Aim #84: What were the key moments in the civil rights movement? Do now! 1.Please take out your packet of documents, read document #4 (Brown v. Board of Education) and answer questions 2. have out your homework and be prepared to discuss what 2 events you chose as to what typified the movement
The Civil Rights Movement prior to 1954 Pre-1900 Opposition to slavery in colonial days Abolition movement and Civil War Legalized racism after Reconstruction 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson allowed the segregation of African Americans and whites. To 1930 Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois Founding of the NAACP in 1909 African Americans suffered worse than others during the Great Depression. Roosevelt unwilling to push too hard for greater African American rights. To 1940 A. Philip Randolph forced a federal ban against discrimination in defense work. 1940s founding of CORE President Truman desegregated the armed forces. Brooklyn Dodgers put an African American—Jackie Robinson—on its roster.
(I) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) a.Desegregation campaign led largely by NAACP 1.Thurgood Marshall: lawyer for NAACP and later 1 st African American Supreme Court b. The Court also considered research about segregation’s effects on African American children. c. Decision by Earl Warren (9-0 unanimous decision) 1. Separate schools for black and whites violate the Constitution’s 14 th amendment’s guarantee of equal protection of the law Linda Brown (above) and Thurgood Marshall (below)
(II) Emmett Till (1955) (III) Montgomery Bus Boycott a.began after the Rosa Parks arrest for refusing to give up her seat b. Lasted for a year which hurt bus system and other white businesses c. Supreme Court ruled that segregation on buses was unconstitutional d. This success led to the rise of MLK as a civil rights leader Question: Why do you think that murder of Emmett Till was such a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement?
(IV) Crisis in Little Rock (1957) a.the governor (Orval Faubus) violated a federal court order to integrate Little Rock’s Central High School and used the National Guard to prevent desegregation of the Central High School b. President Eisenhower had to send in federal troops to escort the 9 black children to school (V) Civil Rights Act of 1957 a. it also created a U.S. Civil Rights Commission charged with investigating allegations of voter infringement Interesting Historical Fact! Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, an ardent segregationist, sustained the longest one-person filibuster in history in an attempt to keep the bill from becoming law. His one-man filibuster lasted 24 hours and 18 minutes; he began with readings of every state's election laws in alphabetical order.SenatorStrom ThurmondSouth Carolinasegregationistfilibusterstate'selection laws
Integrating Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas (1957) Governor Orval Faubus