Cause and Effect Learning Objective: Review distinguishing between cause and effect in an expository Today we will review how to distinguish between cause and effect in expository text. cause effect
Check for understanding! What two things are we distinguishing today in language? What type of text are we going to use? causeeffect EXPOSITORY
What will happen if you win the lotery?
A Cause is why something happens David had to miss recess because he did not do his homework We missed out on a pizza party because Miguel was late again. Javier studied hard for the test as a result he received an A.
A Cause is why something happens David had to miss recess because he did not do his homework We missed out on a pizza party because Miguel was late again. Javier studied hard for the test as a result he received an A.
A Cause is why something happens David had to miss recess because he did not do his homework. We missed out on a pizza party because Miguel was late again. Javier studied hard for the test as a result he received an A.
A Cause is why something happens David had to miss recess because he did not do his homework. We missed out on a pizza party because Miguel was late again. Javier studied hard for the test as a result he received an A.
Effect is what happened David had to miss recess because he did not do his homework. We missed out on a pizza party because Miguel was late again. Javier studied hard for the test as a result he received an A.
Effect is what happened David had to miss recess because he did not do his homework. We missed out on a pizza party because Miguel was late again. Javier studied hard for the test as a result he received an A.
Effect is what happened David had to miss recess because he did not do his homework. We missed out on a pizza party because Miguel was late again. Javier studied hard for the test as a result he received an A.
Effect is what happened David had to miss recess because he did not do his homework. We missed out on a pizza party because Miguel was late again. Javier studied hard for the test as a result he received an A.
How can we tell the difference or distinguish between cause and effect? cause To see if something is a cause ask yourself why did it happen? effect To distinguish effect ask yourself what happened? sinceas a resultbecause of becausethereforedue to consequentlyfor this reasonso Clues words that signal cause and effect The girl was hungry, so she ate a piece of pie.
Cause and Effect 1. I could not dance because my feet hurt a lot. 2. Ever since, I got very sick I wash my hand very often. 3. I could not find my keys, so I was late. 4.Rachel and Jose put in too much sugar, therefore the pancakes were extra sweet. Make copies
Closing What did we distinguish today? What is a cause and what is an effect? What are some signal words or phrases to identify some cause and effect relationships? I became proficient in language arts because I practice active listening in class.