Mrs. Chelsea’s 4 th Grade Class Welcome to our class!
About Me This is my 8 th year teaching at Medina Middle School. I am married to Gary, & we live in Humboldt. We have 2 boys- Cannon & Colt. We have 2 dogs- Hunter & Ella. We go to Chapel Hill Baptist Church in Milan. I am excited to have you in my class!
Morning Routine Unpack your belongings at your locker. Bring with you to class: binder/planner, Math folder, Science folder, supplies, and morning snack. Lunch money should be dropped off in the cafeteria on your way down to class.
Morning Routine Planner Notes from Home- Show me 1 st thing! Get a sharpened pencil. Begin bell work on the board. I will take roll & lunch at that time. You must be in the room by 7:45 or you have to go to the office.
Classroom Helpers Jobs will rotate every Monday. Line Leader- Get in the front of the line. Hall Monitor-Take names in the hallway. Bathroom Monitors- Take names in the bathrooms. Desk Cleaner- Clean desks with Clorox wipes in afternoon (1 per group). Papers/Supplies- Pass out papers, run errands, sharpen all pencils in afternoon.
Classroom Helpers Trash Person- Put all trash cans by the doorway at the end of the day. Board Eraser- Erase board when asked and in the afternoon. Floor Sweeper- Sweep floor in afternoon after already packed up. (You may pick one friend to help.) Computers- Uncover and turn on in the morning. Turn off and cover in the afternoon.
Make-Up Work When you are absent, you must check the folders when you get back and complete make-up work. Tests & quizzes will be kept in a separate folder and will be given by the teacher during recess time.
Standards/Word Wall Check the frames to see our objectives for each day. Words on the word wall will be used to review each day and will also be kept in our vocabulary folders.
Daily Schedule Homeroom Science RTI Bathroom Math Swap Classes Social Studies Lunch Recess Reading/Language Arts Activity Period Finish Reading/Language Arts Swap Back Pack up/ Announcements
Activity Schedule Will be different each week. You will receive a copy of the activity schedule, and it will also be posted each week on my website.
Class Rules 1.Always be prepared! 2.Work quietly! 3.Be respectful! 4.Follow directions! 5.Follow all handbook guidelines!
Behavior Discipline –Green- Great! –Yellow- 10 minutes off recess –Red- Full recess lost –Past red star- visit to office
Behavior Whole Group Rewards –Behavior Bingo Small Group Rewards –Group Points Individual Rewards –Tickets
Homework Complete each night. Not usually given on Wednesdays or Fridays Write in Planner. Planners must be signed each night.
Homework Written on the small board ALWAYS study notes!!! ICU- when homework is not completed
Communication with Parents Planners –Write all assignments down –Get signed every night –Random planner checks will be done throughout the year –Bring to class everyday
Communication with Parents Friday Folders –Graded papers go home on Friday –Parents check and sign over the weekend –Bring folder back to school on Monday
Afternoon Dismissal 2:45 –Early Bus Teacher will walk you down through 3 rd grade hall. –Walkers Walk down to the library and wait to be dismissed.
Afternoon Dismissal 2:47 –Car Riders Teacher will walk you down to the end of our hall to wait in the 4 th grade section. 2:50 –Late Bus Teacher will walk you down to the main gym to sit in the appropriate section.
Other Items Attention Grabbers Classroom Library Homework Club Supply Baskets Star Work Walking in Hall Lunch Room/ Table Washers Behavior in Restrooms Early Finishers Computer Use Cell Phones