Terrence E. Zavecz Weir TR Interface User’s Overview Origin:
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Tips & Hints - 1 Report Publishing to "html" pages on the web Any of the Weir Reports are in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. This means you can publish modify, annotate and publish them to any web site by the the "File/SaveAs" menu command and selecting the "html" format. To add a graph to the report simply use the "Edit/Copy graphic" menu command and then past it into the report spreadsheet and then SaveAs HTML format. Weir Reports can be saved to any website. To save the report, open it's spreadsheet in Excel and select the "File/SaveAs" menu. When the pop-up interface appears, select the "Web (htm,html)" format. Interrupting Processing The "ESC" key will interrupt any processing if it is held depressed. Graph Customization Graphs are easily copied using the Edit Menu selections, the button bar and by boxing-in a section of any plot with the mouse. To edit titles, rescale graphs, and add box-plots, trend-lines and fitted curves, right click on the graph and use the Graphic-Editor interface. You can easily re-Scale any line-graph by using the left-mouse button to box-in the portion you want to magnify. SpreadSheet Control A "Spreadsheet" menu is located near the top right-hand corner of the Weir program interfaces. It will be listed as the name of the loaded Weir Workbook. The menu shown in figure 3 is using the name "KLA_SAMPLE.XLS". Clicking on any spreadsheet menu will bring it to the forefront in the Excel Workbook. Selecting the "Delete Worksheet" submenu will open an interface that will interactively allow multiple worksheets to be deleted from the workbook. An "Index" worksheet positioned at the 3rd tab of the Weir Data workbook lists and links all of the worksheets created for data, reports and analysis summaries.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Weir Workbook Organization Worksheets can be modified by the user. A basic data import consists of the following spreadsheets: The first worksheet will contain the data. Up to 8 variables can be input at one time Feel free to cut/paste/move these cells The “Sites” worksheet links the “Test” column of the data with a site-location on the wafer or field The “Excluded” worksheet will contain data that the metrology tool flags as “bad” measurements. This datasheet will appear in the Weir PW “DataSheets” combo and can be loaded and examined just like any other data. The “Index” worksheet contains a log of the reports created with hyperlinks to their location. The “Information” worksheet details the header and setup information for this dataset
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Workbook “Index” Each analysis stores reports. Reports and data are summarized in the Index worksheet Hyperlinks provide quick access to the data.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Reports Created by Weir TR
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Data as imported Two analysis tabs are available The “Thermal Energy” tab provides the controls for the basic analysis of process phases and calculation of the integrated energy imparted to the process curve. The “Temperature Maps” screen provides an interface to plot graphs and contours of the temperature, energy and phase segments calculated in the “Thermal Energy” tab. Information plots A Sensor location plot is shown on the upper left or center of the screen. You can copy this graphic by dragging the left- mouse button to form a box around the graph. The “Refresh” button on this and the other screens re-plots the graphic. The Time-Temperature curve is plotted on the upper right. A separate curve is plotted for each sensor The Time-Temperature- site response graph is plotted in the lower screen. This graph plots a time-temperature curve at each sensor’s location on the substrate. Plots contain a black-curve with the first data readings on the left. Each curve ‘s relative height above/below the center of the circle show’s the sensors range from the average temperature at that point in time. Interface size Use the lower-right corner of the interface to scale it to your screen. Weir TR will remember your settings the next time your start. Top/Bottom display relative size User the red “X” command button located on center-right side of the interface to change the relative size of the top/bottom graphics.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Button Bar Import data Open a Weir data workbook Save the workbook Print Screen Copy Screen Copy Graphic Start Weir Layout interface. This interface allows focus/dose and other layout data to be entered as well as substrate and die size Start Weir TR Matching Interface
