Unit 5: Policy Management
2 Objectives Upon the completion of this unit, you will be able to: Explain how IBM Tivoli Storage Manager uses policies to manage data. Build Include/Exclude list to use different policies for backup. Define policy domains. Define policy sets. Define management classes. Define copy groups. Design a policy domain that will manage a client’s data based upon a Service Level Agreement.
3 Policy Management Policy Domain Policy Set Management Class Backup Copy Group Archive Copy Group
4 Centrally Managed by Business Policy Branch Office Backups TSM Server Policy Domain 1 Backup Policy Archive Policy Space Policy Policy Domain 2 Backup Policy Archive Policy Space Policy Centrally defined policies manage data. Allow different types of data to be treated differently. Disk pools Optical pools Tape pools DB WAN
5 How Tivoli Storage Manager Stores Client Data TSM Server TSM DB 1 2 3
6 How Policy-driven Backup Works TSM Server Disk pools Optical pools Tape pools TSM Database Policy Domain Policy Set Management Class Backup Group Backup or Archive Archive Group Archive Group Space Policy copy group
7 Policy Management Overview Policy domain: Appserver Policy set OLD Policy set NEW Policy set ACTIVE MC1 Back CG Arch CG MC2 Arch CG NODES: ACCTREP1 ACCTREP2 MKT1... SCHEDULES: DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY... Grace backup retention Grace archive retention Include c:\taxes\* 7YEARS DSMC Archive -ARCHMc=MC Client Server
8 Policy Domain Windows NT Windows 2000 Server SUN Novell DOMAIN 1 Node names Win2Kname1 Novell AIXname1 Policy set MC Grace period backup Grace period archive DOMAIN 2 Node names DOMAIN n Node names Windows 2000 Server HP SUN AIX Novell DOMAIN 1 Node names Win2Kname1 Novell AIXname1 Policy set MC Grace period backup Grace period archive DOMAIN 2 Node names DOMAIN n Node names
9 Define Domain Command Line Policy Domain DEF DOMAIN Appserver >>--DEFine DOmain--domainname > > > +-DESCription-=-description-+ +-BACKRETention--= > > +-BACKRETention--=--bkretvalue ARCHRETention--= > > +-ARCHRETention--=--archretvalue--+ Appserver
10 Policy Set Overview Collection of management classes Only one active policy set per policy domain Any number of inactive policy sets Contains one default management class Stored in Server Database Policy set names may be 1 to 30 characters Policy domain Policy set OLD Policy set NEW Policy set ACTIVE MC1 STANDARD default MC SPECIAL MC DEPT_M42
11 Define Policyset Command Line >>--DEFine POlicyset--domainname--setname-----> > > +-DESCription--=--description-+ Policy Domain Appserver DEF Policyset Appserver NEW Policy Set NEW092000
12 Management Class Represents a service level agreement. Associated with: backup copy group archive copy group Default management class does not require a backup copy or an archive copy group. Clients may explicitly select a management class. Store in Server Database. Management class names may contain 1 to 30 characters. Copygroup STANDARD type=archive Copygroup STANDARD type=backup MC Space Parm
13 Define Mgmtclass Command Line >>-DEFine MGmtclass--domain_name--policy_set_name--class_name--->.-SPACEMGTECHnique--=--NONE AUTOMIGNOnuse--= > > '-SPACEMGTECHnique--=--+-AUTOmatic-+-'---- +-SELective-+ '-NONE'.-MIGREQUIRESBkup--=--Yes '-MIGREQUIRESBkup--=--+-Yes-+-' '-No--' '-DESCription--=--description--' Define MG Appserver NEW Weekly Policy Domain Appserver MGM Class WEEKLY Policy Set NEW092000
14 Copy Group Parameters that control the generation and expiration of backup and archive data. Two types of copy groups: Backup and Archive. MGMTCLASS can have 0, 1, 2 copy groups. All copy groups are named STANDARD. Copygroup STANDARD type=backup Copygroup STANDARD type=archive MC Space Parm
15 Copy Group Parameters Set of backup parameters frequency mode (modified/absolute) destination copy serialization # versions # versions when file deleted retention days for all but last version retention days for last version when file deleted Set of archive parameters frequency (always Cmd) mode (always ABSolute) destination copy serialization retention days for archive copies
16 Instructor Demonstration
17 Define Backup Copygroup Command Line Standard Weekly >>--DEFine COpygroup--domainname--setname--classname STANDARD---> >--+-Type=Backup-+--DESTination=poolname-+- FREQuency=freqvalue > >--+-VERExists=verevalue--+-VERDeleted=verdvalue--+-- RETExtra=retevalue----> >--+-RETOnly=retovalue---+--MODE=modevalue--+- SERialization=serialvalue----> Policy Domain Appserver DEF CO Appserver NEW Standard NEW Policy Set MGMT Class Copy Group
18 Default Server Policies Policy Domain STANDARD Policy set STANDARD Backup Copy Group STANDARD Archive Copy Group STANDARD BACKRETention=30 ARCHRETention=365 Default domain on REGister Node
19 Default Policy Type= Backup DESTination= Backuppool FREQuency = 0 VERExists= 2 VERDeleted = 1 RETExtra= 30 RETOnly= 60 MODE= MODified SERialization= SHRSTatic Type= Archive DESTination= Archivepool FREQuency = Cmd RETvr= 365 MODE= ABSolute SERialization= SHRSTatic Related Server Option EXPINterval hours
20 Storage Manager File Backup Process C C C C C Resume.doc C= changed DayBackup Versions
21 Storage Manager File Backup Process (cont.) ? C C C C Resume.doc DayBackup Versions A A I A I I A II Gone ? A II A I I A=active I=inactive
22 Storage Manager File Backup Process (cont.) ? C C C ERASE Resume.doc Day Backup Versions AII AI A A=active I=inactive
23 Storage Manager Archive File Management TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY MYFILE.CHT (Retain Archive Copy = n days) Deleted No Versioning
24 Deriving the MC USE: MC specified on INCLUDE otherwise Default MC in policy domain USE: MC specified on – DSMC Archive -ARCHMc= – GUI panel otherwise MC specified on INCLUDE otherwise Default MC in policy domain Incremental/Selective Backup Archive
25 Binding and Rebinding the MC Incremental/Selective Backup MONDAY WEDNESDAY NEW_MC /OLD_MC FRIDAY Inactive versions Active version NEW_MC Archive MONDAY FRIDAY MC_ARCH1 TUESDAY MC_ARCH2 POLICY.TXT n MC bound to file during backup. n All backup versions of a file are bound to the same MC. n Backup versions of a file can be rebound to a different MC. n MC bound to file during archive. n Archive files are never rebound to a different MC. n Different archives of the same file may have a different MC.
26 Rebinding MGMTCLASS to Backup Versions 1 Client changes MGMTCLASS on include MGMTCLASS on include 2 Node assigned to new domain and MGMTCLASS does not exists Default MGMTCLASS 3 MGMTCLASS deleted by administrator Default MGMTCLASS Rebinding Instance:MGMTCLASS used: Rebinding occurs: Client runs next backup (incremental/selective) All backup versions rebound to new MGMTCLASS 4 Node assigned to the new domain that exists That MGMTCLASS
27 Policy Domain Grace Retention Periods Specified on DEFine DOmain command Backup retention grace period (BACKRETention=30). Archive retention grace period (ARCHRETention=365). Used when defaults MGMTCLASS has no copygroup for backup/archive AND... MGMTCLASS for backup no longer contains backup copy group. MGMTCLASS for an archive no longer contains archive copy group. MGMTCLASS no longer exists.
28 ASsign DEFMGmtclass
29 Validate and Activate Policy Set Use the VALIDATE POLICYSET command to verify that a policy set is complete and valid prior to activating it. Use the ACTIVATE POLICYSET command to specify a policy set as the ACTIVE policy set for a policy domain. When a policy set is activated, its contents are copied to a policy set that has the reserved name ACTIVE. ACTivate Policyset domainname setname VALidate Policyset domainname setname
30 Active Policy Set Policy set “New09200” Policy set “Active” ACTIVATE Validated Policy SetActivated Policy Set
31 Instructor Demonstration
32 Student Exercise
33 Key Points Procedure Sequence Summary Policy Management DEFine DOmain DEFine POlicyset DEFine MGmtclass DEFine COpygroup (Type = Backup/Archive) ASsign DEFMGmtclass VALidate POlicyset ACTivate POlicyset
34 Summary You should now be able to: Explain how IBM Tivoli Storage Manager uses policies to manage data. Build Include/Exclude list to use different policies for backup. Define policy domains. Define policy sets. Define management classes. Define copy groups. Design a policy domain that will manage clients data based upon a Service Level Agreement.