Metric System
/ Based on the number 10 / United States is only major country not to use the metric system / The metric system is the only system used in science / Based on the number 10 / United States is only major country not to use the metric system / The metric system is the only system used in science
Metric System / Advantages / Similar system and language for all scientists / Easy to convert / Disadvantages / Would be expensive to change everything to metric / Something new to learn / Advantages / Similar system and language for all scientists / Easy to convert / Disadvantages / Would be expensive to change everything to metric / Something new to learn
Metric Units / Length - Meter ( m) / Volume - Liter( L ) / Mass - Gram( g ) / Time - Seconds( sec ) / * These are called the base units * / Length - Meter ( m) / Volume - Liter( L ) / Mass - Gram( g ) / Time - Seconds( sec ) / * These are called the base units *
Metric Prefixes / PrefixValueSymbol / Kilo 1000 k / Hecto 100 h / Deka 10 da / Base Units 1 m, L, g / Deci.1 d / Centi.01 c / Milli.001 m / PrefixValueSymbol / Kilo 1000 k / Hecto 100 h / Deka 10 da / Base Units 1 m, L, g / Deci.1 d / Centi.01 c / Milli.001 m
Metric Conversions / Metric Stairstep - Copy off Board / Pneumonic Device / K - kids kilo / H - hollerhecto / D - Dogsdeka / B - Barkbase unit / D - Dumbdeci / C - Catscenti / M - Moomilli / Metric Stairstep - Copy off Board / Pneumonic Device / K - kids kilo / H - hollerhecto / D - Dogsdeka / B - Barkbase unit / D - Dumbdeci / C - Catscenti / M - Moomilli
Metric Stairstep Kilo Hecto Deka Base Deci Centi Milli Up Left Down Right
Conversion Practice / Complete the following examples / 125 cm = _________m / 150 kg = _________ g / mL = _______ L / Complete the following examples / 125 cm = _________m / 150 kg = _________ g / mL = _______ L
Answers / 125 cm = 1.25 m / 150 kg = 150,000 g / mL =.4505 L / Is your decimal in the right place? / 125 cm = 1.25 m / 150 kg = 150,000 g / mL =.4505 L / Is your decimal in the right place?