THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Session 4 Mercy and Love of Neighbour
7 SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY Instruct the ignorant Counsel the doubtful Admonish sinners Bear wrongs patiently Forgive offences willingly Comfort the afflicted Pray for the living and the dead
7 CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Ransom the captive Bury the dead
THE POPE’S PRIORITIES from Misericordiae Vultus Consolation to the poor New forms of slavery Those caught up in themselves Restoring dignity Vision of Isaiah 58: 6-11
SOME PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF MERCY CAFOD SVP Refugees: Catholic Workers, JRS, CSAN and other groups Standing up for the unborn: SPUC, Life Aid to the Church in Need
ANOTHER PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF MERCY Ministry in Prisons History of Catholic community A Place of Redemption Practical work: PACT, Prosper 4....
MERCY IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Living out the option for the poor The dangers of self- interest Supranational organisations and unity Mercy and peace