Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 4552 Image Title The holie Bible. London, 1568 Source Title The. holie. Bible. Image Details binding, from a 4x5 color transparency Source Created or Published [1568] Physical Description binding Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2099 Copy 3 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Title (Hamnet) Bishops' Bible Title (Hamnet) The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe Title (Hamnet) The. holie. Bible. Title (Hamnet) The newe testament of our saviour Jesus Christe Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) in povvles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [1568]] Physical Description (Hamnet) [25], cxxviii, clxxxv, xlvi, xlix-cciii, cxviii, clii, clv, clix l. : ill., maps ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Made-up copies (Publishing) rbpub DFo Associated Name (Hamnet) Parker, Matthew, Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: pi ⁸ *¹ ⁰ ²* ⁸ A-Q ⁸ ; A-Y ⁸ Z¹ ⁰ ; A-E ⁸ F ⁶ G-2A ⁸ 2B¹²; A-O ⁸ P ⁶ ; A-T ⁸ U ⁶. Notes (Hamnet) Imprint from colophon. Notes (Hamnet) Date of publication suggested by STC (2nd ed.). Notes (Hamnet) Includes Apocrypha. Notes (Hamnet) Each part has divisional title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) Imperfect: tightly bound, with loss of inner margin print. Notes (Hamnet) In five parts. Notes (Hamnet) Numerous errors in paging. Notes (Hamnet) "The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe" has engraved title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) "A revision of the Great Bible version, undertaken by Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, with the assistance of many bishops and well known Biblical scholars. In correcting the Great Bible, both the Hebrew and Greek originals were consulted."--NUC pre-1956 imprints. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S1185 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Crimson velvet binding with engraved silver clasps and bosses with Tudor roses and Elizabeth I's coat of arms (rebacked). Possibly a made-up copy. Pt. 1, *2-10 bound after pi1, ²*7 bound after *1; pt. 1: ²*8 and pt. 5, U6, blanks, lacking. Purchased at Sotheby's July 3, 1922 (lot 1066). Provenance: a presentation copy to Queen Elizabeth that was probably used in her private chapel; Honywood family library - Michael Tomkinson copy (with their bookplates) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2099 Copy 3
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 4549 Image Title The holie Bible. London, Title page from a copy presented to Queen Elizabeth I Source Title The. holie. Bible. Image Details title page, from a 4x5 color transparency Source Created or Published [1568] Physical Description title page Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2099 Copy 3 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Title (Hamnet) Bishops' Bible Title (Hamnet) The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe Title (Hamnet) The. holie. Bible. Title (Hamnet) The newe testament of our saviour Jesus Christe Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) in povvles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [1568]] Physical Description (Hamnet) [25], cxxviii, clxxxv, xlvi, xlix-cciii, cxviii, clii, clv, clix l. : ill., maps ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Made-up copies (Publishing) rbpub DFo Associated Name (Hamnet) Parker, Matthew, Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: pi ⁸ *¹ ⁰ ²* ⁸ A-Q ⁸ ; A-Y ⁸ Z¹ ⁰ ; A-E ⁸ F ⁶ G-2A ⁸ 2B¹²; A-O ⁸ P ⁶ ; A-T ⁸ U ⁶. Notes (Hamnet) Imprint from colophon. Notes (Hamnet) Date of publication suggested by STC (2nd ed.). Notes (Hamnet) Includes Apocrypha. Notes (Hamnet) Each part has divisional title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) Imperfect: tightly bound, with loss of inner margin print. Notes (Hamnet) In five parts. Notes (Hamnet) Numerous errors in paging. Notes (Hamnet) "The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe" has engraved title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) "A revision of the Great Bible version, undertaken by Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, with the assistance of many bishops and well known Biblical scholars. In correcting the Great Bible, both the Hebrew and Greek originals were consulted."--NUC pre-1956 imprints. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S1185 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Crimson velvet binding with engraved silver clasps and bosses with Tudor roses and Elizabeth I's coat of arms (rebacked). Possibly a made-up copy. Pt. 1, *2-10 bound after pi1, ²*7 bound after *1; pt. 1: ²*8 and pt. 5, U6, blanks, lacking. Purchased at Sotheby's July 3, 1922 (lot 1066). Provenance: a presentation copy to Queen Elizabeth that was probably used in her private chapel; Honywood family library - Michael Tomkinson copy (with their bookplates) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2099 Copy 3
