@ Your Library – consultation presentation
Covering: The marketing toolkit – an online resource Focus group messaging and test results 2006 Developed messages
Marketing toolkit – why this tool? Research in Q identified: a need to promote libraries, academic and public, in a cohesive and consistent way, nationally a need to challenge perceptions, preconceptions of the library service, nationally a need to communicate the fundamental benefits of the services offered by libraries Consultation with staff identified: a desire to produce more effective marketing communications an existing heavy workload with no desire to see a marketing role added to this
Marketing toolkit – why this tool? The result of this is: An online, easy access tool providing a full range of marketing support to libraries Cost free, production of designed marketing materials through an automated ‘content-management system’ Quick access to promotional materials to all libraries Links to more in-depth resources for individuals who want to take things further A set of core national messages promoting the key benefits of library services
Marketing toolkit – the contents The online toolkit will contain: Links to marketing resources – library specific and generic A beginners guide to blogging and podcasting – with links to examples of this within the sector An easy ‘how to’ guide to public relations – including media contacts Advocacy marketing resources A sector specific photo library An interactive event calendar providing suggested events and promotional links for libraries An online promotional material creator – an automated way to create professional, designed artwork using a simple content management system
National promotional messages
Messaging Rationale Very broad audience – messages must have the range to address this Re-position libraries – challenge audience to revisit the idea of libraries Create a sense of familiarity and relevance, in the absence of an established visual brand Develop a messaging style that can be adapted to ‘hook’ diverse target groups
Testing the messages - focus groups The initial concepts for the messages were tested using a series of user and non-user focus groups covering as wide a cross section of the population as possible. The results of these groups were used to develop the messages further.
Focus groups – test objectives Recall – does anyone remember the library messages. Do they ‘stick’? Visual appeal – what do people want to see / expect in a promotion of this kind? Message appeal – does the offer appeal and does the presentation of the offer encourage this appeal?
Focus groups results – overview Overall, when separated from the visual appeal, the message approach was positively received Some messages were far more effective than others Some messages had a clear appeal to certain target groups The messages need to remain simple but include a level of visual sophistication
Development and next steps Message development further to the focus groups results Visual development of message presentation Development of localised, tactical messages Incorporation of messages into promotional materials
Developed messages The following slides show the messages developed as a result of the research undertaken in 2005 and the test of the concepts in There are 9 messages in total covering: Broadband access Inter library loans Recycling Free services Book stock Staff Teens Students Young families
What next? We want your feedback. These messages and the online marketing toolkit should form the basis of library marketing in Wales on a national and local level. It is vital they they are used and that they work. We want your feedback to add to the weight of the consumer research and to help develop the best marketing tools for Welsh libraries. Please your thoughts to by Friday 12 th January 2007 please.