God’s gift of Sexuality 6 TH & 9 TH COMMANDMENTS
Commandments 6 th Commandment “You shall not commit adultery.” Adultery – sexual activity between two persons, at least one of whom is married to another. 9 th Commandment “You shall not covet your neighbors wife/husband.” Prohibits us from selfish desire Encourages us to have temperance in our thoughts and using our will to overcome disordered desires.
Two themes in this chapter Sexuality is good Sexuality can be misused
Sexuality is Good We are not just souls, nor just bodies. We are both. God created human beings good. Therefore, sexuality is good. When sexuality integrates love and divine purpose it is Holy. But remember, Sexuality can be misused
Men and women are created by God with equal dignity. They are complementary beings. Complementary means making up what is lacking in another.
Purposes of Sex 1) To achieve loving union 2) To share Joy and pleasure 3) To create new life If any one of these aspects is missing, God’s plan is derailed. All three aspects are integrated and essential. N.B. similar to the fourth commandment, the Holy Trinity is also a model for co- creation.
Holy Sexual Expression Divine Purpose LoveSexuality
Key Terms Chastity - Healthy integration of sexuality into one’s total person, body and spirit; responsible sexual expression. The virtue that helps us control our sexual desires and use them according to our situation in life. Not to be confused with abstinence or celibacy. Fecundity – fruitfulness; bearing children
Sexuality can be misused aka Violations of Chastity Concupiscence – the tendency of all human beings toward sin as a result of Original sin. Lust – disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual desire apart from God’s love – it seeks its own pleasure at the expense of another.
Other Violations of Chastity Prostitution – engaging in sexual activity for money or another advantage. Fornication – sexual intercourse engaged in by an unmarried male and unmarried female. Masturbation – deliberate self manipulation for erotic pleasure. Pornography – the display of erotic behavior that’s motivation is to depict sex acts in a way that causes sexual arousal. Rape – forcing sex on an unwilling partner. Homosexual activity – sexual activity engaged in by persons of the same gender.
What is the fundamental truth that governs every moral question involving marriage and sexuality? EVERY SEXUAL ACT OR EXPRESSION MUST FULLY RESPECT BOTH THE A) UNITIVE + B) PROCREATIVE ASPECTS OF HUMAN SEXUALITY.
Essential Questions Why did God create each human person as either male or female? What did Christ do for marriage? What is the unitive aspect of sexuality? What is the procreative aspect of sexuality? What are the two essential properties of marriage?
Why did God create each human person as male or female? God made humans male and female and created lifelong, exclusive, and loving marriage as the way to bring new human persons into the world.
What is the unitive aspect of sexuality? What is the procreative aspect of sexuality? The unitive aspect of sexuality is the expression of complementary love between a husband and wife that renews their marital covenant. The procreative aspect of sexuality is the begetting of new life in cooperation with God, who infuses a unique human soul.
What did Christ Do for Marriage? Christ restored marriage to its original meaning, ruling out divorce, which Moses had permitted. “ so they are no longer two, but one flesh” (Mt 19)
What are two basic properties of marriage? Exclusivity Why is marriage exclusive? Because marriage is a total self ‑ giving of one spouse to the other, there is no room for someone to give himself or herself to another person. Indissolubility Why is marriage indissoluble? Indissolubility means the couple commits for their earthly lives. They cannot ever be un-united unless by the death of a spouse. They are called to grow in fidelity to their promise.
What are the ends of marriage The good of the spouses themselves The bearing and raising of children
Violations of Marriage Adultery – sexual activity between two persons at least one of whom is married to another person. Polygamy – having more than one spouse. Divorce – the civil dissolution of a marriage Incest – sexual relations between people who are so closely related that the law forbids them to marry. Free Unions – extended relationships where couples choose not to have their commitment formalized or sanctioned. Methods of Artificial Contraception – separate the sexual act from procreation and thus are morally unacceptable.
Adultery and Polygamy What is adultery? Sexual activity between two persons at least one of whom is married to another person. Why is adultery a violation of marriage? Adultery is giving what belongs only to one’s spouse to another person who is not one’s spouse. What is polygamy?Having more than one spouse. Why is polygamy a violation of marriage? It is contrary to the sanctity and exclusivity of marriage. Polygamy gives to a supposed second (or third or fourth) wife what belongs only to the first wife. It is the unjust giving of what is due to one person to another person.
Views of Marriage and Sexuality
What is Theology of the Body? TOB is a collection of 129 short talks – called General Audiences – proclaimed by Pope John Paul II It seeks to answer two questions: o What does it mean to be human? o How do I live my life in a way that brings true happiness and fulfillment?
What is Theology of the Body? TOB literally means the study of God through our bodies. In other words, what does my body reveal about God’s plan? We believe we were made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis) this is called Imago Dei Therefore, our bodies must reveal something about our maker and our purpose.
“The heart has become a battlefield between… Love Lust” -23 July General Audience of Pope John Paul II Respond: What does he mean by this?
Love is “to will the good of the other.” It is not a feeling/emotion. JPII adds it is a gift of self Lust is disordered desire for sexual gratification. Self-serving
We are called to love as God loves. Which is evident in the vows of marriage Freely“Have you come here freely? Fully/TotallyAnd without reservation?” Faithfully“Will you love and honor each other for the rest of your lives? Fruitfully“Will you accept children lovingly from God?” “The opposite of love is not hate; the opposite of love is use.” - JPII