Year 5/6 ‘Meet the Teacher’. Welcome to the UKS2 Team Mrs. S. Roberts/ Mrs. E. Fitrzyk Mr. I. Abram Miss. M. Varey Mrs. S. Mitchell Mrs. J. Crombie Mrs.


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Presentation transcript:

Year 5/6 ‘Meet the Teacher’

Welcome to the UKS2 Team Mrs. S. Roberts/ Mrs. E. Fitrzyk Mr. I. Abram Miss. M. Varey Mrs. S. Mitchell Mrs. J. Crombie Mrs. H. Brooks

The New National Curriculum 2014 The National Curriculum is a set of subjects directed by the government that schools in England must follow. Core subjects English Mathematics Science Foundation subjects Art and design Citizenship Computing Design and Technology Languages Geography History Music Physical education All schools are also required to teach religious education at all key stages.

The Curriculum at Markland Hill. Whilst we teach the National Curriculum at Markland Hill, we have taken ownership of it and tailored it to meet the needs of our children. This is achieved by making clear links between learning with English and creativity driving our ‘Cornerstones’ themed units of learning. These themed units are organised on a two year rolling programme.

Assessment of Core Subjects In the summer of 2016, children in Year 2 and Year 6 were the first to take the new SATs. These tests in English and Maths reflected the new national curriculum, and were indeed, more rigorous. There was also a completely new marking scheme to replace the existing national curriculum levels. At Parents Evening, your child’s PROGRESS will be reported based on their progress towards meeting ‘end of year expectations’ as set out by the government.

Tests and Assessments - Key Stage 2, Year 6 At the end of Year 6, children will sit SATs in Reading Maths SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) These tests will be both set and marked externally, and the results will be used to measure the schools performance (for example, through reporting to Ofsted and published league tables). Your child’s marks will be used in conjunction with teacher assessment to give a broader picture of their attainment. Writing continues to be teacher assessed.

Markland Hill’s SAT results 2016 The expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths takes note of all the children’s attainment in all the 3 subjects and combines all their scores. Some children scored less than 100 (whilst others scored above 100) in all 3 subjects and this is why the combined % looks lower than the other totals.

Year 6 - KS2 % of children achieving the Higher Standard The higher standard is defined by a scaled score of 110 or higher.

The Average Scaled Scores in Reading, maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Average Pupil Progress in Reading, Writing and Maths

PE School PE kit should be worn by all children White t-shirt with logo Black or navy shorts – indoors Black pumps Trainers as well as pumps for KS2 Outdoor – any plain, dark blue or black track suit - girls who wear tights must have a pair of socks to change into. All kit should have the child’s name inside and should stay in school for the half term. A letter is needed if a child is unable to do PE Their kit needs to be in school all the time. Earrings must be removed or covered up for every PE lesson or ‘After school sports club’.

READY FOR HOMEWORK! English Homework The children must read every day. Even those children who read very fluently and expressively need to read to an adult at least once or twice a week so they can discuss the text, vocabulary used, plot developments, character analysis, and very importantly, help the children to form opinions about a text. We ask that parents sign their Reading Diaries when this happens. The children will use an English exercise book that contains a diary inside the front cover. Details of the Homework are to be written here and we ask parents to sign when the work is completed. Primarily, the Homework will consist of learning weekly spellings. A sheet will be stuck in the book ready for the child (and some will need parent help) to practise writing out the words in neat handwriting and committing to memory. The children will complete their spelling tests in the book too (at the back) so that parents are aware of their children’s attainment and progress. The children will also be set another task related to the work in class, SPAG - spelling, punctuation or grammar, (which will be set in the books) ’Grammar Hammer’ and occasionally, a written task. We hope to promote and encourage the children to visit our school Blog to write their work. Homework will be sent out on a Wednesday and the book should be back in school on the following Tuesday.

Topic Homework Homework linked to our phase topic will also be set but these tasks will only be 1 a half term. They will allow the children to be ‘creative’. These do not always require a paper task. Maths Homework The children will use a Maths exercise book that contains a diary inside the front cover. Details of the Homework are to be written here and we ask parents to sign when the work is completed. The work will be related to the work in class. Homework will be sent out on a Friday and the book back in school on Monday / Tuesday.

Good homework practice Establish a routine Try to find a quiet place Make sure your child is comfortable and works to the best standard they can Become involved

How you can help? Support Encouragement Motivation Involvement Praise

Lost clothing It is important that ALL your child’s clothing is labelled, including jumpers, shirts, trousers etc. All year 5 and 6 children’s coats and bags are kept in the corridors outside the classrooms.

Absence letters If a child is absent, please phone on the first day then every other day until they return. On your child’s return to school they must bring a letter of explanation. If no explanation is given for an absence, then it is classed as an unauthorised absence.

Mobile Phones We do not encourage children to bring phones to school. However, if you deem it necessary, an appropriate statement of practise/letter must be collected from the office. Please read and sign, if you agree with the statement of practise/letter and return to school.

Online payments If you wish to pay for your child’s school dinner (KS2), trips and internal school run clubs, you can now do this online. Snacks are only payable before the end of each half term. You will have received a letter explaining how to set up this payment system. If you have any queries, please contact the office. This is the preferred method of payment. Payment can still be made by cash and cheques.

Healthy Children If your child brings a playtime snack we would encourage them to bring a healthy option. No crisps or chocolate. At lunchtimes we again encourage healthy options if your child is on packed lunches. Every child has been given a new water bottle, it is their responsibility to take it home and change the water daily.

Our expectations of children We expect all children to: complete homework to a high standard and return on time always bring the correct items for school in their school book bag. follow the rules in school – both in the classroom and on the yard. try their best at all times. co-operate with each other. take pride in their written presentation. take home and return all letters given in order to communicate between home and school.

Any questions?