Spanish Research, Education and Social Protection System in the European Context At the bottom of the pile... Investment in Education - Public & Private Tertiary Education Investment [% GDP]3 rd - Total Investment in Tertiary Education per Student [PPP]3 rd Social Protection: - Investment per capita [PPS]1 st Development: - Human Development Index (HDI) 3 rd EU-15 Pos. from the bottom 3 rd 4 th 3 rd 2 nd 3 rd - Total Investment [% GDP] 2 nd - Readiness for the Future Index3 rd Among the worst... Investment in R&D [% GDP] # Patents / mill. population # Researchers / 1000 workforce Composite Indicator of Investment in the Knowledge-based Economy - Total Investment in Education per capita [euros] Situation of Young Researchers
In general: no labour rights and social protection The Precariousness’ Paradoxes... income / labour relation A heterogenous situation: INCOME through studentships or the so-called 2+2 in some regions, contracts are still an exception student status in the first 2 years, then neither students nor workers Work produced is on formation and does not create a labour relation training / production training / production Research activity of young researchers is exclusively training and no training programs or evaluation exit for their supervisors About half of Spanish scientific production comes from young researchers in training Current Situation:
“Estatuto del becario” Grant-holder charter “Estatuto del becario” Public Health insurance A very basal contribution to the social security system FJI has appealed against this law to the Supreme Court What has improved? NO unemployment benefits (ESRs are NOT considered as workers) This law will only affect those ESRs in possession of a DEA or doctor degree many grants are not included Only if the grant funding entity voluntarily agrees to follow this prescription many grants are not included Why is it not acceptable?
-Created by the FJI to try to solve problems found along the professional life of the researcher in Spain. -In particular: I) Guarantee labour rights for any researcher II) Minimize laboral interruptions III) Avoid the excess of burocracy IV) Develop research of quality “Career Path” document
Raising Society and Politicians’ Awareness: Conferences, Media, Institutional Meetings FJI organizes the II Meeting of Young Researchers in Zaragoza, Spain More than a hundred articles in local, national and international press, several radio interviews, and a few interviews/news on TV. During 2003, many high-level meetings with National and Regional Governmental Representatives, Political Parties, Trade Unions, and with Universities and Research Centres. (12-13/02/2004)
Pushing politicians to do something: Demonstrations A big demonstration in Madrid with more than 2000 young researchers, from all over Spain (13/06/2003) Precarious Researcher’s day (8/5/2003) Burial of Science, simultaneously in different cities across the whole country (4/11/2003) Many smaller concentrations and protest acts through the year and throughout the country.
Other initiatives: CALENDER: CALENDER: Spanish ESRs naked to condemn the precarious working conditions and call the attention of the press. ESRs become debt collectors in Valencia and follow politicians to denounce the continous delays in the payment of grants
Change of government- Changes for us? 2+2-models for ESRs Contracts for ERs Increase of the S&T budget in 25% per year. (from the actual 0.96% of GDP, up to 2% in 4 years) Promises … … we will have to wait for them to take action
Federación de Jóvenes Investigadores / PRECARIOS Young Researchers Federation / PRECARIOS
Federación de Jóvenes Investigadores / PRECARIOS Young Researchers Federation / PRECARIOS