ESRC Humour and Bullying Project IBM SPSS Codebook.


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Presentation transcript:

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project IBM SPSS Codebook

Acknowledgements We are very grateful to the Economic and Social Research Council who funded our work on this study. We owe our thanks to Hayley Gilman, Sirandou Saidy Khan, Rebecca Serella, Rebecca Hale, Mary-Louise Corr, Lucy James, Vicki Caines, Katie Walker, Jo Page, Katie Wright-Bevans, and Toni Karic who gave considerable time to the data collection, data inputting and data analysis that contributed to this data set. Most importantly, we could not have carried out this research without the support of staff, parents, and pupils at schools across Staffordshire, Shropshire, and Derbyshire.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Project Introduction Our project examines the role that humour may play in the maintenance and resistance of bullying. In particular, use of humour may characterise children in the different bullying roles (e.g., victim, bully and defender) and perhaps explain why certain children are more likely to be bullied than others. Additionally, children who are bullied may be protected from some of the harmful effects of victimisation (e.g., depression, loneliness, self- esteem) by using humour. Clarification of such processes will have important implications for school-based anti-bullying interventions. See box 1 for the humour styles we are interested in.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Project Introduction BOX 1: HUMOUR STYLES ADAPTIVE Affiliative: Making other people laugh. Reducing interpersonal tension. Enhancing social relationships. Self-enhancing: Used to enhance own moods and coping. Not detrimental to others. MALADAPTIVE Self-defeating: Making others laugh at your own expense. Aggressive: At the expense of others. Thought to be beneficial in short term but detrimental in the long term.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Project Introduction Bullied children have less opportunity to engage in peer interactions, so are disadvantaged with respect to the development of humour competence. They may not be able to use the two adaptive humour styles effectively. Bullied children may start to lean on self-defeating humour, perhaps as a way of improving their relationships with others. We set out to examine the relationships proposed by researchers Klein and Kuiper (2006) about the links between humour styles and children’s peer relationships.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Project Measures and Scales CHILD HUMOUR STYLES QUESTIONNAIRE This was specifically developed by Fox, Dean, and Lyford (2013) to research these humour styles in children. It is a 24-item questionnaire, where children are asked to respond on a scale from 1 – strongly disagree, to 4 – strongly agree. SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION, LONELINESS AND SELF-ESTEEM We measured symptoms of depression using the long-established Child Depression Inventory (Short Form). (Kovacs & Beck, 1977). This is a 10-item measure, suitable for children aged 7-17 Years. We measured loneliness using a four-item measure - the Loneliness and Social Satisfaction scale. (Rotenberg, Boulton & Fox, 2005). Self- esteem was measured using Rosenberg’s (1965) 10-item, self-report measure for adolescents, where children respond from 1 – strongly disagree to 4 – strongly agree. Children with parental (and individual) consent, filled out two questionnaires, on a whole-class basis, at two time points (Autumn, 2011 and Summer, 2012) with the following elements:

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Project Measures and Scales INVOLVEMENT IN BULLYING We used an adapted version of the Direct and Indirect Aggression Scale (Owens, Daly & Shute, 2005, adapted from Björkqvist, Lagerspetz & Kaukianen, 1992a) to measure involvement in direct verbal, direct physical and indirect bullying and peer victimisation (18 items in total). Children were asked to indicate how often they had behaved aggressively (e.g., hit another child, called another child a nasty name) and how often they had been the victims of aggression in the current school term (1 = never, 5 = very often).

