D- Care USA Introduce The Biological Autologus Blood Therapy For Tissues Healing
A Revolutionary Therapeutic Technique To Cure The Incurable Tissues Injuries The Auto – Heal Biological System® A Technology of D Care - USA
What Is The Biological Therapy ? The Biological Therapy is any form of treatment that uses the body's natural abilities that constitute the immune system to fight infection and disease or to restor The Cell Function
The Auto – Heal Biological System® Includes : 1- The Autologus Platelet Rich Plasma and Gel Therapy. 2- The Pulsed Nano Second Electromagnetic Field Signals { PEMF }. Activated Platelet Contains Growth Factors PEMF Signals To Restore Cell Function
Growth Factors In Platelet
PEMF Signals Cell polarity plays an essential role in all types of tissue formation
The Auto – Heal Biological System® Includes 2 Therapeutic devices Plateltex® Kit for Separation and Activation of Platelets Nano Heal PEMF ® A device to Generate PEMF Signals The Auto – Heal Biological System® Includes 2 Therapeutic devices Plateltex® Kit for Separation and Activation of Platelets Nano Heal PEMF ® A device to Generate PEMF Signals
Diabetic Foot Ulcers Week 1 Week 3 Week 4
In Burn Day 1 Day 7 Day 10 Day 15
Perianal Fistula
Intraoperative use of platelet-rich plasma (arrows) during patellar tendon repair
Platelet rich plasma application on the sternum
PRP on distal anastamoses
PRP on vein harvest site
Treatment of deep sternal wound infections after coronary artery bypass grafting
And Much More uses Thanks D-Care USA