Influence of Age on Length and Passive Elastic Stiffness Characteristics of the Calf Muscle-Tendon Unit of Women by Richard L Gajdosik, Darl W Vander Linden, and Ann K Williams ptjournal Volume 79(9): September 1, 1999 Physical Therapy
Descriptive Statistics for Age, Height, Mass, and Body Mass Index (BMI)a for Younger Women (n=24), Middle-aged Women (n=24), and Older Women (n=33). Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
List of the Terms and Their Abbreviations and Definitions. Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
Schematic diagrams of the full, defined angular change (ANG-CH) (in degrees) between an initial angle in plantar flexion (PF), where the passive resistive torque was 10% of the maximal passive resistive torque, and the maximal dorsiflexion (DF) angle at the point of maximal passive resistive torque for the younger women (n=24), middle-aged women (n=24), and older women (n=33). Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
Calf muscle-tendon unit passive curves (±SD) for the full, defined angular change for the younger women (n=24), middle-aged women (n=24), and older women (n=33). Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
Descriptive Statistics and Results of Analysis of Variance for the Maximal Passive Dorsiflexion (DF) Angle, Passive Angular Change, and Maximal Passive Resistive Torque (PRT) for the Younger Women (n=24), Middle-aged Women (n=24), and Older Women (n=33). Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
Descriptive Statistics and Results of Analysis of Variance for the Average Passive Elastic Stiffness (in Newton-meters per Degree) (PES) for the Full, Defined Dorsiflexion (DF) Stretch Range of Motion (ROM) and for the First Half and the Last Half of the Full Stretch ROM for the Younger Women (n=24), Middle-aged Women (n=24), and Older Women (n=33). Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
Average passive elastic stiffness (PES) (in newton-meters per degree), passive angular change (ANG-CH) (in degrees), and passive resistive torque change (PRT-CH) (in newton-meters) within the last half of the full, defined stretch range of motion for the middle-aged women (n=24) and the older women (n=33), expressed as a percentage of the values (ie, 100%) for the younger women (n=24). Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficients for Comparison of Age With Maximal Passive Dorsiflexion (DF) Angle, Passive Angular Change, Maximal Passive Resistive Torque (PRT), and Average Passive Elastic Stiffness (PES) for the Full, Defined Stretch Range of Motion (ROM) (Full) and for the First Half (First) and the Last Half (Last) of the Full Stretch ROM for All Women Combined (N=81). Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
Passive curves for all 3 groups superimposed to illustrate their similarities within their common ranges of motion. Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy
Descriptive Statistics for Passive Elastic Stiffness (in Newton-meters per Degree) at 0, 5, 10, and 15 Degrees of Dorsiflexion (DF) Within the Range of Passive Stretch Common to the Younger Women, Middle-aged Women, and Older Womena. Richard L Gajdosik et al. PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy