MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial For more course Tutorials


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Presentation transcript:

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial For more course Tutorials

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial MGT 380 Entire Course MGT 380 Week 1 DQ 1 Implementing Change MGT 380 Week 1 DQ 2 Leadership Theory MGT 380 Week 2 DQ 1 Leadership Types MGT 380 Week 2 DQ 2 Ethical Leadership MGT 380 Week 2 Assignment World Leaders MGT 380 Week 3 DQ 1 Cultural Differences MGT 380 Week 3 DQ 2 Corporate Culture MGT 380 Week 4 DQ 1 Following MGT 380 Week 4 DQ 2 Vision, Mission, Strategy MGT 380 Week 5 DQ 1 Team Leadership MGT 380 Week 5 DQ 2 Change Theory MGT 380 Week 5 Final Paper Leadership Theory Implementing Change. After watching the Change is good movie clip, list three ways in which change can impact your leadership at work and two ways it can impact your leadership at home or in your personal life. What was the most important thing you learned from the clip? Respond substantively to two other students’ posts.

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial MGT 380 Week 1 DQ 2 Leadership Theory MGT 380 Week 2 Assignment World Leaders Leadership Theory. Select three leadership theories and explain how you will implement those theories in your leadership style. Be sure to include specific examples and articulate how the theory influences the outcome. Respond substantively to two other students’ posts. World Leaders. Use the Library to research a prominent world leader, living or deceased, who you admire. Explain whether the leader’s style is transactional or transformational. What type of leadership characteristics does the leader demonstrate? What aspects of servant leadership does the leader exhibit? The paper should be three to four pages long, excluding title and reference pages, with at least two scholarly references, a minimum of one being from the Library. The paper should also reflect proper APA format and style and integrate resources with in-text citations to support the writing. Vocabulary learned thus far in the course should be integrated throughout the paper.

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial MGT 380 Week 2 DQ 1 Leadership Types MGT 380 Week 2 DQ 2 Ethical Leadership Leadership Types. Distinguish between transactional and transformational leadership. Be sure to give specific examples of each style. Which one do you feel is more effective and why? Respond substantively to two other students’ posts Ethical Leadership. Give an example of ethical leadership. What are the characteristics of ethical leadership? And why do you think ethical leadership is important? Respond substantively to two other students’ posts.

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial MGT 380 Week 3 DQ 1 Cultural Differences MGT 380 Week 3 DQ 2 Corporate Culture Cultural Differences. Why is it important for a leader to be able to manage across cultures? Communicate your thoughts on the following statement: “Leaders who cannot understand cultural differences in people cannot lead or manage them.” Respond substantively to two other students’ posts. Corporate Culture. Read the information regarding Zappos in your book. Does the leader impact organizational culture or does organizational culture impact the leader? Explain. If you were the leader of Zappos, what new elements would you add to the corporate culture? Explain. How does the corporate culture impact vision, mission, and strategy at Zappos? Respond substantively to two other students’ posts.

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial MGT 380 Week 4 DQ 1 Following MGT 380 Week 4 DQ 2 Vision, Mission, Strategy Following. Watch The First Follower and discuss three things you learned from the video clip, providing examples. Also, explain the chain of leadership + follower = movement. Why do you think it is important for the leader to embrace the first follower as an equal? Respond substantively to two other students’ posts. Vision, Mission, Strategy. What is the role of leadership as it relates to vision, mission, and strategy in an organization? Give specific examples. Respond substantively to two other students’ posts

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial MGT 380 Week 5 DQ 1 Team Leadership MGT 380 Week 5 DQ 2 Change Theory Team Leadership. Read the section on Wrigley in your text. What three team leadership concepts can be learned from the company? What traits or characteristics are necessary for leaders to be effective in running teams? Respond substantively to two other students’ posts Change Theory. Leaders can improve the chances for a successful change outcome by following Kotter’s eight- step change theory. Pick three of the eight-step change theory components and give an example for each step that explains how leaders can implement it to effect change. Respond substantively to two other students’ posts.

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial MGT 380 Week 5 Final Paper Leadership Theory Focus of the Final Paper For the final paper, you will examine key concepts of leadership in your place of work, or in a social organization to which you may belong that has leadership concepts (Rotary club, athletic team, scout leader, etc). In the paper, you will include the following: 1. Apply one of the leadership theories from the course text to the organization. Explain how the theory works and include an example.

MGT 330 Potential Instructors / snaptutorial For more course Tutorials