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Project Measures and Scales PEER REPORT MEASURES Following Björkqvist, Lagerspetz, & Kaukiainen (1992b) children were provided with a list of their classmates’ names and asked to say how much they liked them, and to nominate their friends (unlimited nominations). They were also asked which of the friends they had nominated they were closest to. We asked children to nominate classmates who ‘gets called nasty names by other children’, ‘gets hit, kicked and pushed around by other children’, ‘has nasty rumours spread about them by other children’, and ‘gets left out of groups by other children’. We used the same items to assess bullying (i.e. ‘hits, kicks and pushes other children around’). There was also one item to assess defender behaviour, ‘Tries to stop bullies or help people who are being bullied’. There were also four peer report items to assess the four humour styles. For the bullying, victimisation, humour and defender items children were restricted to up to 3 nominations.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Using this Codebook RAW VARIABLES Over the next few pages each of the variables in the SPSS file is listed by name and described/explained. SCALES Also included within the SPSS file are the main scales we constructed. The composition of each scale in terms of its variables and method of computation are given, with the exception of scales for which we do not own the copyright. TIME 1 and TIME 2 The data is presented such that all Time 1 variables and scales are presented, then all Time 2 variables and scales.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Data Coding CodeInterpretation 999Data point not given by participant 888Data point is illegible 6666Participant was absent from session. Time 1 and Time 2 Time 2 variables have “_2” suffixed to the variable name to distinguish them from Time 1 variables Missing Data Codes

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project 1-11: Time 1 and Time 2 Demographic Variables Variable NumberVariable Name Variable LabelValuesValue Codes 1CaseParticipant number 2 and 3Age and Age_2Participant’s Age Participant’s Age at Time 2 11, 12 or 13 4GenderParticipant GenderMale Female SEN Class Not SEN Class School School 1 School 2 School 3 School 4 School 5 School YrGroupYear GroupYear 7 Year Ethnicity White Black Asian Mixed Chinese Other OtherEthnOther EthnicityString Variable As given by participant 10-11Class and Class_2 Class T1 and Class T2

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 1 Variables 12-39: Humour Styles Questionnaire agg1: If someone makes a mistake, I will often tease them about it sen2: If I am feeling sad, I can cheer myself up by thinking of funny things sd3: I let people laugh and make fun of me more than I should aff4: I find it easy to make other people laugh AGG5**: Even if something is funny, I will not laugh about it, if it will upset someone Reverse_AGG5 sen6: If I have a problem, I try to think of something funny about the problem to make me feel better about it sd7: I often put myself down when making jokes or trying to be funny aff8: I often make people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories agg9: When I tell jokes, I'm not worried if it will upset other people sen10: If I am feeling scared, I find that it helps to laugh sd11: When I am with friends or family, I seem to be the one that other people make fun of AFF12: I find it hard to think of funny things to say when I'm with other people ValueValue Label 1strongly disagree 2disagree 2.5*Middle 3agree 4strongly agree * Values were entered at 2.5 on ratings scales ranging from 1-4,when a child had ticked in the middle of a scale. ** Variables in capitals were later reverse-scored

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 1 Variables 12-39: Humour Styles Questionnaire Reverse_Aff12 sd13: Letting others laugh at me is my way of keeping my friends and family happy aff14: I don't have to try hard to make others laugh. I seem to be a naturally funny person AGG15: I never laugh at others, even if all my friends are laughing at them Reverse_Agg15 sd16: I often try to get others to like me more by saying something funny about things that are wrong with me, or mistakes I've made aff17: My jokes and funny stories make other people laugh agg18: Sometimes I think of something that is so funny about someone that I can't stop myself from saying it, even if it might get me into trouble sen19: If I feel a bit uncertain in a situation it helps if I can say something funny aff20: I can make other people laugh AGG21:I don't like it when people laugh at someone else to make them look silly Reverse_Agg21 sen22: I find that laughing and joking are good ways to cope with problems sd23: I often get carried away with putting myself down if it makes my friends or family laugh sen24: I usually try to think of something funny when I am in a difficult situation Value CodeValue 1strongly disagree 2disagree 2.5*Middle 3agree 4strongly agree *Values were entered at 2.5 on ratings scales ranging from 1-4,when a child had ticked in the middle of a scale.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 1 Variables 40-53: Child’s Depression Inventory* and Loneliness cdi1: Sadness CDI2: Whether things will work out OK cdi3:Whether things child does are wrong CDI4:Hating self CDI5:Feeling like crying CDI6: Things bothering the child cdi7: Looking ugly cdi8: Feeling alone cdi9: Having no friends CDI10: Nobody loving the child Value CodeValue 0No Symptom 1Mild Symptom 2Present Symptom Lon1: I am lonely Lon2: I feel alone Lon3: I feel left out of things Lon4: I have no one to talk to Value CodeValue 1 not at all true 2 sort of not true 3 true some of the time 4 sort of true 5really true *All CDI items were coded as 0 = no symptom prior to data entry.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 1 Variables 54-68: Self-Esteem Scale Value CodeValue 1strongly disagree 2disagree 2.5*Middle 3agree 4strongly agree se1: On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. SE2: At times, I think I am no good at all Reverse_SE2 se3: I feel I have a number of good qualities se4: I am able to do things as well as most people SE5: I feel I do not have much to be proud of. Reverse_SE5 SE6: I certainly feel useless at times Reverse_SE6 se7: I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others se8: I wish I could have more respect for myself Reverse_SE8 SE9: All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure Reverse_SE9 se10: I take a positive attitude towards myself *Values were entered at 2.5 on ratings scales ranging from 1-4,when a child had ticked in the middle of a scale.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 2 Variables 69-86: Aggression Scale: Victimisation vicphys1: Victim, physical: Being hit vicverb2: Victim, verbal: Being yelled at vicsoc3: Victim, social: Having bad or false things said about you behind your back vicphys4: Victim, physical: Being kicked vicverb5: Victim, verbal: Being called nasty names vicsoc6: Victim, social: Being left out or excluded from the group vicphys7: Victim, physical: Being tripped up vicverb8: Victim, verbal: Being insulted vicsoc9: Victim, social: Having nasty notes written about you vicphys10: Victim, physical: Being pushed or shoved vicverb11: Victim, verbal: Being teased in a nasty way vicsoc12: Victim, social: Receiving anonymous, nasty text messages vicphys13: Victim, physical: Having things taken from you vicverb14: Victim, verbal: Being threatened vicsoc15: Victim, social: Having your secrets told to other people vicsoc16: Victim, social: Receiving prank calls from other pupils vicsoc17: Victim, social: Being ignored vicsoc18: Victim, social: Being the object of nasty looks Value CodeValue 1 never 2 once or twice 3 sometimes 4 about once a week 5 several times a week

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 2 Variables : Aggression Scale: Bullying perpphys1: Perpetrator, physical: Hit another child perpverb2: Perpetrator, verbal: Yelled at another child perpsoc3: Perpetrator, social: Said bad or false things behind someone’s back perpphys4: Perpetrator, physical: Kicked another child perpverb5: Perpetrator, verbal: Called another child nasty names perpsoc6: Perpetrator, social: Left another child out of the group perpphys7: Perpetrator, physical: Tripped another child up. perpverb8: Perpetrator, verbal: Insulted another child perpsoc9: Perpetrator, social: Written nasty notes about another child. perpphys10: Perpetrator, physical: Pushed or shoved another child perpverb11: Perpetrator, verbal: Teased another child in a nasty way. perpsoc12: Perpetrator, social: Sent nasty text messages to another child. perpphys13: Perpetrator, physical: Taken things from another child perpverb14: Perpetrator, verbal: Threatened another child perpsoc15: Perpetrator, social: Told another child’s secrets perpsoc16: Perpetrator, social: Made prank phone calls to another child perpsoc17: Perpetrator, social: Ignored another child perpsoc18: Perpetrator, social: Given another child nasty looks. Value CodeValue 1 never 2 once or twice 3 sometimes 4 about once a week 5 several times a week

