And Off we go …..  A Little About Me  Volunteers ( schedule on my website)  Volunteer Training on August 4 th after school in Room 6!  Take your puzzle.


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Presentation transcript:

And Off we go …..  A Little About Me  Volunteers ( schedule on my website)  Volunteer Training on August 4 th after school in Room 6!  Take your puzzle and leave a book mark on your child’s desk  Please complete permission slip and leave or return tomorrow  Question cards in the back  Sign-ups in the back  Curriculum Resources on the side u-table

School and Class InfoSchool and Class Info  Pick up and drop off 7:45 & 1:57 (Wed. 1:17)  Donations (class store and $13)  Healthy Snack (separate) and Lunch, allergies, water bottles ok (sport top)  Lost and Found-Label everything  Value – Positive Mental Attitude  Birthdays- no food  Star of the Week  Class Management- Mighty Mustangs LEAD cards drawing, Shell dollars, Table Points, Marbles  ACE Classes

Support our children, by supporting the PTA! o 100% of the funds raised will be used by the PTA to support Woodbury students through programs like art, music, assemblies, lunchtime activities, as well as weekly physical activities led by City Fitness! o The PTA supports the Woodbury staff with various school supplies such as student planners, conduit/daily folders, classroom books, as well as the new computers for the pod! Please feel free to donate ANY amount to the PTA during the Pledge Drive and the Jog-A-Thon. Our class goal is to have 100% participation for both events! o Your contributions will be the foundation on which your child will build his/her elementary experience. o Pledge Drive and Spirit Wear-on PTA website and sent through an . o Thank you again for your philanthropy!!

Communication o Daily Take Home Folder-Please check each day and return any papers. Please remind your child to bring it back each day. o Weekly updates and reminders o Instagram: Find and follow our class on Instagram at wo_ehlers! o The account is private. o Please make sure your name is somewhere on the account so I can respond to your request. o Classroom Websites

Website and more…..  Class Website Class Website  Or through our school website  Announcements-check often  Daily Schedule

Homework 2 nd Grade Homework Policy o Begins next week o Math pages, sight words-Fry’s Sight Words App, math facts o Math pages will be listed on our class website each week if the contract is misplaced. o Please do not lose the homework book. Pages can be downloaded if it is misplaced. o Spelling Words-Word Study (look on website for word study homework) o Homework Contract o Purpose: independence, responsibility, reinforcement, time management o Set a time to work with your child o Review your child’s homework o Silent read 10 minutes/night


Curriculum 1. Language Arts o RTI- 4 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday) o Methods of Instruction: Whole class, small groups o Close reading of text, literary analysis 2. Common Assessments 3. FLEXIBLE! (Based on each child’s strengths and needs) 4. Grading-starts, corrections, +,, -

Oral Language ScheduleOral Language Schedule  Schedule is posted on our website  We will have Oral Presentations every Thursday  Each presentation should be no longer than 3-4 minutes.  Please work with your child on this assignment so they will feel confident and prepared when making their presentation. Encourage your child to practice their presentation several times.  They may use note cards if it helps them, but I do encourage them to practice. They may bring in things to show as well (artifact, poster, etc.). The presentation can also be in digital form (PowerPoint, Prezi, video).

Writing ProcessWriting Process  Daily writing activities using Unit of Study (persuasive, informative, narrative) Thinking Maps in Writing Journal Organizing a paragraph:  Topic sentence  Details  Concluding sentence  Indent  Correct punctuation  Steps for successful writing  Grammar: proper nouns, verbs, parts of speech

Spelling Word Study Switch to a different spelling teacher depending on needs Lesson on Mondays Test on Fridays Homework every night –Monday: Introduce and sort new words –Tuesday: Blind Sort –Wednesday: Speed Sort –Thursday: Writing Sort –Friday: Students will be assessed on the week's words.

Math  Go Math to meet CC state standards (place value up to 1,000, measurement, geometry, subtraction and addition with regrouping)  Manipulatives- hands-on experience  Problem Solving-discussing and explaining how a problem is solved Creating videos on iPad to teach concepts  Math Facts tested each week. Please practice at home as knowing math facts fluently helps with confidence and automaticity during lessons.

Science and Social Studies Science: 1. Pebbles, Sand, & Silt 2. Balance & Motion 3. Insects & Plants o Science Rotations with second grade teachers, Investigation, experiments, recording data in Science Journal o Note taking skills o HANDS ON! Social Studies: 1. Scott Foresman booklets (no textbook) 2. Trip Around the World to the 7 continents-incorporates standards, create artifacts 3. Interactive Social Studies Journal

Physical EducationPhysical Education  3 days a week: Mondays (City Fitness), Tuesdays, and Thursdays  Wear tennis shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) and appropriate clothes each day to school!

Music/Computer LabMusic/Computer Lab Formal music instruction every other Tuesday Computer Lab every Friday: PowerPoints, newsletters, typing skills, RAZ Kids, Accelerated Reader, ST Math and First in Math Technology in class: Math rotations, iPad to create projects such as iMovie and iBooks, Microsoft Office, online research

Conference WeekConference Week  August 27th through September 3rd are Goal Setting Conferences. This conference DOES include your child. At this conference we will discuss your child's strengths and areas of focus to help your child have a successful school year.  Complete the Goal Setting Conference form by August 20th. This will help prepare us for our time together and make our conference most successful.  On Monday, August 31st, there is no school for students. This is an all day conference day for teachers and parents.  Thursday, August 27th and Friday, August, 28th, as well as Tuesday, September 1st - Thursday, September 3rd, we will be operating on a Minimum Day schedule, with dismissal at 1:17 p.m.  Please make sure that your child is picked up on time. Thank you for the support!

New beginnings on the horizon…

Thank you for being here tonight! Looking forward to a great year!