Meet the Prophet: Jeremiah
What doe Jeremiah’s name mean? The Lord throws down
Where did Jeremiah live? In Jerusalem
When did Jeremiah live? Who was the king? Approximately BC The kings were Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah
What did Jeremiah do before becoming a prophet? Jeremiah was only a boy when God called him.
To whom did Jeremiah preach? Jeremiah prophesied to the last 5 kings of Judah and to the people of Judah
What was Jeremiah’s main message? He prophesied doom and gloom, that Babylon would conquer Israel as God’s punishment to the Hebrews for ignoring God for so long. However, he also prophesied restoration after the oppression.
How did the people respond to Jeremiah’s message? His words had little effect, especially on kings who thought he was preaching treason. King Zedekiah even had Jeremiah thrown into a dark, muddy well.
What did Jeremiah say that might be important for us today? Jeremiah inspires us to speak out against sin that we see around us To have courage even when not many join us in our concerns
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