Attendance Chronic Absenteeism is 18 or more days absent. This is monitored by the school and the district truancy officer. Students must attend every day and be on time. Being late or tardy causes a loss in instruction time, please be on time. Have a routine established for the morning to ensure you are on time. Perfect attendance star
Drop Off and Pick: Please be sure to read the information on our drop off and pick up procedures. The front parking lot will be closed during drop off and pick up times, but open during the rest of the day. Parking during drop off and pick up will be in the back west lot. Handicap parking in available in the back. Please drop your child off at car B. DO NOT drop them off at the back parking lot. This is VERY dangerous. Your child will be waiting for you under the shade structure at Car pick up B. Please pull forward and wait for you child to come to you. DO NOT get out of your car. Please display the orange car sign prominently on your dash or car visor. Please follow all signs and procedures. Our teachers work hard to provide a safe drop off and pick up for all students. We appreciate your support. Please be sure to fill out the paper about how your child is going home the first day and every other day and leave the paper here tonight. If there is a change of pick up routine please call the office at
Information and Grades Please sign up for school wires. This is how newsletters and other information from the office will come to you. Please sign up for a parent portal if you are new to Andersen. This is where you will be able to view grades and report cards.
School Supplies 2 Laminated or plastic solid color folders. (May be shared so no names please.) Extra pencils (to be shared.) 24 packs of crayons (to be shared.) Glue Sticks (to be shared.) Lunch box (with name) Water bottle (with name) Backpack that can fit the folders, water bottle and lunch.
PTO PTO meetings are the first Monday of the each month at 3:00 in the media center.
Rules from the School No Gum, candy, jewelry, or toys Use playground equipment safely and according to rules. No fighting or inappropriate language Attendance and tardiness Breakfast must be eaten before school in the cafeteria. Parking and Drop off and Pick up areas (All kindergarteners will be using area B this year for drop off and pick up.)
Room Rules Rules are created by class as a whole after discussions. Take care of yourself Take care of your friends Take care of your teacher Take care of your tools
Consequences The stop light system Purple Green Yellow Orange Red Every day is a new day ! Everyone starts out the day with Green. Please sign the front cover of the homework each day and discuss the color with your child.
Positive Environment We work together as a team. We can earn praise, smelly smileys, and special pencils.
First Day of School You can drop off at B, you can walk them to the playground (First 2 days only) or you can walk them to the room (First 2 days only. (social in library) Quick good-byes and kiss in the hand to save Day starts at 8:05 Day ends at 2:35 Tennies everyday? Water bottles (names on) Sunscreen on Car Riders, bus, daycare van, or Kids Express (all will be going to pick up B.) If your child is riding the bus, please go to the media center tonight to fill out paperwork and receive bus tag. Backpack
Drop off between 7:50 and 8:05 (Make sure he/she has time to eat breakfast) Teachers will all be out to help guide them Attendance Child should attend unless fever or throwing up. Cannot return for 24 hours after vomiting. Tardiness We start our day at 8:10. Attendance Morning Message Please eat before school and before going to the playground
Sample of our Day 8:10 Morning Message Reading (whole group) Small group reading/centers Recess Writing 11:15 Lunch Math Specials (music, PE, library) Snack (please bring your own) Science/SS Dismissal at 2:35
Specials Library is Day 1 at 9:40 and Day 4 at 1:00 PE is Day 2 and 5 at 1:00 (Sneakers) Music is Day 3 and 6 at 1:00 6 day rotation calendar is available on the web site.
Celebrations! Birthdays: No birthday celebrations in the classroom. We will sing happy birthday but no food allowed. (Whole class invitations only) Color Days Skate nights Lunch with Principal Assemblies (with awards) PTO events Student Council Events (to be announced) After School Clubs Andy Awards Converse Compliments
School Events July and August 7-25 First day of school Kinder parents can meet in the library 8:10-8: PTO Peter Piper Pizza Red Day 8-08 PTO Meeting 3:00 in library 8-10 Fall Pictures
Snacks We will have a quick snack break at around 1:30. Students should bring their own small, healthy snack from home. Please be sure it is a package they can open and that does not require spoons or refrigeration. Please put the snack in the backpack separate from the lunch box. If they forget, I don’t have any food in the room to give them. Please make sure I am aware of any food allergies.
Volunteer Opportunities Copies (Thursdays or Fridays) Field Day Turkey Trot and Jingle Jog Art Masterpiece Junior Achievement Lunchroom helper for weeks 1 & 2 Cut/rip at home
Student Behavior Behavior color chart (please sign) Ticket system (school wide) Special pencils Smelly Smileys Praise Being put on purple
Our Mission… Our Andersen students inspire, love, learn, and lead with purpose.
Help at Home and Homework Homework will start the second week of school. Homework folders will come home Monday but no homework other than signing and returning papers. Please DO initial the behavior chart color each evening. Homework stays in the folder. All other papers can be cleaned out and left at home, unless it’s a paper you need to sign and return such as picture money, permission slips, etc. those should come back in the homework folders Homework and folders come to school in backpacks every day Have your child sing the alphabet chant each evening until he/she knows all the letters (capital and lower case) and sounds fluently. Use the handwriting chart as a reference when your child is writing. Start good habits now. Give independence and help only when necessary Start working on independence now. Make sure your child can tie shoes, button/snap pants, buckle car seat, etc.
Sight words Sight words are so important in reading. Your child will not be able to progress through our reading program without the knowledge of these basic sight words. Each year your child will be expected to learn additional words. Please work with your child at home to know how to read and spell these words. Make flashcards, play games, use the computer. Sight word flashcards and PowerPoints are available on my website under “Homework”.
Communication Call and leave a message for me (I will not listen until after school). ( ) Call front office and leave a message if you need me to get it during the day. ( ) at Note on the homework cover sheet (I start asking for papers on day 1) Make sure your child knows he/she has a note for me.
Paperwork Please fill out the dismissal information paper (BRIGHT YELLOW), both sides of the emergency card (LIGHT YELLOW), and the media release form (green), BEFORE YOU LEAVE and put in the large clear bin on the back side counter. Please also fill out how your child is getting home on the large chart on the back table. Please complete all other paperwork this week and return to school with your child in his/her homework folder. Kinders can ONLY be picked up at pick up B.