Polish Christmas traditions
Cristmas tree Dress-up usually on Christmas Eve and Dec. 23. Used to be adorned with bundles of hay or branches. With time, the habit of bringing home to dress in various ornaments pine trees, he moved from Germany to other Christian countries. Christmas decorations should be associated with the symbolism of Christmas, and at the top of the Christmas ornament hangs in the shape of a star of Bethlehem. Once hung apples, which probably symbolized the biblical parable of Adam and Eve, now apple replace glass baubles. Green tree is a symbol of life and the birth of the Savior. Christmas tree lights should be lit for the first time after the appearance of the first star.
Wafer Its name comes from the Latin word oblatum and means the same as the offering. It is nothing more than a thin piece of baked flour and water. Appear on the images associated with Christmas. Sharing the bread has its roots in pagan traditions. As time passed it permanently to the Christian traditions, and today we share the wafer before the Christmas Eve supper, we make a wish. Requests we make ourselves while sharing the wafer to be honest, forgive yourself then all blame to sit down to dinner at peace and pure hearts.
Christmas hay We put them under a white cloth on the table where we eat Christmas Eve dinner. Obviously symbolizes a place in which Jesus was born - nativity scene and hay, which lay at birth.
Christmas carols They begin to sing at the Christmas table. These are songs that tell about the birth of the Lord. Their name comes from the Latin - Calendae, which marked the first day of the month. The first "Christmas carols" were sung by the Romans in the solemn celebration of the first of January, then took the habit of singing songs of Christians to honor the birth of Jesus. The oldest Polish Christmas carol is "Healthy or angel king" and dates from around 1420.
Gifts The nicest, for many, the practice of Christmas. Today, it is mainly associated to Christmas. Originally, this custom was associated only with the person of St. Nicholas, now, for Luther, we assume that these are gifts from the baby Jesus
Christmas stable In it, Jesus was born. It is also a symbol of ourselves. We are like a christmas stable, which is not always clear, in which good and evil are intertwined. But it is to the stable, and therefore to us, ordinary people, comes Jesus illuminates our life and gives us hope, love and faith. God is born in us!
shepherdess Traditional Mass celebrated on the night of 24 to 25 December. Shepherds watch symbolizes the manger of Jesus. We participate in it together with your loved ones. is the most important moment in time Christmas.
It symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which was accompanied by the appearance of the birth of Jesus. Thanks to the shepherds, the Magi could reach the place of birth of the Savior. Today, we expect the first star, which appears in the Christmas sky. Only when it can shine, according to tradition, to sit at the table and divide the wafer.
12 dishes Christmas Eve 12 dishes Christmas Eve to symbolize the 12 apostles, the dishes should be fasting. Priests call for the preservation of this tradition, but according to the latest post ecclesiastical law was abolished a few years ago. According to tradition, the Christmas table should include all the fruits of the earth. Thus prepared meals should include cereals, honey, mushrooms and poppy, which ensure we have prosperity in the coming year. Must try each of the 12 dishes, or happiness and prosperity of us turn away.