The Domain Name System and You Presented by Myself B101 Technology Context Lecturer: Chi Nguyen
What is the Domain Name System? The internet’s phonebook with listings of every website.
Robust Design Distributed Network Worldwide Servers contain only small parts of the Domain Global staff to monitor & fend off attacks
Political Influence Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) UK has little influence on DNS US controls DNS but does not influence YET Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) – Great Firewall of America Great Firewall of China Many governments vying for direct control over DNS for political agendas
DNS Defenseless? Full time worldwide staff to combat physical events and electronic warfare. Attacks: Cache Poisoning: Redirects traffic to fake website Denial of Service (DoS) : One person Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): Thousands of hosts attacking
References Community DNS Network. Server Location Map. Retrieved January 7, 2012 from Conaway, S. (2009, November). The Great Firewall: How China Polices Internet Traffic. Certification Magazine. Retrieved December 1,2011 fromhttp:// Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. (2007). Fact-sheet: Root Server Attack on 6 February Retrieved November 15, 2011 from the ICANN's website: attack-08mar07_v1.1.pdfhttp:// attack-08mar07_v1.1.pdf McCullagh, D. (2011). How SOPA would affect you: FAQ. Retrieved January 4, 2012 from would-affect-you-faq/ would-affect-you-faq/ Naj. (2009). How DNS Works? Retrieved November 14, 2011 from Oracle. Database Administrator’s Guide. Retrieved January 2, 2012 from (2006).