The Church at Laodicea: Lukewarm REVELATION 3:14-22
Laodicea has the grim distinction of being the only church to which Christ says nothing good about anybody – unsparing condemnation; no redeeming feature.
The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation. “The Amen” is a unique title, and actually may reflect a Hebrew thought, because back in Isaiah 65:16, we read this phrase: “The God of Amen, the God of Amen.” The word amen is often used in Scripture to affirm the truthfulness of a statement, an affirmation. 2 Cor. 1:20 says, “For all the promises of God in Him, in Christ, are yes; and in Him, Amen unto the glory of God. God’s promises are validated in Christ. He is God’s Amen, the One who confirms all divine promises. Isaiah 65:16
He is the faithful and true Witness. – When Christ speaks on behalf of God, His testimony is absolutely true. Jesus is then the Amen of God; the living verification and validation and confirmation of every promise God ever made, every plan God ever established, every covenant He set. Beyond that, everything He Himself says, everything Himself does is sincere and true. This establishes at the very beginning in dealing with this church, that truth is critical.
So when it says, “He is the Beginning of the creation of God,” we can interpret as the primary One. He is the Source of all creation. John tells us in chapter 1 that “everything that was made, was made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.” He is the archē, the leader, the premier one.
The Lord Jesus Christ has the most spiritually sensitive taste buds. – Churches have different flavors and tastes. Jesus has tasted the flavor of the Laodicea, and he says, “You are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” – On a cold day a hot drink is comforting. On a hot day a cold drink is thirst quenching. Spiritual lukewarmness is neither. – It doesn’t seem that he is saying that he wishes them to be passionately for him or passionately against them.
Their own sense of taste had been dulled by this world and by the things of this world. Laodicea was an immensely prosperous city. The earthquake of 68 AD—they had not asked for any assistance from anyone. They rebuilt the city all by themselves. They had intended to penetrate the culture and society of Laodicea with the gospel of Jesus, but instead the culture and society of Laodicea had penetrated the church. I beg you, my brothers, as an act of intelligent worship, to give him your bodies, as a living sacrifice, consecrated to him and acceptable by him. Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mold your minds from within…Romans 12:1,2 JB Phillips
Laodiceans 1. We are rich. 2. God has blessed us. The blessings turn into a curse. 3. We need nothing. Jesus saw: 1. Wretched. 2. Pitiable. 3. Poor. 4. Blind. 5. Naked
He says this because he loves them. Difference of a true church or a true believer from the counterfeit-How we receive the reproach of Jesus. – Does it send an arrow through our heart, or do we defend ourselves? – Do we seek mercy or justification? The issue is spiritual indifference, blindness, and misdirection.
The counsel of Jesus-only the needy Verse 18 Buy from me—more than you are able to pay, but I have already paid it. The gold that Jesus offers costs me nothing. If I take it and I truly experience its worth and value, nothing else will matter nearly so much. Only the hungry—Jesus’ invitation The Laodiceans have excluded Jesus from their church. The Lord of the church has to ask for an invite. Never for the satisfied, the morally justified, or the spiritually indifferent. Repent—he comes and sits with us at table Reordering my priorities, Restoring my true values
The Lord of the church has to ask for an invite. Never for the satisfied, the morally justified, or the spiritually indifferent. Repent—he comes and sits with us at table Reordering my priorities, Restoring my true values