The topic of the lesson: «Packaging and recycling »
Цели: 1. Воспитывать бережное отношение к природе. 2. Развивать навыки устной речи, ознакомить с лексикой по теме «Проблемы переработки». 3. Практиковать учащихся в просмотровом чтении, аудировании. 4. Формирование правильного представления о поведении на природе. Слайд 3
“ Strong reasons make strong actions” W. Shakespeare. Слайд 4
Phonetic drill: [ I ] – ecology, eclipse, effect, enough, eruption. [ p ] – protect, pollution, pack, prohibit, prevention. [ d ] – dangerous, endangered, damage, desert, decompose, destroy. Слайд 5
New words: Harm- вредить Manufacturing – производство, выработка Landfill site - свалка мусора Throw away - выбрасывать Decompose - разлагаться Mistake for – принимать за Renewable resources – возобновляемые ресурсы Recycling - переработка Слайд 6
Слайд 7
PAPER BAG or PLASTIC BAG _____________ is made from renewable resources. Recycling _______________uses a lot of energy. ______________takes a long time to decompose. A lot of energy is needed to make ______________ ______________can cause animals to die. Слайд 8
harm damage manufacturing making a landfill site a large deep hole where we bury rubbish throw away get rid of them to decompose break up mistake for confuse with Слайд 9
Слайд 10
Traffic ticket takes ______ to decompose. Слайд11
Banana peel takes ______ to decompose. Слайд 12
Wool sock takes ______ to decompose Слайд 13
Painted wooden stake takes ______ to decompose Слайд14
Tin can takes ______ to decompose Слайд 15
Plastic bottles take ______ to decompose Слайд 16
Glass bottles ______ decompose Слайд 17
Слайд 18
Слайд 19
Nearly everything is packed only in paper containers. “Packaging” keeps food clean and fresh. Every year in Britain each person products about 27 kilograms of plastic waste. Making plastic causes pollution. “Packaging” can not kill or hurt animals. Слайд20
“ Strong reasons make strong actions” W. Shakespeare. Слайд 21