THE KEY NOTE SPEECH OF SUB THEME FOUR: Quality initiatives in access to safe water, waste management, and basic sanitation in household, schools, health.


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Presentation transcript:

THE KEY NOTE SPEECH OF SUB THEME FOUR: Quality initiatives in access to safe water, waste management, and basic sanitation in household, schools, health facilities, cities, and urban settings. BY Dr. HENOCK NGONYANI Public Health Specialist 1

PRESENTATION OUTLINE Overview: MDG 7 - Ensure Environmental Sustainability Quality Improvement contribution to safe water and sanitation Challenges Lessons learnt 2

MDG 7: Ensure Environmental sustainability Targets and Indicators Four targets: 7A. Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources. 7B. Reduce biodiversity loss achieving by 2010, significant reduction in the rate of loss. 7C. Halve by 2015 the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. 7B. Achieve by 2020 a significant improvement in the lives of a least 100 millions slum dwellers 3

7A:Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources Environmental policies and management The Environmental Management Act (EMA) includes provisions for institutional responsibilities with regard to environmental management, environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, pollution prevention and control, waste management, environmental standards 4

7B. Reduce biodiversity loss achieving by 2010, significant reduction in the rate of loss (1/3) Indicator: 7.1 Proportion of land area covered by forest and land degradation With a total land area of 94.5 million hectares Tanzania has over 34 million hectares (36%)covered by natural forests and woodlands. About 16 million hectares of forests (47%) is unprotected. The rate of deforestation per annum ranges from 130,000 hectares to 500,000 hectares, threatening the large part of unprotected forests. 5

7B. Reduce biodiversity loss achieving by 2010, significant reduction in the rate of loss (2/3) As land degradation increases across the globe: the status of human health is affected by the changing ecological systems that play host to various pathogens. Solution: Need to incorporate sustainable living practices into daily life, many forerunners of biological disease can be avoided, Instances of epidemics or premature death can be prevented 6

Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (1/2) 7

8 Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (2/2)

7C: Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (1/2) Indicator 7.8: Proportion of population using improved drinking water source The proportion of people served by the 19 urban water authorities and who use drinking water from improved sources increased from 74% in 2005 to 84% in December In the rural areas only some improvements registered: The population with access to clean and safe water in rural areas increased from 53.1% in 2005 to ONLY 58.7% in

7C: Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (2/2) Indicator 7.9: Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility. Tanzania is facing a sanitation crisis The 2012 census data indicate that, 8% of households in Tanzania Mainland did not have toilet facilities. 10

7C: Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (SCHOOLS) 11

7C: Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (HEALTH FACILITIES) The 2014 assessment of HCWM best practices in health facilities that involved 17 regions revealed: 89% of the health facilities lacked sufficient colour coded waste bins 80% of the health facilities had no plans for HCWM. 53% of the health facilities had no designated officer for HCWM. Among the health facilities that had a designated officer for HCWM, 95% had no job description for HCWM officer. 12

7C: Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (Waste Management in urban areas 1/3) The country's profile in Waste Atlas Platform shows that currently (2012) 16.9 million tonnes of MSW or 365 kg/cap/year are producedWaste Atlas Solid waste is defined as any solid, discarded material generated by municipal, industrial, or agricultural practices In Dar es Salaam, residents generate approximately 0.31 kg of waste per capita. Residents of squatter areas – rural regions between cities – produce only 0.17 kg per capita on average 13

7C: Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (Waste Management in urban areas 2/3) 14 Source: Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Projects 2011, Waste Management Projects Proposals

7C: Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation: A Key to achieving other MDGs (Waste Managt in urban areas 3/3) The Pugu dump site is the only authorized site in DSM for the receipt of solid non-hazardous wastes. It was originally intended to be designed and operated as a sanitary landfill meeting international norms. The site should meet the following basic requirements: None of these most basic requirements are being met at present. The site is operated as an open dump with wastes scattered across the 65 hectares. 15 Formal cell developmentFenced with a gate Leachate management A plan for waste pickers Landfill gas management Daily records of the volume, type and source of waste Daily soil cover, final soil cover and a compaction process

7D.Achieve by 2020 a significant improvement in the lives of a least 100 millions slum dwellers Indicator 7.10: Proportion of urban population living in slums Commission on Sustainable Development (2008), found that 70% of urban residents in most cities in Tanzania live in slums or squatters. Housing shortage contributes to overcrowding (>2 persons per room) Conditions of most housing in the urban centres is not all that good. Current studies indicate that about 32% are in bad, 51% in fair, and 17% in good condition. Lack of appropriate policies on housing development have contributed: Acquisition of building plots, land title, building permit, housing credit facilities and the operation of the main stakeholders in housing development in the country. 16

2.0Contribution of QI in Accessing Safe Water, and Basic Sanitation GoT is collaborating with UNICEF on:  Development and implementation of a standard household package access to improved sanitation facilities, hygiene promotion with a focus on hand-washing with soap and promotion of household water treatment and storage  Formulating a National Sanitation Plan with clear targets, time lines and funding requirements Use available evidence from the research to guide development of an Action Plan to improve water treatment and storage at household level and reduce diarrhoea and other diseases associated with unsafe drinking water 17

3.0Challenges in accessing safe water and basic sanitation Slow up-take of mainstreaming of environment at sector MDAs level Limited public awareness of scientific methods of exploitation of natural resources. Surging population growth and poverty, subsistence agriculture, fuel wood collection, timber extraction, and hunting. Inadequate expertise in policy formulation, management and implementation of environmental tools and laws at central and LGA level. Lapses in enforcement of existing laws and institutions, leading to loss of gov ernment revenue and illegal drain (export) of the country’s natural resources. Conflicts over use of natural resources. 18

4.0Lessons learnt to address challenges in accessing safe water and basic sanitation (1/2) Key ministries and agencies need to develop a JOINT resource mobilization strategy for school WASH to ensure sustained availability of resources and provide water, Sanitation and Hygiene in all schools of Tanzania, including the most under-served areas. There is urgent need to develop WASH guidelines and Monitoring System Tools with roll out implementation to ensure all schools in the country are implementing the same School WASH guidelines. There is need to ensure a harmonized approach for sanitation and hygiene and national dissemination of Sanitation and Hygiene Policy. 19

4.0Lessons learnt to address challenges in accessing safe water and basic sanitation (2/2) There is need to develop health promotion strategies and implementation of evidence based communication programs relating to WASH behaviors. There is need to improve sector governance including advocating and supporting the reduction of sector disparities. There is an urgent need to pre- position the essential WASH emergency supplies in strategic locations for rapid deployment during emergencies, including emergency IEC materials. 20

Thank you for your attention 21