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 2 Variables : Friends and Liking Peer Reports Variable NameVariable LabelValue CodesValueScore R_FRN of Reciprocated Friends (-1)%-0-100% VBFHas a Very Best Friend 0101 No Yes - CseNo_VBFParticipant Number of Very-Best-Friend--- PAOverall Peer Acceptance Dislike very much Dislike Neutral Like Like Very Much Mean Score (1-5) SS_PAOverall Same-Sex Peer Acceptance Dislike very much Dislike Neutral Like Like Very Much Mean Score (1-5) OS_PAOverall Other-Sex Peer Acceptance Dislike very much Dislike Neutral Like Like Very Much Mean Score (1-5) All peer report percentages and means were calculated first in Excel (see Appendix 1), before being entered to SPSS.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 2 Variables : Bullying Peer report Variable NameVariable Label Value CodesValue PNdef Percentage Peer reported defender: Tries to stop bullies or help people who are bullied - % PNrelvic Percentage Peer reported victim, relational: Gets left out of the group by other children - % PNindvic Percentage Peer reported, indirect victim: Has nasty rumours spread about them by other children-% PNverbperp Percentage Peer reported, perpetrator, verbal: Calls other children nasty names-% PNphysperp Percentage Peer reported, perpetrator, physical: Hits, kicks and pushes other children around-% PNrelperp Percentage Peer reported, perpetrator, relational: Leaves other children out of the group-% PNindperp Percentage Peer reported, indirect perpetrator: Spreads nasty rumours about other children-% PNSocPerp Peer reported social bullying (relational/indirect bullying mean score combined)-% PNverbvic Percentage Peer reported victim, verbal: Gets called nasty names by other children - % PNphysvic Percentage Peer reported, victim physical : Gets kicked, hit and pushed around by other children - % PNSocVic Peer reported social victimisation (relational/indirect victimisation mean score combined)-% All peer report percentages and means were calculated first in Excel (see Appendix 1), before being entered to SPSS.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1, Session 2 Variables : Humour Styles Peer report Variable NameVariable LabelValue CodesValue PNsen Percentage Peer reported, self-enhancing humour: They usually try to think of something funny when they are in a difficult situation -% PNagg Percentage Peer reported, aggressive humour: If someone makes a mistake they will often tease them about it -% PNsd Percentage Peer reported, self-defeating humour: They go overboard in putting themselves down when they are making jokes or trying to be funny -% PNaff Percentage Peer reported, affiliative humour: They often make other people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories -% All peer report percentages and means were calculated first in Excel, (see Appendix 1) before being entered to SPSS.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1 Scales : Self-Report Scales: Psychological Adjustment Scale NameScale Label Composite ItemsScale Creation From Composites SRLonSelf-Report Loneliness Lon1 Lon2 Lon3 Lon4 Mean Score (1-5) SRCDI Self-Report Child’s Depression Inventory cdiI1 CDI2 Cdi3 CDI4 CDI5 CDI6 cdi7 cdi8 cdi9 CDI10 Sum Score (0-20) SRSESelf-Report Self Esteem se1 SE2_R Se3 Se4 SE5_R Se6 Se7 SE8_R SE9_R Sum Score (10-40)

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1 Scales : Self-Report Bullying Scale NameScale Label Composite ItemsScale Creation Time 1From Composites SRverbperp Self-Report Verbal Bullying perpverb2 perpverb5 perpverb8 perpverb11 perpverb14 Mean Score (1-5) SRphysperpSelf-Report Physical Bullying perpphys1 perpphys4 perpphys7 perpphys10 perpphys13 Mean Score (1-5) SRsocperpSelf-Report Social Bullying perpsoc3 perpsoc6 perpsoc9 perpsoc12 perpsoc13 perpsoc15 perpsoc16 perpsoc17 perpsoc18 Mean Score (1-5)

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1 Scales : Self-Report Victimisation Scale NameScale Label Composite ItemsScale Creation Time 1From Composites SRverbvic Self-Report Verbal Victimisation vicverb2 vicverb5 vicverb8 vicverb11 vicverb14 Mean Score (1-5) SRphysvicSelf-Report Physical Victimisation vicphys1 vicphys4 vicphys7 vicphys10 vicphys13 Mean Score (1-5) SRsocvicSelf-Report Social Victimisation vicsoc3 vicsoc6 vicsoc9 vicsoc12 vicsoc13 vicsoc15 vicsoc16 vicsoc17 vicsoc18 Mean Score (1-5)

