Period 3- The Post-Classical Era 500 C.E. – 1450 C.E.
The Post-Classical Period 500 – 1450 CE Themes that identify the period 1.Diffusion of religions/philosophies such as Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. 2.Inter-regional economic & cultural exchange linking Africa, Asia & Europe. 3.The restoration of political order.
1. Diffusion of religions in the Post-Classical Era
2. Inter-regional economic & cultural exchange
2. Inter-regional economic & cultural exchange linking Africa, Asia & Europe.
3. The Restoration of Political Order
Ikhanate (Persia & E. Turkey Founded by Hülegü) Golden Horde (Russia – Cossacks) Chagatai (Kazakhstan, etc) Great Khanate (China, Mongolia, Korea)
Ch.13 – The Byzantine Empire PART 1 – Questions for Analysis 1. How did the political, intellectual, and cultural makeup of the Byzantine Empire compare to that of the western half of the Roman Empire? 2. Examine the reign of Justinian. Explain the main points of the Justinian Code and the corpus iuris civilis. In what ways did Justinian influence history? PART 2 – Making Connections Explain the relationship between each of the following pairs. Be specific in your response. a. Constantinople & the “third Rome” b. the Theme System & Satrapies
Ch.14 - Islamic Empires PART 1 – Questions for Analysis 1. Compare and Contrast the Islamic Empires to the Byzantine Empire politically, economically, religiously, and socially. 2. Analyze the spread of Islam. How did the spread of Islam create a new trading zone? What role did the religion play in influencing political structures in the region? PART 2 – Making Connections Explain the relationship between each of the following pairs. Be specific in your response. a. hadith & the Analects b. Sufism & Mahayana Buddhism
Ch.15 – Post-Classical China PART 1 – Questions for Analysis 1. Compare the Tang and Song bureaucratic structure to other societies studied thus far. Explain why the Chinese system was stable for so long. What factors account for the collapse in 1279? Are there any similarities to the decline and fall of other powerful states covered so far? 2. Describe the technological & agricultural accomplishments of the Tang and Song dynasties. What effects did these accomplishments have on society? PART 2 – Making Connections a. bureaucracy of merit & Han Wudi (Ch.8) b. veneration of ancestors & foot binding
Ch.16 – Post-Classical India PART 1 – Questions for Analysis 1. How did India manage to exert such a significant influence on other cultures in the Indian Ocean basin during this era without ever establishing any long-term centralized political institutions? 2. Compare the influence India had on Southeast Asia to other influential societies studied earlier (e.g., Greece, China, Byzantium, etc.). Are there any similarities? In what ways was Indian influence different? PART 2 – Making Connections a. Shankara & Cicero (ch.11) b. the caste system & Islam
Ch.17&20 Western Europe during the Middle Ages Questions for Analysis 1. Following the collapse of the Roman Empire, agricultural production in Europe suffered. Explain the causes of this. Assess the extent to which the economy still functioned and describe the impediments to further development during this period. 2. What was the role of Roman Christianity in early medieval Europe? In what ways did Christianity shape and help re- structure European society following the collapse of the Roman Empire? 3. During this period Europe saw the emergence of a new social class in the cities. Who were they and what roles did they play? How were they able to make a place for themselves in the medieval social order? 4. Discuss the early relationship between secular and religious leaders and provide examples. What accounts for the change from a cooperative to an adversarial relationship?
Ch.18 – The Turks and Mongols Questions for Analysis 1. Compare and contrast the approach and structure of Mongol rule in Russia and central Asia to that in Persia and China. How do these structures compare to other forms of political organization from Unit 3? 2. Describe the impact Mongol rule had on inter-regional trade during the Post-Classical Era. What impact did this trade have on other regions? 3. Examine the rise of the Ottoman Turks. How did they benefit from other conquerors before them? Analyze the significance of Constantinople to the success of the Ottoman.