Mock Action Research Proposal Presentation Stephney Davis EDU 671 Instructor: Deborah Naughton June 25, 2015
Area of Focus The purpose of this study is to implement new ways in which teachers can improve parent- teacher communication. In doing so, this will help teachers gain a bigger perspective in getting parents more involved in their child’s academic achievement goals. The information that I will gain from this study will allow me to promote a successful parent- teacher partnership with each family. I feel that the parent-teacher communication contributes to a child’s school success. In building a strong relationship between the teacher and parent will build a sense of partnership within the home and school. Good parent-teacher communication does not just happen. It requires special skills within the teacher such as good listening, kindness, empathy, consideration, and understanding of parent-child relationships.
Explanation of the Problem In our schools today, we are lacking parental involvement in student’s education. Due to the lack of this involvement it is effecting student’s academic development, social skills, and behavior. Over the years, there have been numerous studies directed on how to improve the lack of communication between the teacher and parent; still there is a large amount of parents not involved in their child’s education. Data review states that lack of parent-teacher communication is the leading problem in our school systems today. In addition, 87% of the general public believes that the majority of schools are improved through the support of parents (Williams & Chavkin, 1989, p. 16.)
Description & Justification of Participations Description: The participants throughout my research will be based on the students (22) in my prekindergarten classroom. Justifications: Working within these participants, I feel that throughout my research project I can get a better insight on how to communicate better with parents and find more strategies to keep them involved. At times encouraging parents to become more involved in their child’s education especially in prekindergarten can be a challenge. Within the first few years of a child’s life is vital for a child’s learning and cognitive development. Research has indicated that the long-term benefits of high-qualified pre-k programs have revealed students who attend early education programs at a young age will experience greater academic success and educational achievements (Barnett, 1998, p. 208).
Research Questions What are the best strategies for creating a strong and positive communicating relationship between the teacher and parents? Why parents of prekindergarten students do not take prekindergarten programs seriously? How can teachers design effective forms of school-home communication about child’s academic progress when parent- teacher communication is a challenge? Are teacher created web pages effective in parent-teacher communication?
Intervention/Innovation I would like to bring awareness to this problem and offer solutions after gather the correct data… In our schools today, we are lacking parental involvement in student’s education. Due to the lack of this involvement it is effecting student’s academic development, social skills, and behavior. Each school year teachers are striving to establish new ways to partnership with parents to support student learning. Unfortunately, for a number of teachers they do not have the correct skills needed to communicate effectively with parents. “Strong communication is fundamental to this partnership and to building a sense of community between home and school” (Aronson, 1995, p. 117).
Implementation Within parent-teacher communication it can be a challenge depending on the situation (parent). Every family is different. I intend to implement parent- teacher communication in sequence order through one-way communication (school newsletters, notes, school home behavioral folders, progress reports, and report cards), two-way communication (phone calls, and parent-teacher conference) and communication through technology ( , voice mail, school base website, or video communication).
Data Collection Since I am not teaching at this time due to Summer Break, I will be collecting data throughout internet research and past experiences in my classroom.
Ethical Considerations The main ethical concern associated with my research topic is the barriers to communication with my parents. It is very important that teachers implement an effective relationship among the parents. Just as teachers are skilled in the art of teaching, they also require knowledge and skills to effectively communicate with their parent community. On parental level, a parent’s own negative school experiences may impact positive relationships with teachers, or parents may simply not understand how to effectively interact with the educational system. In regarding these barriers, they can become particularly problematic when such a parent is faced with concerns regarding their own child’s behavior or academic progress.
Action Plan One-way Communication- Daily communication folder is a stable way that requires a careful reflection in regards to the format and content so the parent/s will be able to read and understand the accurate information given. This will be implemented in daily communication that will share information with the parents, mainly for what is going on in the classroom, special learning needs, and behavioral problems. Two-way Communication Phone calls or conferences will be used if one-way communication is not successful. Most parents would rather one-way communication due to their busy schedules but for some two-way communication is better. Parents that are highly involved would rather have the frequent contact through phone calls or face-to-face conferences regarding the situation of the student.
Action Plan Continued…. Classroom website will be available to my parents and students at all times. Through this type of parents-teacher communication parents will be able to view what their child is learning and will be learning throughout the school years, and even get a glimpse at our classroom through pictures.
Reference Aronson, M. M. (1995). Building communication partnerships with parents. Westminster, CA: Teacher Created Materials, Inc. Barnett, W.S.(1998). "Long-term effects on cognitive development and school success," in Barnett, W.S., and Boocock, S.S. (Eds.), Early Care and Education for Children in Poverty, pp , Albany, N.Y: State University of New York Press. Williams, D.L. & Chavkin, N.F. (1989). Essential elements of strong parent involvement programs. Educational Leadership, 47,