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 1 Scales : Self-Report Humour Scale NameScale LabelComposite Items Scale Creation from Composites SRSEnSelf-Report Self-Enhancing Humour sen2 sen6 sen10 sen19 sen22 sen24 Mean Score (1-4) SRSD Self-Report Self-Defeating Humour sd3 sd7 sd11 sd13 sd16 sd23 Mean Score (1-4) SRAff Self-Report Affiliative Humour aff4 aff8 AFF12_R aff14 aff17 aff20 Mean Score (1-4) SRAgg Self-Report Aggressive Humour agg1 AGG5_R agg9 AGG15_R agg18 AGG21_R Mean Score (1-4)

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 1 Variables : Humour Styles Questionnaire agg1_2: Time 2 If someone makes a mistake, I will often tease them about it sen2_2: Time 2 If I am feeling sad, I can cheer myself up by thinking of funny things sd3_2: Time 2 I let people laugh and make fun of me more than I should aff4_2: Time 2 I find it easy to make other people laugh AGG5_2: Time 2 Even if something is funny, I will not laugh about it, if it will upset someone Reverse_AGG5_2 sen6_2: Time 2 If I have a problem, I try to think of something funny about the problem to make me feel better about it sd7_2: Time 2 I often put myself down when making jokes or trying to be funny aff8_2: Time 2 I often make people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories agg9_2: Time 2 When I tell jokes, I'm not worried if it will upset other people sen10_2: Time 2 If I am feeling scared, I find that it helps to laugh sd11_2: Time 2 When I am with friends or family, I seem to be the one that other people make fun of AFF12_2: Time 2 I find it hard to think of funny things to say when I'm with other people Value CodeValue 1strongly disagree 2disagree 2.5*Middle 3agree 4strongly agree *Values were entered at 2.5 on ratings scales ranging from 1-4,when a child had ticked in the middle of a scale.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 1 Variables : Humour Styles Questionnaire Reverse_Aff12_2 sd13_2: Time 2 Letting others laugh at me is my way of keeping my friends and family happy aff14_2: Time 2 I don't have to try hard to make others laugh. I seem to be a naturally funny person AGG15_2: Time 2 I never laugh at others, even if all my friends are laughing at them Reverse_AGG15_2 sd16_2: Time 2 I often try to get others to like me more by saying something funny about things that are wrong with me, or mistakes I've made aff17_2: Time 2 My jokes and funny stories make other people laugh agg18_2: Time 2 Sometimes I think of something that is so funny about someone that I can't stop myself from saying it, even if it might get me into trouble sen19_2: Time 2 If I feel a bit uncertain in a situation it helps if I can say something funny aff20:_2 Time 2 I can make other people laugh AGG21_2: Time 2 I don't like it when people laugh at someone else to make them look silly Reverse_Agg21_2 sen22_2: Time 2 I find that laughing and joking are good ways to cope with problems sd23_2: Time 2 I often get carried away with putting myself down if it makes my friends or family laugh sen24_2: Time 2 I usually try to think of something funny when I am in a difficult situation Value CodeValue 1strongly disagree 2disagree 2.5*Middle 3agree 4strongly agree *Values were entered at 2.5 on ratings scales ranging from 1-4,when a child had ticked in the middle of a scale.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 1 Variables : Child’s Depression Inventory* and Loneliness cdiI1_2: Time 2 Sadness** CDI2_2: Time 2 Whether things will work out OK cdi3_2: Time 2 Whether things child does are wrong CDI4_2: Time 2 Hating self CDI5_2: Time 2 Feeling like crying CDI6_2: Time 2 Things bothering the child cdi7_2: Time 2 Looking ugly cdi8_2: Time 2 Feeling alone cdi9_2: Time 2 Having no friends CDI10_2: Time 2 Nobody loving the child* Value CodeValue 0No Symptom 1Mild Symptom 2Present Symptom Lon1_2: Time 2 I am lonely Lon2_2: Time 2 I feel alone Lon3_2: Time 2 I feel left out of things Lon4_2: Time 2 I have no one to talk to Value CodeValue 1 not at all true 2 sort of not true 3 true some of the time 4 sort of true 5 really true *Copyright items ** All CDI items were coded as 0 = no symptom prior to data entry

