ERG’s Employee Resource Group’s 1
INDEX A. Objectives Objectives B. ERG’s or What is a name ERG’s or What is a name C. Why ERG’s The Value Proposition Why ERG’s The Value Proposition D. Implementation Process in Stages Implementation Process in Stages E. Form BRG’s Form BRG’s F. Build BRG’s Build BRG’s G. Equip BRG’s Equip BRG’s H. Activate BRG’s Activate BRG’s I. Sustain BRG’s Sustain BRG’s 2
INDEX J. Build the Inclusion Council & ERG’sBuild the Inclusion Council & ERG’s K. Leadership’s Role in the strategyLeadership’s Role in the strategy L. Equip Inclusion Council & ERG Leaders Equip Inclusion Council & ERG Leaders M. Business Opportunities Business Opportunities N. Activate the ERG’sActivate the ERG’s O. Sustainability is CriticalSustainability is Critical P. Position ERG’s to Adapt and EvolvePosition ERG’s to Adapt and Evolve Q. Q&A’sQ&A’s 3
Objectives Utilize Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s) to positively impact employee engagement and individual development. Turn ERG’s into strategic partners to obtain a return on investment. Create a road map for successful ERG implementation. 4
B.What is a Name? What is an Employee Resource Group? 5 Business Resource Groups Associate Resource Groups Constituency Groups Employee Networks Employee Groups Affinity Networks Network Resource Groups Employee Resource Groups Resource Groups Affinity Groups Affinity Groups
C. Why ERG’s The Value Proposition 6 Networking Professional Development Skill Building Visibility to Leadership Belonging Made Tangible Legacy Mentorship Advocacy Relationships Impact Onboarding Recruiting Community Reputation Talent Development Retention Loyalty Product Development Marketing Outreach Internal Marketing Business Value
D. Implementation Process in Stages 7 1. Form Inclusion Council & ERG’s 1. Form Inclusion Council & ERG’s 2. Build Inclusion Council & ERG’s 2. Build Inclusion Council & ERG’s 3. Equip Inclusion Council & ERG’s 3. Equip Inclusion Council & ERG’s 4. Activate Inclusion Council & ERG’s 4. Activate Inclusion Council & ERG’s 5. Sustain Inclusion Council & ERG’s 5. Sustain Inclusion Council & ERG’s
Form Business Resource Groups (BRG) 8 Mindset: Understand the new BRG Model. Evaluate how to adjust the BRG model to accommodate your affiliate (e.g. which committees will exist in the BRG). Actions: Communicate the new model and implementation timeline to inclusion Council. Complete and submit a new BRG request form. Tools: Structure & Guidelines. Benefits of inclusion Councils & Business Resource Groups. Inclusion Council & BRG Leader Talking Points. Inclusion Council and BRG FAQ’s. BRG Committee Guidelines. New BRG Request Form. E. Implementation Process in Stages
9 Mindset: Understand BRG leader nomination process. Actions: Evaluate potential BRG leaders using the affiliate demographic report. Nominate leaders for each BRG position. Tools: New Leader Process. New Leader Guide and Talking Points. New Leader Welcome Letter. F. Build BRG
10 Mindset: Understand the gaps from existing BRG structure. Tailor the leader training to meet your specific BRG needs. Actions: Complete leader training. Complete strategic planning training. Tools: Leader Training Deck. Leader Training Agenda. Team Building Activity. Cases of studies & Guide. There’s a Tool for that Activity & Answer Sheet. Individual Action Plan & Example. Inclusion Paradox Discussion Questions. Leader training Evaluation. G. Equip BRG
11 Mindset: Understand operating rhythms and processes (e.g. event planning, BRG names, etc.). Actions: Kick off BRG and set meeting schedule (weekly, monthly, etc.). Plan employee communications (ILP, ETC.). Tools: Council Budget Template. BRG Budget Template. Meeting Planner Template. New Member Process. Membership Form. Strategic Plan Template. Council Roster Template. H. Activate BRG
12 Mindset: Anticipate succession and development needs for the BRG. Continually renew the BRG membership. Actions: Monitor BRG succession plans. Review the affiliate demographic report and extend membership invitations new employees. Offer development opportunities (from Diversity Best Practices or other forums). Calibrate the ROI and communicate successes with employees and leaders. Track initiatives and take pictures to be included in the annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report. Tools: Summary Template. Certificate of Recognition. Succession Planning Process. I. Sustain BRG
13 J. Build the inclusion Council & ERG’s Evaluate talent pool for demonstrated skill & development opportunities Nominate leaders for each position Partner with HR in the Process Establish commitment with new leader & the manager Inclusion Council & ERG work is treated like business project work.
14 K. Leadership’s Role in the Strategy Build upon our engaging culture by integrating inclusion into leadership messaging. Launch Inclusion Councils & Business Resource Groups (BRG’s) in each market, with leadership involvement and appointed chairs. Open avenues for BRG’s to provide insights of their respective constituencies (BRG’s will have goals and measures for success tied to the business). Provide support and guidance on how to integrate with internal and external partners that are most aligned with our priorities products and services.
15 L. Equip the Inclusion Council & ERG Leaders Roles & Responsibilities Structure & Guidelines Operating Rhythms Success Practices Tools & Resources Cultural Competency Strategic Planning Business Development/ROI Succession Planning
16 M. Business Oportunities
17 N. Activate the ERG’s Kick-off & Continuously Recruit Members Regular Meetings Stablish Operating Rhythms Annual Strategic Planning Communicat e to Employees
18 O. Sustainability is Critical Connections for Families Emerging Markets Change Demographics Virtual Learning labs Alignment to the Business DBP Membership Community of Practice Calls Globalization Chair Chats
19 P. Position ERG’s to Adapt and Evolve Success Practice Forums Track ROI Reciprocal Mentoring Succession Plans Recognition Cultural Competency Building Cross Orgaznizational BRG’s Link to Employee’s Performace Ongoing Leadership Development Visibility as a Leader in the Community Visibility as a Leader in the Community
20 Q. Questions and Answers