Vac: The Root Word By : Valeria Vazquez 5/7/12
What Is The Root Word Vac? Vac means to empty. It comes from the Latin language.
What Includes Vac? Vac Vacuu m Vacan cy Evacu ate Vacati on
What Do The Vac Words Mean? Vacuum- a device that cleans up dirt or trash in a given area. Evacuate- to leave or move from a place because of a disaster or emergency. Vacancy- something that is empty or not full. Vacation- to leave or rest from a previous activity.
What Do The Vac Words Look Like? Vacuum- Evacuate- Vacancy- Vacation-
How Can I Remember Vac? I remember vac by thinking of my name, Valeria, and I am very neat and clean. You can remember vac by thinking of the word vacuum and what a vacuum does. A vacuum cleans up a room and makes the floors empty of trash or dirt.
Thank You! Thank you for learning about vac!