NDPHS - a partnership committed to achieving tangible results Mikko Vienonen/ Coordinating Chair SIHLWA Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability Progress so far Future activities CSR-13 Brussels April 2008 Agenda item 13.4
Objectives Developing the NDPHS’ co-operation in areas related to alcohol, periodic drinking, youth lifestyles, as well as occupational safety and health Support national, regional or local programmes in its respective fields of co-operation To that end, there are 3 sub-groups: Adolescents and Socially-Rewarding Lifestyles (ADO) Alcohol (ALC) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) EG on ”SIHLWA” (Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability) Representatives: = 34 Alternates: = 20 Ad hoc participants ≈ About participants
Average life-expectancy is mainly a reflection of unhealthy lifestyles. In Europe the estimated number of deaths (2005) from non-communicable diseases was 8.2 million people (all deaths were 9.6 million). NCDs make 77% of all deaths (source WHO-EURO 2006). Every year!
Source WHO-EURO 2005
EG on ”SIHLWA” Highlights (Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability) Since CSR-12 in Kaliningrad (Sept. 2007)
NDPHS / SIHLWA Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability 5th meeting 6-7 March 2008, Oslo Norway Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica
Honorable SIHLWA Delegates are arriving …
NDPHS / SIHLWA Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability 5th meeting 6-7 March 2008, Oslo Norway Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica
NDPHS / SIHLWA Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles & Work Ability next 6th meeting Sept. 2008, again in Oslo, Norway together with other EGs?
Projects in implementation: ADO sub-group: Russian Federation (St. Petersburg), NCM, & Finland: Alcohol and drug prevention among youth ; + Continuation for 2008 – 2009 approved (~ €/ Finland MoFA) ALC sub-group: Alcohol early identification & brief intervention/ EIBI feasibility (project preparation) in St Petersburg and Leningrad oblast 2008 NEW! (~ €/ Finland MoFA) OSH sub-group with ILO, Russian Federation and Finland: Occupational safety and health project in N-W Russian Federation (Leningrad Oblast & Republic of Karelia). 1st phase 2005 – 2007 and 2nd phase in 2007 – Continuation 3rd phase for 2008 – 2009 approved (~ €/ Finland MoFA) NOW ALL SUB-GROUPS HAVE THEIR OWN FLAGSHIP PROJECT! START-UP OF COLLECTING “SATELLITE-PROJECTS” ASSOCIATED WITH SIHLWA ?
Total SIHLWA project scope ADO A&DPrevY SPb € € RUS € ADO A&DPrevY SPb € € RUS ALC EIBI feasibility € OSH € OSH € OSH-3 FIOH € OSH data-base Thematic rep € SIHLWA Stakeholder analysis € TOTAL: € Question: should we become primarily project implementing bodies?
SIHLWA thematic meetings (since Sept. 2007): 1.European Public Health Association (EUPHA) Annual Conference October 2007 SIHLWA together with HIV/AIDS EG and NDPHS/Secretariat/Data-base project organized a seminar on NDPHS action. (ADO, ALC & OSH) 2.Pre-PAC Forum 15 Nov 2007: “Healthy Life – Healthy Work: Partnership for health & safety”. (OSH) 3.NCM/ Finnish chairmanship conference on promotion of healthy lifestyles and prevention of non-communicable diseases in St. Petersburg December (ADO, ALC & OSH) 4.“Impact of international trade agreements and EU internal market legislation on national alcohol, public health and social policies” meeting in Lessons learned from EC court cases with relevance to alcohol control policies will also be discussed. The seminar aims to increase understanding of the functioning of international trade legislation, and of the public health and social policy considerations involved, as well as of the political interests at stake in the legislative processes. (ALC). CONCERN: Funding? Host? Technical support?