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Thermal Data Basic Controls Data constituents The upper left section of the Thermal Energy screen shows that a total of 415 time-slices or “wafers” are available in this dataset. Immediately below are the “Max” & “Min” combo controls that allow a sub-set of the full data set to be examined. Analysis Controls The “Activation Temperature” field provides a minimum threshold for energy calculation. When the temperature is above this threshold, the energy inserted into the substrate by the thermal process will be integrated as the height of the temperature curve times the width of the time-slice. The Phase Threshold, entered as a percentage between 0% and 100%, is used to detect phase changes in the process. If the rate of temperature change for any given slice changes by more than this percentage from the previous rate, then a phase change has occurred Wafer (Sensor) Site Selection A check-box control provides one entry for each sensor in the data. Data selection defaults to “All” sensors. Check a sensor entry to include it in the analysis.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Using the Wafer (Sensor) Site Selection The default selection uses all sensors Click on the “All” checkbox to select all sensors as individuals Remove Single Uncheck any single sensor to remove it from selection Remove Group Selects or removes a continuous set of sensors To remove TC3 to TC7 Uncheck TC3 Uncheck TC7 while holding down the shift key DefaultSelect allRemove Single Remove Group
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Time-Temperature curve Hover the mouse over this graph to see the value at any point on the curve or to see details about the sensor-source of the curve. Details will appear in the upper-right section of the curve. “Deg.8 Point (1300,382.8)” Left-mouse click on a segment of the curve The Temperature-Time curve below will re-plot with a red “dot” at the corresponding time segment. Left-mouse click
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Easy Rescale Use the left-mouse button to box in a portion of the curve. Select re-scale from the pop-up menu. Click on the graph with the right-mouse button to use the graph editor. Graph editor Re-Scaled Graph
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Graphic Controls in General Drag a box around any portion of any curve using the left mouse button. A pop-up menu will be presented to allow you to copy the selected area or to rescale the graph to the region of the box. Right-click on any graph. A graph-edit interface will appear to allow you to: Change Titles & labels Rescale any axes Add messages/notes Add box-plots Add trend curves Change curve, graph and background colors.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Temperature vs Time graph Press the first vertical tab “Temperature & Time” to create the graph. Plots the sensors temperature relative to the average wafer temperature. Scales at the bottom of the plot show the half-range of data. Time (X) values range from zero to (2*1035) seconds Temperature (y) scales vary by +/ degrees. Statistics reflect the overall data range Corresponding point on curve = red dot
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Press the vertical “Phase” tab to start the analysis. Analysis plots the Range against time of the process. Y2-axis of graph plots the Maximum and minimum temperature against time. A short statistics summary of the phases is shown in the lower left. Phase transitions are designated with a yellow square and it’s associated error bar. The error-bars signify the uncertainty of the phase estimate. Interpretation The black “Range” curve illustrates the range of temperature across the substrate at any given time. Max/Min curves show the maximum and minimum temperature at the same point in time. The number of phase transitions (yellow squares) and their placement is influenced by the Phase Threshold value. Phase Calculation
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Phase Summary - Average From “RiseTimesPhase” spreadsheet A 20% phase threshold with an actuation threshold temperature of 330 degrees was used Phase 4 is the first plateau of constant temperature It lasted seconds (3.2 minutes) Temperature averaged degrees and rose 3.7 degrees over this transition The ramp was small at degrees/ second during this phase. A total of thousand degree-seconds of energy was provided in this phase. The phase ended at 1,269.7 seconds (21.16 minutes) into the process Phase 4
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Phase Summary Range From “RiseTimesPhase” spreadsheet For the 17 sensors of the process, Phase 4: Start time and the period of the phase ranged in value by 10 seconds The variation in temperature across the substrate range by degrees. The rise during the phase varied by 1.01 degrees Ramp speed varied by 0.09 degree/seconds The maximum energy achieved varied by 73,300 deg-sec and the minimum energy by 68,100 deg-sec
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Sensor Covariance Saved in the Sensor Covariance spreadsheet Shows covariance of each sensor as well as the sensor position or radius
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Covariance by Radial Position From the SensorCovariance spreadsheet we see in this excel chart that there is no strong variation with radius on the wafer
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Covariance Sensor #8 is the wafer center
Terrence E. Zavecz Family Response Graphs The Phase tab generates a total of 33 graphs. These graphs consists of data relationships based on: Sensor (10 graphs) Rise Times and Phase Transitions (12) Radial Position on the wafer (11) Use the Radio Buttons to select the set of graphics you wish to view The Refresh button will rescale the graphic to it’s original settings The interactive mouse controls are fully functional for graph setup and scaling
