Wastewater treatment development in Budapest (with special regard to GEF project in NBWWTP)


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Presentation transcript:

Wastewater treatment development in Budapest (with special regard to GEF project in NBWWTP)

Budapest River Danube

Some important data Area of Budapest: 525 km 2 Inhabitants of Budapest: 1,8 million Length of the sewer system: km Connected households: 96%

Existing and planned wastewater treatment plants of Budapest General sewage plan of the city prepared South-Pest wastewater treatment plant (existing) North-Budapest wastewater treatment plant (existing) Central wastewater treatment plant (under construction) South-Buda wastewater treatment plant (planned)

- North Budapest - South Pest - Central - South Buda Wastewater Master Plan of Budapest

Some important data Wastewater quantity: 150 L/capita/d (in 1989 it was above 300 L/capita/d!) 45% Treated wastewater North-Pest + South-Pest WWTP + Central WWTP + South-Buda WWTP 90% Treated wastewater ~100% Treated wastewater

North Budapest Wastewater Treatment Plant Nutrient Removal Phase funded by GEF

The Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant Maximum daily wastewater flow : m3/d Average daily wastewater flow : m3/d Maximum hourly wastewater flow: m3/h

Influent and Effluent wastewater quality 2006

Design wastewater treatment capacity Maximum daily wastewater quantity Qdmax [m3/d] Average daily wastewater quantity Qdaver [m3/d] Design maximum hourly wastewater quantity Qdmaxhmax [m3/h] Quantity of influent raw Wastewater

Quality of influent raw Wastewater ParameterMeasurementConcentration KOI / CODmg/l733 BOI 5 / BOD 5 mg/l400 N-NH4 / N-NH4mg/l41,5 TSSmg/l348 TPmg/l10,9 TNmg/l63,6

Requirements for Discharged Water ParameterMeasurementConcentration KOI / CODmg/l75 BOI 5 / BOD 5 mg/l25 N-NH4 / N-NH4mg/l5 TSSmg/l35 TPmg/l2 TNmg/l30

Present situation Danube River one of the continent largest rivers most important contributor to nutrient pollution of the Black Sea (N: t/year, P: t/year, 10 times the loads discharged to North Sea from River Rhine)

Objectives of the governmental strategy on wastewater development Sustainable use of natural resources Meet the EU requirements (Hungary joined the EU in 2004 adapting the EU requirements, EU directives on water) Commitments under international agreements (Danube convention established in 1994)

Financial resources of developments in Budapest Study on optimization of development resources million US$ EU and GEF subventions ~ 60% Government funds Own revenues and loans

Project costs of tertiary treatment at NBWWTP Total 23,4 million US$ GEF financing 6,5 million US$ IBRD loan 7,2 million US$ Local financing 9,7 million US$ GEF is playing catalytic role by financing a portion of investments The GEF project will have a demonstration effect in Hungary and the region

O&M expenses and tariffs in Budapest The actual sewage fee covering development costs, capital costs and operational costs with the lowest possible fee Affordable new tariffs (4% of average households income) Tertiary treatment in NBWWTP estimated at US$ 5 million (0,05 US$/m 3 )