Prezi: Benefits of Physical Activity a43-benefits-of-physical-activity/
Fun Theory 0aPyw
REALLY Big Numbers 250,000 1,900,000 $150,000,000,000
Which Systems Benefit? Cardiovascular Digestive Respiratory Skeletal Muscular Nervous Reproductive Endocrine
Benefits of Physical Activity Physical, Social, and Emotional
Physically active people live longer, healthier lives. People who get a good workout almost daily can add nearly four years to their lives.
People who are physically active have fewer diseases. Less heart disease Less obesity Less diabetes Less colon cancer Lower blood pressure and cholesterol Fewer colds and respiratory illnesses
Physically active people have other physical benefits. Fewer sprains, strains Better posture Better balance (less likely to fall) Less fatigue More energy Better able to sleep and rest
Physically active people have emotional benefits. Higher self-esteem More positive body image Less depression Less stress or more manageable stress Less anxiety
Being physically active can improve social well-being. Opportunities for friendship in team and dual activities Potential to meet others Promotion of sportsmanship through sport Opportunities for shared fun, competition, and camaraderie