Information About How to Pass Hair Follicle Test Today, hair drug test is becoming more popular because it is one of the most accurate and effective methods in detecting whether the subject is taking drugs or not. Unlike urine, blood and saliva drug testing, hair drug tests can determine drug use for a much longer period of time. It is also possible to determine drug use for years or months, given that the hair is already long. Having no traces of any particle abuse and use is the best ways that will help a subject pass a hair drug test. When taking drugs, the metabolites or the residues coming from the illegal drugs will enter the person’s bloodstream. The residues will remain in the hair strands when the bloodstream enters the blood vessels underneath the scalp. Therefore, when the hair grows, it will bring with it the history of drug abuse. In each half inch of hair, it will bring a one month history of drug abstinence or use. Additionally, in a hair drug test, about fifty hair follicles are needed. You should keep in mind that cheating a hair drug test is absolutely impossible. The most preferable method on how to pass a hair drug test is to avoid taking any illegal drugs.
Basic Idea of Hair Drug Test Passing a hair drug test is something that many people are perhaps curious about. Is there such a way and perhaps “how to pass a hair drug test” is probably a popular Google search term. For some people, passing a drug test can mean the difference in keeping a current job or getting and new one or losing everything. Once you realize that you are facing a hair drug test for a possible job or your job now, then you may want to know how to pass a hair drug test. A hair drug test is not a very popular type of drug test, as this tends to be expensive. Most companies will go for a urine test instead. However, if you do find yourself facing a hair drug test, then you will have to be prepared. When you undergo a hair drug test, you will first have to give a sample. Usually, the tester will take a few strands of hair, around 50 to 80 strands of hair and use this. If you want to pass such a test, it will be very difficult. You may want to use some products, like special shampoos to try and remove the traces of drugs, but then this will also depend on a few factors, like how long you’ve been using and what type of drug.
Most companies and organizations use urine testing. Urine tests are non-invasive (unlike blood tests) and are quite inexpensive, considering it can test for about 10 common drugs that most people abuse. However, more and more, companies are turning to hair follicle drug testing. This is because it’s more accurate and you can actually see prior drug use up to 90 days. Also, it is even less invasive than urine testing, and the sample can be accounted for because the technician can get it directly. When you go for hair follicle drug testing, the technician will take about 50 to 80 strands of hair from your scalp. If you don’t have any hair, body hair, like armpit or pubic hair will do as well. A drug test can be quite a scary thing for some people. However, there are some methods of passing a drug test. The thing is, if you are not a frequent user, you may not even have anything to worry about. If you’ve only taken drugs once and not that much, the traces may not even show up on your test, or the traces may leave your body after a few hours. For example, soft drugs like marijuana can leave your system and be undetectable in urine. To pass such a test, all you may need to do is wait and drink a lot of liquid to make sure you remove as much urine from your body as possible.
In order to yield a negative results in a drug test, you have to be aware of the hair drug testing facts that can affect the outcome of this examination. This will make it easier for you to find the right techniques that can help you with your goal without getting caught. Here are some of the facts that you need to know. The examiner will directly take samples from you - Submitting someone else's hair for the exam is simply not possible since the sample will be taken directly from the examiner's head, not from a hair brush or other device. It is then directly sealed off in a tamper-proof container and immediately sent to the lab. Prescription medications can also be detected - Certain hair follicle drug tests can detect the presence of medications that are overused by many. These include Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone and Oxycodone.
Ordinary shampoos will not wash off the traceable substances - These residues or traceable substances are embedded in the shaft of the hair where they cannot be reached and washed off by ordinary shampoo. Hair thickness and color can affect the result - There have been cases wherein people with thicker hair have yielded false positive results while those with dyed hair have yielded false negative results. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and refraining from using any illegal substances is still the best way to pass any drug test. But if you cannot make it on time, there are hair drug test products available in the market that can help you mask or hide the drug metabolites in your hair follicles. To get more informative detail about How To Pass Hair Follicle Test then refer: