Reference Materials By: Kelly Bardill
What we will learn today: The meaning of “reference materials.” Two types of reference materials: dictionaries and glossaries
Think-Pair-Share Turn to your elbow buddy and tell them how you find information about unfamiliar words, places, people, or things.
Reference Materials! Reference materials are sources that provide information about words, people, places, or things. Examples: -Dictionary -Glossary -Encyclopedia -Thesaurus -Atlas
Dictionary Definition Part of speech Synonyms Antonyms Pronunciation Word origin
How do I use a dictionary? – Alphabetical order Example: cat, chair, cow – Use guide words Example: cat, cow
Guide Words Activity Time!!! Each student will be given an index card with a word printed on it. Four students act as guide words (two groups of two). The guide words will be in bold print. The two pairs will stand on each end of the white board. They will each represent a page in the dictionary. The remaining students will then choose the page on which their word would be found.
Glossary Definition Page number (sometimes) Pronunciation (sometimes)
Important Facts! Glossaries are also formatted in alphabetical order. You can often tell what words will be in the glossary because they will be highlighted or bolded. Glossaries are most often found in informational text books rather than fiction books. Glossaries only have words that can be found within the specific book you are reading.
Reflection Paper Get out your journals. Turn to the next empty page. The title of this journal entry is “Reference Materials.” First, write two complete sentences about what you learned about dictionaries. Then, write two complete sentences about what you learned about glossaries. When everyone finishes, journals will be collected. I will review your sentences tonight and I will bring the journals back tomorrow. Look for feedback before beginning your next journal entry in the morning.
What We Learned…. Reference materials are sources that are used to find information about words, people, places, or things. Both dictionaries and glossaries are formatted in alphabetical order. Use guide words to find the words you are looking for instead of thumbing through every word on every page. Components of dictionaries: definition, part of speech, synonyms, antonyms, word origin, pronunciation Components of glossaries: definition, page number, and pronunciation Glossaries are found in the back of informational text books. Words that can be found in a glossary are often highlighted or bolded in the text.