SIHLWA Secretariat 2008 (Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability) Activities To prepare a SIHLWA stakeholder analysis in Leningrad Oblast, Murmansk, St. Petersburg and Republic of Karelia. (Funding received though NDPHS Project Pipeline € in February). Exploring for expanding the stakeholder analysis in other Russian regions and other countries, such as Baltic States, Nordic countries and Poland Potential Years of Life Lost (“PYLL”) assessment in selected NW Russian regions (Karelia, Vologda?).
Из тени к свету “PYLL” “ПГПЖ” ПОТЕНЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ГОДЫ ПОТЕРЯННОЙ ЖИЗНИ ( ”PYLL”) КАРТА ЗДОРОВЬЯ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ Илкка Вохлонен, Профессор Университета г. Куопио, Финляндия Финская консалтинговая компания Efeko Ltd. Study tour from Vologda, Cherepovets and Republic of Karelia 19 – 23 May 2008 Mayor, Minister/ Deputy Minister/ Head of Public Health. Business negotiations on how to proceed into PYLL-analysis in Russian regions and how to train Russian scientific institutions to the methodology.
70 y Standard-life to which all preventable deaths are reflected A = Ivan died of coronary heart attack at age of 55 years Ivan’s PYLL = = 15 years B = Anna died of alcohol poisoning at age of 28 years Anna’s PYLL = 70 – 28 = 42 years C = Pelagiya died of stroke at age of 71 years Pelagiya’s PYLL = 70 – 71 = 0 years Starting point: simple calculation
SIHLWA Secretariat 2008 (Social Inclusion, Healthy Lifestyles and Work Ability) Planned activity/ not yet activated 2008 “Wild Card”: Reviewing possibilities to implement “Life at Stake” (“Elämä pelissä”/ “На кону – жизнь”) popular TV- show on a Russian TV-channel in You try to change your predicted day of death by changing your lifestyle!
OSH-subgroup )Partnership Health & Work Strategy approved at PAC in Vilnius Nov )Lithuania already started to implement the strategy. 3)OSH/ SIHLWA has submitted a draft letter to the CSR-13 (agenda item 13.4/1) for consideration to be sent to the Ministries of Health in Partnership countries, asking the respective ministries to summarize the main actions, tools and measures that the countries are currently implementing to fulfill the 9 action points of the approved strategy. 4)ILO and OSH have made a joint draft outline for the preparation of regional OSH-profiles (4 regions in NX-Russia: Murmansk, Karelia, Leningrad Region & Vologda). Item 1 in Strategy. 5)Finnish Occupational Health Institute (FIOH) has started a project in NW-Russia to support preparation of regional OSH program, review of working conditions in high risk sector and improved information dissemination. 6)High level policy seminar on occupational health services scheduled for May in Moscow with WHO, ILO, International commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) and Finnish Occupational Health Institute (FIOH). 7)The World Day on Safety and Health at Work, 28 April 2008, is observed in the 1st OSH Congress 22 April and 28 April (both in Moscow). Several other events are held in the regions, including NW-Russia. Several OSH journals and newspapers are publishing articlesconcerning the Day. The ILO World Day report is published in Russian at and in English at 8)Country Reports on OSH in Northern Dimension Area (EST, FIN, LVA, LTU, NOR, RUS). First SIHLWA country profile for NDPHS Data-Base Project
ADO & ALC-subgroups’ thematic papers Thematic reports pending on: 1.Youth health 2.Alcohol & health profiles Problems: Funding? Not a project, not a meeting, not a conference
Is something really happening? 17/4/2008 Ministry of Interior/ Security in Finland: “alcohol is the biggest security risk in Finland”. More serious than international terrorism. 11/04/2008 “Russian State Duma ratifies International Framework of Tobacco Control 18/04/2008 “Russian President Elect Mr Medvedev has pointed out the importance of focusing on health systems. etc.
Good news last…. In May 2008 SIHLWA “Lead Partner” the MoSA&H/Finland will recruite half-time ITA (International Technical Adviser) to assist in the coordination and management of SIHLWA activities. This will help to scale up SIHLWA activities in the future
СПАСИБО! Merçi! Thank you!