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 1 Variables : Self-Esteem Scale Value CodeValue 1strongly disagree 2disagree 2.5*Middle 3agree 4strongly agree se1_2: Time 2 On the whole, I am satisfied with myself SE2_2: Time 2 At times, I think I am no good at all Reverse_SE2_2 se3_2: Time 2 I feel I have a number of good qualities se4_2: Time 2 I am able to do things as well as most people SE5_2: Time 2 I feel I do not have much to be proud of Reverse_SE5_2 SE6_2: Time 2 I certainly feel useless at times Reverse_SE6_2 se7_2: Time 2 I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others SE8_2: Time 2 I wish I could have more respect for myself Reverse_SE8 SE9_2: Time 2 All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure Reverse_SE9 se10_2: Time 2 I take a positive attitude towards myself *Values were entered at 2.5 on ratings scales ranging from 1-4,when a child had ticked in the middle of a scale.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 2 Variables : Aggression Scale: Victimisation vicphys1_2: Time 2 Victim, physical: Being hit vicverb2_2: Time 2 Victim, verbal: Being yelled at vicsoc3_2: Time 2 Victim, social: Having bad or false things said about you behind your back vicphys4_2: Time 2 Victim, physical: Being kicked vicverb5_2: Time 2 Victim, verbal: Being called nasty names vicsoc6_2: Time 2 Victim, social: Being left out or excluded from the group vicphys7_2: Time 2 Victim, physical: Being tripped up vicverb8_2: Time 2 Victim, verbal: Being insulted vicsoc9_2: Time 2 Victim, social: Having nasty notes written about you vicphys10_2: Time 2 Victim, physical: Being pushed or shoved vicverb11_2: Time 2 Victim, verbal: Being teased in a nasty way vicsoc12_2: Time 2 Victim, social: Receiving anonymous, nasty text messages vicphys13_2: Time 2 Victim, physical: Having things taken from you vicverb14_2: Time 2 Victim, verbal: Being threatened vicsoc15_2: Time 2 Victim, social: Having your secrets told to other people vicsoc16_2: Time 2 Victim, social: Receiving prank calls from other pupils vicsoc17_2: Time 2 Victim, social: Being ignored vicsoc18_2: Time 2 Victim, social: Being the object of nasty looks ValueValue Label 1 never 2 once or twice 3 sometimes 4 about once a week 5 several times a week

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 2 Variables : Aggression Scale: Bullying perpphys1_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, physical: Hit another child perpverb2_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, verbal: Yelled at another child perpsoc3_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, social: Said bad or false things behind someone’s back perpphys4_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, physical: Kicked another child perpverb5: Time 2 Perpetrator, verbal: Called another child nasty names perpsoc6_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, social: Left another child out of the group perpphys7_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, physical: Tripped another child up. perpverb8_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, verbal: Insulted another child perpsoc9_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, social: Written nasty notes about another child. perpphys10_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, physical: Pushed or shoved another child. perpverb11_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, verbal: Teased another child in a nasty way. perpsoc12_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, social: Sent nasty text messages to another child. perpphys13_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, physical: Taken things from another child perpverb14_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, verbal: Threatened another child perpsoc15_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, social: Told another child’s secrets perpsoc16_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, social: Made prank phone calls to another child perpsoc17_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, social: Ignored another child perpsoc18_2: Time 2 Perpetrator, social: Given another child nasty looks. ValueValue Label 1 never 2 once or twice 3 sometimes 4 about once a week 5 several times a week