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Family Response Button Bar Copy the interface Print the interface Copy the graphic Pick up the graph style for any or all of the graph’s axes… font, color, scale, range etc. Apply the graph style previously stored to the currently displayed graph View the graph data in a spreadsheet Clone this interface into a second control. Provides easy graph-to- graph comparisons.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Cumulative Energy vs sensor for each phase
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Time – Phase Error Plots the difference between the probe’s temperature and the average temperature for the phase…. “phase error” Phase 8 Phase 4
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Phase 4, & 8 response flats
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Time-Slope Graph Temperature falling Inflection point Maximum rise Phase 4 constant with fully settled at 1250 sec Phase 8 constant region with ringing Shows the rate of temperature rise or fall during the process
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Temp-Slope Graph Plots the temperature achieved and the slope or change in temperature that occurred during the phase. Phase 4 Phase 8
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Phase Error Difference in temperature from the wafer average temperature at each time slice Phase 4 & 8 are the two plateau or constant phases. Phase 8 variation is plotted on the Y2 axis. Remainder of phase data was manually hidden using the graph edit control. Phase 8 was moved to the Y2 axis using the graph edit control
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Time-CumeEnergy Hover the mouse over any curve to see it’s value and name. Threshold temperature of 330 degrees achieved Energy range at end of cycle
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Detail at 330 degrees Sensor 16 Sensor 4 Sensor 8 Wafer center Remaining sensors
Terrence E. Zavecz Temperature Maps Plot vector or contour maps of any time slice. Controls allow plotting of: Temperature Acceleration Rise-slope Energy (Instantaneous) Cumulative Energy Plots can be made using a single matrix as shown or restricted to one plot per screen.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Thermal Map Controls Create Maps Plots the data based upon the selections made in the variable combo and the setup tabs. Variable combo The variable combo selects the data variable to be plotted Plot Control Tab Selects the plot-screen format “One plot per screen” and “Plot Matrix” use the current screen to plot the graphs. “One Plot per window” and “Plot matrix window” plot the graphs in a separate window. Single plot per screen/window When selected, a tab is also created on the window with a corresponding time. Select the tab to view the plot.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Time Selection Controls Selects the number of time-slices to plot The frame header lists the total number of plots that will be generated. In this case 81 plots. Display Format: time ( temperature) Time-selection combo: Manual Manually check or un-check the time selection 2,3,5, 10, 20 Select time slices every 2 (or 3 or 5 etc) measurements Selection starts at the first time-slice manually selected To select a continuous block of slices Check the first time-slice Move the the 2 nd (end) time-slice and select it while holding the shift key.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Map Setup Select the type of plot and scaling Vector Plot Uncheck this to plot a full-color contour “Scale” Valid only for Vector plots Sets the size of the data-sensor plot in pixels Grid Contours Valid only for contour plots Plot a black-contour ridge at each key designate Auto Scale Weir TR automatically selects the max/min values of the plot Max Scale Scale all plots to the max/ min value of all data selected so that only one scale is used. Set Scale Manually enter the High & Low values to scale all plots to.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Animation tab Works only with One-plot per screen or window plots. Wafer contour or Vector plots may be used Press the red-triangle “play” key to view the animation. Slider to right of play key sets the animation speed. Animation will reset and continue until the “stop” key is pressed. The “stop” key will replace the “play” key when the animation is running. Slider below the “play” key Shows animation location in process sequence. May be manually moved to display different contour segments.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Matrix display of multiple images Temperature uniformity at each time slice plotted.
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Uniformity at 130 seconds (before heating)
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Uniformity at 1270 seconds (phase 4) vector
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Uniformity at 2070 seconds (Phase 8 end)
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Uniformity at 2075 seconds (phase 8)
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Thermal Rise-slope 130 seconds1270 seconds2070 seconds Rate of change of temperature at each time
Yield Enhancement thru Modeling TEA Systems Cumulative Energy 130 seconds1270 seconds2070 seconds