Yuan Dynasty/Mongol Empire By: Bryce, Jake, Jacy, Sam, and Beth.


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Presentation transcript:

Yuan Dynasty/Mongol Empire By: Bryce, Jake, Jacy, Sam, and Beth

Expanse of the Mongolian Empire

Pax Mongolica Pax Mongolica is a term coined by western philosophers to describe the period of relative peace that followed the Mongol’s conquests The Mongolian Empire incorporated multiple cultures Under the unified administration trade flourished because trade routes were safer

United many Mongolian tribes Invaded Kara-Khitan Khanate, Caucusas, the Khwarezmid Empire, Western Jia, and the Jin dynasty His empire was used the civilian and military code called the Yassa Was tolerant of many things including race/ethnicity and religious tolerance (due to his concept of religion as personal and not subject to law) He used a system of meritocracy, which placed positions in the hands of the most able Before his death he split his empire into four khanates in order to make it manageable and gave one to each of his sons (one died and his sons inherited it) He brought the Silk Road under a single political body Did not finish conquering the Song Dynasty, this was accomplished later

Kublai Khan Grandson of Genghis Khan Very open to outside ideas The very first cannons were found in Mongolia Allowed the polo family in to trade and learn of Europe Had trading with Pope Gregory X Destroyed the Song dynasty in 1279 Created the first unified paper currency

Silk Road An extensive, interconnected network of trade routes across the Asian continent connecting East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean, as well as North and Northeast Africa, and Europe. Spread Buddhism from India to China. Trade along the Silk Road decreased greatly by the end of the 14 th century.

Marco Polo Wealthy merchant from Venice, Italy Wrote Il Milione, which introduced Europeans to Central Asia and China Traveled the silk road Traveled to China and met Kublai Khan Awestruck at the vastness of the empire that he saw in China