Enhancing Parent Engagement
WHY THIS PRESENTATION? Research tells us that parents don’t always understand what school leaders do Understanding our role and our responsibilities will help you to be more informed and engaged To best meet the needs of our students, we all need to work together
WHO WE ARE Meadowcrest Public School is a community of 375 students in JK – Grade 8 The students are taught by 21.5 teaching staff 2 ECEs in our FDK program, 1 Educational Assistant Trina Lewis – Principal Susan Tanner – Vice-Principal Darlene Baird and Mal Johnston – Admin. Assistants Dave Bell & Derek Rumley - Custodial team Heather Jessup - Teacher-Librarian SERT – Susan Tanner
OUR SCHOOL BOARD Meadowcrest is part of the Durham District School Board Our Whitby Area Superintendent is John Bowyer The Director of the Board is Lisa Millar Our trustees are Kimberly Zeppieri and Christine Winters
WHAT IS YOUR ROLE? School Councils were set up to ensure parents could have greater involvement with their child’s education The goal of School Community Councils is to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system Any parent can be a member There is also a community member and school staff (P, VP, teacher, support staff) on the Council All home/school connections are important, whether you belong/attend School Council meetings or not
SCHOOL COUNCILS School Councils make recommendations to the principal and School Boards Principals consult School Councils on a variety of matters that affect student learning Principals consider recommendations made by School Councils Parent involvement is one of the most significant factors contributing to a child’s success in school The Principal is a non-voting member of the School Council
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A PRINCIPAL While every day is different, my typical day consists of: Ensuring the students arrive safely (through the Safe Arrival Program) Meeting with the staff (teaching and support) Managing facility issues with the caretaker (playground, parking lot, boiler room, washrooms) Monitoring the safety of the building Ensuring students are adequately supervised Talking with kids (formally and informally)
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A PRINCIPAL Responding to board directives and issues Communicating with parents (proactively or follow-ups) Focusing on student safety, achievement and engagement Collaborating with other Principal colleagues on school and board issues
MY RESPONSIBILITIES I have many duties and responsibilities under provincial law and school board policies: providing a safe and welcoming learning environment ensuring the curriculum is being delivered and assessed appropriately maintaining relationships with various stakeholders ensuring resources are effectively delegated among students and programs implementing the professional development activities of the staff
MY ROLE Principals are commonly referred to as instructional leaders – that means we assist teachers with planning, implementing and assessing the curriculum (what your child is learning) There are also many managerial and operational aspects of my job that contribute to student achievement such as discipline, attendance, parent communication and timetabling As the school’s lead learner, I work with staff to build and sustain a positive learning environment
IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION If you have a question related to your child (well-being, curriculum, achievement, behaviour, classroom issues) your first contact should be with the teacher If your concerns escalate or are unresolved, you can then contact the appropriate Vice-principal or myself If you have a school-based question (bus, playground, parking lot, class placement) you should contact me I can be contacted by phone, or by making a meeting request)
MANY HATS In my role, I wear many hats, but there are limits While I am not a doctor or nurse, a police officer, a social worker, a day care supervisor or a mental health professional, as the lead learner I help students in many ways Our staff may deal with many of the people noted above, and more, in our role, if a student needs assistance beyond our realm of expertise or beyond what the school can directly provide
Principals have training in Emergency Response, Health and Safety, WHIMIS, Threat and Risk Assessment and BMS Principals are experts in assessment and evaluation, curriculum development, instruction and differentiation Principals communicate daily with students, teachers, support staff, parents and community members Principals manage assessment and data to develop and implement the School Improvement Plan MANY HATS
COMMON Q’S Split grades Too many kids in a class Homework Discipline Teacher assignment Spec Ed resources Bullying Course offerings Sports/clubs offered by the school EQAO scores
WHAT I WANT YOU TO KNOW My job is very complex and requires open communication among the school community Every day, there are a number of decisions that have to be made, and our response is based on what is best for the entire school Sometimes decisions need to be made for individual students, but more often, they have to consider all students While you look at issues from the perspective of your child, I have to look at issues from the perspective of 375 students, our community and our staff
WHAT I WANT YOU TO KNOW This work becomes fulfilling when you see the positive impact it has on kids Our goal everyday is to teach life lessons and the value of hard and determined work We want to graduate good citizens, not just good students Discipline is not used as a punitive measure, but to create opportunities to learn and model behaviour that will last a lifetime We want to teach students the value of doing the right thing as its own reward
WHAT I WANT YOU TO KNOW Everyday, our focus is on doing what is in the best interest of the kids We want your child to be happy and successful We need to work together to make that happen A positive, respectful working relationship is the best way to achieve that result
OUR SCHOOL This school belongs to all of us How can we work together to make it even better?