Presentation outline Introduction Background Funding support of ARDS Types of Data Collected ARDS Data Flow Function of ARDS at LGA Level Benefits of ARDS Challenges for ARDS Implementation Success Same district crop calendar 2
INTRODUCTION Agricultural Routine Data System (ARDS) is a system whereby agricultural performance information are collected, managed and transmitted from LGAs to the ASLMs through Regions. The ARDS is composed of; 1) The VAEO/WAEO Format (Village/Ward Format),VAEO/WAEO 2) The Integrated Data Collection Format (District format), andIntegrated 3) The ARDS Local Government Monitoring Database 2 (ARDS-LGMD2/2i, a computer software which transmits data from LGAs to ASLMs via Regions) WAEO: Ward Agricultural Extension Officer, VAEO: Village Agricultural Extension Officer
Background ARDS started in It was piloted for one year (2009/2010) in 4 LGAs in Morogoro and Dodoma regions, and became successful. Rolled out to all LGAs (2011 to March 2014) through a series of training for VAEO/WAEOs, LGAs staff and RS on how to collect, manage and utilize the data. ARDS has been officially authorized by PMO-RALG to be an official data collection system effective from September 25, 2014,Letter (Ref. No. AH.9/275/01B/51). 4
Funding support of the ARDS Funding support for the development of the ARDS- LGMD2i is provided from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 5
Types of data collected VAEO/WAEO Monthly Report VAEO/WAEO Quarterly Report VAEO/WAEO Annual Report 1.Weather condition, 2.Activity summary 3.Planted Area to each crop, Yield, Production and Prices 4.Plant Health Services 5.Livestock Slaughtered 6.Meat Inspection 7.Livestock Products 8.Livestock Health 9.Achievements and Challenges 10.Visitors 1.Village Food Situation 2.Farmers Groups/ SACCOs 3.Extension Services 4.Biological Crop Control Measures 5.Irrigation (planted area, production, etc.) 6.Soil Erosion 7.Area Cultivated and Means of Cultivation 1.Population and number of households 2.Irrigation (water source, area, Irrigation Organization members, etc.) 3.Contract Farming 4.Machines-Agricultural, Livestock and Fisheries 5.Extension Services (FFS) 6.Input Use 7.Livestock Population 8.Livestock Infrastructure 9.Rangeland 10.Pasture 11.Area covered by TV, Radio and Telecommunication 6
Data flow in ARDS Data are delivered from Local government Authorities (LGAs) to Agricultural sector lead ministries(ASLMs) via Region by using VAEO/WAEO format 7
Data flow in ARDS 8
Functions of ARDS-LGMD2i at District level ARDS-LGMD2i enables the user at District level to carry out the following functions: Enter monthly, quarterly, annually ward agricultural sector information from completed data collection forms (VAEO/WAEO format). Obtain district aggregate data automatically. Enter quarterly, annually district agricultural sector information from completed data collection forms. Validate the entered data and check for obvious errors. 11
Functions of ARDS-LGMD2i at District level Print the hardcopy of the entered data. Report generation Printout of monthly, quarter and annually ward report District report for monthly, quarterly and annually District integrated report for quarter and annual Export the entered data locally in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word or PDF format. Upload the entered data, through the internet, to the region via the main LGMD2i server. 12
Functions of ARDS-LGMD2i at District level Receive any comments from the region about any unapproved data sent to the main LGMD2i server. Edit data for final approval by the region and send to the LGMD2i server. Export the entered data as a local file for sending to the regional and national headquarters, via a flash disk or by where no internet connection is available on the computer on which LGMD2i is running. View the status of each report in the system. 13
RESPONSIBLE STUFFS AT DISTRICT LEVELS (SAME). District agricultural statistician officer – From department of Agriculture, irrigation and cooperation District monitoring and evaluation officer – From department of Livestock and Fisheries. 14
OUR ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Distribute VAEO/WAEO forms to all villages/wards Distribute VAEO/WAEO forms to all villages/wards Collect filled-in WAEO format on time Collect filled-in WAEO format on time Check quality of data from the forms submitted by WAOEsAnalyze Data Check quality of data from the forms submitted by WAOEsAnalyze Data Enter Data into LGMD2i, Enter Data into LGMD2i, Prepare report for the district, Prepare report for the district, Submit district level information to regions / ASLMs using LGMD2i Submit district level information to regions / ASLMs using LGMD2i 15
Benefits of ARDS (for LGAs) For LGAs, easy and quick response to questionnaires from ASLMs and other ministries. Receiving less number of questionnaires todays. Data are standardized so overlapping and duplication in questions is reduced. 16
Data are standardized. Easy to aggregate the data into district figure. Quality of the reports will be better by the standardization. Easy to keep agricultural data in order at district. Data are easily used for planning. 17 Benefits of ARDS (for LGAs)
Benefits for ARDS (for Region, National) For Regions, easy access to LGAs’ data, information and technical reports. Data can be used to analyze and plan the Agricultural development of the Region. For National, easy and efficient data communication and technical reports between LGAs and Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries (ASLMs). Reduce the number questionnaires sent (or visits) to LGAs for data/information collection. 18
Challenges for ARDS implementation. Budget for ARDS – LGAs to enable Printing of the hard copies for VAEO’s and WAEO’s and other cost. Supervision of data collection. Data sharing/transfer due to problem of netwerk connection 19
Success in ARDS System ARDS Web Portal: http// has been development by which ARDS data is now uploaded and can be viewed through internet. 20
Success in ARDS System 21