: Kurzweil 3000Kurzweil 3000 free trial Speakit Read and write Readability DictaNote Spellcheck DabbleboardDabbleboard (mind mapping) StarfallStarfall some many free trial games. $35 for one year for more activities Literactive.
Anika will have access to her toolbelt on her home laptop and at school. 'Literactive' and 'Starfall' are two websites available for early blossoming readers. 'Starfall' is free to a point. If she finds it useful, there is a $35 annual fee that expands her learning options. Toolbelts evolve as we evolve. The first step is to open the toolbox. Upon exploration of the many tools, we notice tools evolve too, creating endless opportunities. Created by Dawn Wright