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 2 Variables : Friends and Liking Peer report Variable NameVariable LabelValue CodesValueScore R_FR_2 Time 2 N of Reciprocated Friends (-1)%-0-100% VBF_2 Time 2 Has a Very Best Friend 0101 No Yes - CseNo_VBF_2 Time 2 Participant Number of Very- Best-Friend --- PA_2Time 2 Overall Peer Acceptance Dislike Very much Dislike Neutral Like Like Very Much Mean Score (1-5) SS_PA_2 Time 2 Overall Same Sex Peer Acceptance Dislike Very much Dislike Neutral Like Like Very Much Mean Score (1-5) OS_PA_2 Time 2 Overall Other Sex Peer Acceptance Dislike Very much Dislike Neutral Like Like Very Much Mean Score (1-5) All peer report percentages and means were calculated first in Excel, (see Appendix 1) before being entered to SPSS.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 2 Variables : Humour Styles Peer report Variable NameVariable LabelValue CodesValue Pnsen_2 Percentage Peer reported, self-enhancing humour: They usually try to think of something funny when they are in a difficult situation -% Pnagg_2 Percentage Peer reported, aggressive humour: If someone makes a mistake they will often tease them about it -% PNsd_2 Percentage Peer reported, self-defeating humour: They go overboard in putting themselves down when they are making jokes or trying to be funny -% Pnaff_2 Percentage Peer reported, affiliative humour: They often make other people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories -% All peer report percentages and means were calculated first in Excel (see Appendix 1), before being entered to SPSS.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2, Session 2 Variables : Bullying Peer report Variable NameVariable Label Value CodesValue PNverbvic_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported victim, verbal: Gets called nasty names by other children - % PNphysvic_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported, victim physical : Gets kicked, hit and pushed around by other children - % PNrelvic_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported victim, relational: Gets left out of the group by other children - % PNindvic_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported, indirect victim: Has nasty rumours spread about them by other children - % PNdef_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported defender: Tries to stop bullies or help people who are bullied -% PNverbperp_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported, perpetrator, verbal: Calls other children nasty names -% PNphysperp_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported, perpetrator, physical: Hits, kicks and pushes other children around -% PNrelperp_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported, perpetrator, relational: Leaves other children out of the group -% PNindperp_2 Time 2 Percentage Peer reported, indirect perpetrator: Spreads nasty rumours about other children -% PNsocvic_2 Time 2 Peer reported social victimisation (relational/indirect victimisation mean score combined) -% PNsocperp_2 Time 2 Peer reported social bullying (relational/indirect bullying mean score combined) -% All peer report percentages and means were calculated first in Excel (see Appendix 1), before being entered to SPSS.

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2 Scales : Self-Report Victimisation Scale NameScale Label Composite ItemsScale Creation Time 2From Composites SRphysvic_2Time 2 Self-Report Physical Victimisation vicphys1_2 vicphys4_2 vicphys7_2 vicphys10_2 vicphys13_2 Mean Score (1-5) SRverbvic_2 Time 2 Self-Report Verbal Victimisation vicverb2_2 vicverb5_2 vicverb8_2 vicverb11_2 vicverb14_2 Mean Score (1-5) Srsocvic_2Time 2 Self-Report Social Victimisation vicsoc3_2 Vicsoc6_2 Vicsoc9_2 vicsoc12_2 vicsoc15_2 vicsoc16_2 vicsoc17_2 vicsoc18_2 Mean Score (1-5)

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2 Scales : Self-Report Bullying Scale NameScale LabelComposite ItemsScale Creation From Composites SRphysperp_2Time 2 Self-Report Physical Bullying perpphys1_2 perpphys4_2 perpphys7_2 perpphys10_2 perpphys13_2 Mean Score (1-5) SRverbperp_2 Time 2 Self-Report Verbal Bullying perpverb2_2 perpverb5_2 perpverb8_2 perpverb11_2 perpverb14_2 Mean Score (1-5) SRsocperp_2Time 2 Self-Report Social Bullying perpsoc3_2 perpsoc6_2 perpsoc9_2 perpsoc12_2 perpsoc15_2 perpsoc16_2 perpsoc17_2 perpsoc18_2 Mean Score (1-5)

