1 st Grade- Mrs. Bourque Agenda *Daily Folder/Friday Folder/Homework *Florida Standards *Report Card Guidelines *Accelerated Reader *Website
Daily Folder, Friday Folder and Homework Please sign and return daily folder. Friday Folder and newsletter are sent home each Friday in a purple folder. Homework may be sent back any time during the week or on Friday. Please return the Friday folder by Friday of each week.
Florida Standards 1 st grade Florida standards are much tougher than Kindergarten standards Students must be present for school as some activities cannot be done at home (made up)….Attendance is important Your child needs to be able to perform independently and in a group Heavy emphasis on conventions in writing, and integrating science and social studies in reading Tips from the Reading Coach (article) Tips from the Reading Coach (article)
REPORT CARDS AND GRADES Math- classwork, fact fluency test, Go Math Chapter Tests and Learning Checks. Science- classwork, notebooks, and assessments. Social Studies- classwork and assessments. Language Arts- Foundational Skills (fluency, spelling test), Comprehension (Learning Checks and Weekly Reading Assessments) and Communication(Writing). Please keep in mind- a grade of S is quite an accomplishment - be proud and celebrate your child’s growth at all levels.
REPORT CARD GUIDELINES Subjects Math District Assessments 50% Number Fluency 20% Class Wok/Practice 30% Language Arts Foundational Skills 30% Comprehension 40% Communication (writing) 30% Social Studies Assessments 55% Class Work/Participation 45% Science Assessments 40% Science Notebook 30% Class Work/Participation 30%
1 st grade Fast Fact Math Instructional Focus by Month MonthFocus August/SeptemberPlus 1/Plus 0 OctoberDoubles NovemberPlus 2/Plus 3 DecemberSums to 10 JanuaryDoubles (0-9) FebruaryDoubles Plus 1 Mar/Apr/MaySimple Facts- Sums to 18
FLUENCY RATES Target Numbers by Quarter (1 st grade) 1 st Nine Weeks15 wpm 2 nd Nine Weeks30 wpm 3 rd Nine Weeks45 wpm 4 th Nine Weeks53 wpm
Accelerated Reader Please encourage your child to read each night. The goal of Accelerated Reader is to foster independent reading. Accelerated Reader is used only to promote fluency and comprehension. It is not used for a grade. Please visit the media page on our website for additional information about points and reward for Accelerated Reader. AR Home Connect link- ct ct To check if a book is an AR book- go to
ACCELERATED READER GOALS AR grade level goals 4 th -5 th grade-130 pts 3 rd grade- 110 points 2 nd grade- 90 points 1 st grade- 75 points K- 50 points Award Assemblies (2 nd -5 th Students must have 85% or above in average percent correct) 10 points (K and 1 st only)= award at 9 weeks assembly 25 points=award at assembly 50 points= picture on AR wall and award at assembly 75 points= award at assembly 100, 200, 300 etc. points= award at assembly 300+ = award at assembly, Picture on AR wall of Fame
TICKET OUT THE DOOR Please write a question or comment about any concerns you have on a yellow sticky note and leave on the parking lot