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 4550 Image Title Franz Hogenberg. Engraved portrait of Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester. In The holie Bible. London, 1568 Source Title The. holie. Bible. Image Details page with portrait of Leicester, from a 4x5 color transparency Source Created or Published [1568] Physical Description page with portrait of Leicester Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2099 Copy 3 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Title (Hamnet) Bishops' Bible Title (Hamnet) The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe Title (Hamnet) The. holie. Bible. Title (Hamnet) The newe testament of our saviour Jesus Christe Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) in povvles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [1568]] Physical Description (Hamnet) [25], cxxviii, clxxxv, xlvi, xlix-cciii, cxviii, clii, clv, clix l. : ill., maps ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Made-up copies (Publishing) rbpub DFo Associated Name (Hamnet) Parker, Matthew, Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: pi ⁸ *¹ ⁰ ²* ⁸ A-Q ⁸ ; A-Y ⁸ Z¹ ⁰ ; A-E ⁸ F ⁶ G-2A ⁸ 2B¹²; A-O ⁸ P ⁶ ; A-T ⁸ U ⁶. Notes (Hamnet) Date of publication suggested by STC (2nd ed.). Notes (Hamnet) Includes Apocrypha. Notes (Hamnet) Each part has divisional title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) Imperfect: tightly bound, with loss of inner margin print. Notes (Hamnet) Imprint from colophon. Notes (Hamnet) In five parts. Notes (Hamnet) Numerous errors in paging. Notes (Hamnet) "The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe" has engraved title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) "A revision of the Great Bible version, undertaken by Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, with the assistance of many bishops and well known Biblical scholars. In correcting the Great Bible, both the Hebrew and Greek originals were consulted."--NUC pre-1956 imprints. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S1185 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Crimson velvet binding with engraved silver clasps and bosses with Tudor roses and Elizabeth I's coat of arms (rebacked). Possibly a made-up copy. Pt. 1, *2-10 bound after pi1, ²*7 bound after *1; pt. 1: ²*8 and pt. 5, U6, blanks, lacking. Purchased at Sotheby's July 3, 1922 (lot 1066). Provenance: a presentation copy to Queen Elizabeth that was probably used in her private chapel; Honywood family library - Michael Tomkinson copy (with their bookplates) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2099 Copy 3
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 6760 Source Title The. holie. Bible. Bishops' Bible Source Created or Published [1568] Physical Description f. A(ii) recto, contains colored portrait of Cecil. Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC 2099 Copy 3 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Title (Hamnet) The. holie. Bible. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [Imprinted at London : Publisher (Hamnet) in povvles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [1568]] Physical Description (Hamnet) [25], cxxviii, clxxxv, xlvi, xlix-cciii, cxviii, clii, clv, clix l. : ill., maps ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Made-up copies (Publishing) DFo Associated Name (Hamnet) Parker, Matthew, Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: pi ⁸ *¹ ⁰ ²* ⁸ A-Q ⁸ ; A-Y ⁸ Z¹ ⁰ ; A-E ⁸ F ⁶ G-2A ⁸ 2B¹²; A-O ⁸ P ⁶ ; A-T ⁸ U ⁶. Notes (Hamnet) Date of publication suggested by STC (2nd ed.). Notes (Hamnet) Each part has divisional title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) Imperfect: tightly bound, with loss of inner margin print. Notes (Hamnet) Imprint from colophon. Notes (Hamnet) Includes Apocrypha. Notes (Hamnet) Numerous errors in paging. Notes (Hamnet) "The nevve testament of our saviour Iesus Christe" has engraved title page and separate pagination. Notes (Hamnet) "A revision of the Great Bible version, undertaken by Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury, with the assistance of many bishops and well known Biblical scholars. In correcting the Great Bible, both the Hebrew and Greek originals were consulted."--NUC pre-1956 imprints. Notes (Hamnet) In five parts. Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S1185 Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Crimson velvet binding with engraved silver clasps and bosses with Tudor roses and Elizabeth I's coat of arms (rebacked). Possibly a made-up copy. Pt. 1, *2-10 bound after pi1, ²*7 bound after *1; pt. 1: ²*8 and pt. 5, U6, blanks, lacking. Purchased at Sotheby's July 3, 1922 (lot 1066). Provenance: a presentation copy to Queen Elizabeth that was probably used in her private chapel; Honywood family library - Michael Tomkinson copy (with their bookplates) Call Number (Hamnet) STC 2099 Copy 3