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2 Scales : Self-Report Humour Scale NameScale Label Composite Items Scale Creation from Composites Time 2 SRAff_2Time 2 Self-Report Affiliative Humour aff4_2 aff8_2 AFF12_2_R aff14_2 aff17_2 aff20_2 Mean Score (1-4) SRAgg Time 2 Self-Report Aggressive Humour Agg1_2 AGG5_2_R agg9_2 AGG15_2_R agg18_2 AGG21_2_R Mean Score (1-4) SRSD_2Time 2 Self-Report Self-Defeating Humour sd3_2 sd7_2 sd11_2 sd13_2 sd16_2 sd23_2 Mean Score (1-4) SRSEn_2 Time 2 Self-Report Self-Enhancing Humour sen2_2 Sen6_2 sen10_2 sen19_2 Sen22_2 sen24_2 Mean Score (1-4)

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Time 2 Scales : Self-Report Psychosocial Adjustment Scale NameScale Label Composite ItemsScale Creation Time 2From Composites SRCDI_2Time 2 Self-Report Child’s Depression Inventory cdiI1_2 CDI2_2 cdi3_2 CDI4_2 CDI5_2 CDI6_2 cdi7_2 cdi8_2 cdi9_2 CDI10_2 Sum Score (0-20) SRSE_2Time 2 Self-Report Self-Esteem se1_2 SE2_2_R SE3_2_R se4_2 SE5_2_R se6_2 se7_2 SE8_2_R SE9_2_R Sum Score (10-40) SRLon_2Time 2 Self -Report Loneliness Lon1_2 Lon2_2 Lon3_2 Lon4_2 Mean Score (1-5)

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project References Björkqvist, K., Lagerspetz, K. M., & Kaukiainen, A. (1992a). Do girls manipulate and boys fight? Developmental trends in regard to direct and indirect aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 18, Björkqvist, K., Lagerspetz, K. M. J. & Osterman, K. (1992b). The direct and indirect aggression scales. Vasa Finland: Abo Akademi University, Department of Social Sciences. Fox, C. L., Dean, S. Lyford, K. (2013). Development of a humor styles questionnaire for children and young people. Humor, 26, Klein, D. N., & Kuiper, N. A. (2006). Humor styles, peer relationships and bullying in middle childhood. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, 19(4), Kovacs, M., & Beck, A. T. (1977). An empirical clinical approach toward a definition of childhood depression. In J. G. Schulterbrandt, & A. Raskin (Eds.), Depression in childhood: Diagnosis, treatment and conceptual models. New York: Raven. Owens, C., Daly, A., & Slee, P. (2005). Sex and age differences in victimisation and conflict resolution among adolescents in a South Australian school. Aggressive Behavior, 31, Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self image. Princeton: NJ: Princeton University Press. Rotenberg, K. J., Boulton, M. J., & Fox, C. L. (2005). Cross-sectional and longitudinal relations among children’s trust beliefs, internalised maladjustment and social relationships: Are very high as well as very low trusting children at risk? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 33(5),

ESRC Humour and Bullying Project Appendix 1 Peer-report variables were calculated at the class-level. For the bullying, victimisation, humour and defender items, the number of nominations a child received for each item was totalled. This was then changed into a percentage score, by dividing the number of nominations received by the number of participants in the class – 1 (reflecting the total number of possible nominations) and multiplying by 100. For friendship, the total number of reciprocal nominations each child received was totalled. This was then changed into a percentage score, by dividing the number of nominations received by the number of participants in the class – 1 (reflecting the total number of possible nominations) and multiplying by 100. For the very best-friend variable, whether or not the child’s choice had been reciprocated was recorded (0 or 1). For peer liking, a sum score was obtained for each child and then divided by the number of children who provided ratings.