Page 1 July 2016 City of El Cerrito: Library Bond Measure Tracking Survey July 2016
Page 2 July 2016 Overview and Research Objectives The City of El Cerrito commissioned Godbe Research to conduct a survey of local constituents with the following research objectives: Assess the viability of a potential bond measure to replace the 67 year old El Cerrito Library with a safe, energy efficient, 21 st century library that meets earthquake and fire codes with funding that cannot be taken by the State; Determine constituent library service priorities; Test a variety of informational statements; Identify the rate at which constituents will support the measure; and Identify any differences in support due to demographic and/or voter behavioral characteristics.
Page 3 July 2016 Methodology Overview Data Collection Telephone and Internet Interviewing Universe11,375 likely November 2016 voters in the City of El Cerrito Fielding DatesJuly 1 through July 11, 2016 Interview Length18 minutes Sample Size 402 Margin of Error± 4.80% The data have been weighted to reflect the actual population characteristics of likely voters in the City of El Cerrito in terms of their gender, age, and political party type.
Page 4 July 2016 Key Findings
Page 5 July 2016 Q1. Uninformed Support for Bond Measure (n=402) To replace the 67 year old El Cerrito Library with a safe, energy efficient, 21 st century library that meets earthquake and fire codes with space for: a children's area for story times and books; public access computers and computer learning center; up-to-date book and resource collections; and improved senior and disabled access; shall El Cerrito issue $30 million dollars in bonds at legal rates for 30 years, as the Voter Guide describes, requiring independent citizen oversight, and all funds for El Cerrito Library?
Page 6 July 2016 Q2. Respondents Priorities for a Safe, Modern Library (n=402) Note: The above rating questions have been abbreviated for charting purposes, and responses were recoded to calculate mean scores: “Much More Likely” = +2, “Somewhat More Likely” = +1, “No Effect” = 0, “Somewhat Less Likely” = -1, and “Much Less Likely” = -2. Somewhat More Likely Somewhat Less Likely Much Less Likely Much More Likely Tier 2 T-3 Tier 1
Page 7 July 2016 Q3. Statements About the Measure (n=402) Note: The above rating questions have been abbreviated for charting purposes, and responses were recoded to calculate mean scores: “Much More Likely” = +2, “Somewhat More Likely” = +1, and “No Effect” = 0. No Effect Somewhat More Likely Much More Likely Tier 2 T-3 Tier 1
Page 8 July 2016 Q5. Informed Support (n=402) 73.6% To replace the 67 year old El Cerrito Library with a safe, energy efficient, 21 st century library that meets earthquake and fire codes with space for: a children's area for story times and books; public access computers and computer learning center; up-to-date book and resource collections; and improved senior and disabled access; shall El Cerrito issue $30 million dollars in bonds at legal rates for 30 years, as the Voter Guide describes, requiring independent citizen oversight, and all funds for El Cerrito Library? 73.7%
Page 9 July 2016 Q6. Support for Different Rates (n=402) Annual Tax per $100, % 61.8% 66.0%
Page 10 July California and Corporate Offices 1575 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 102 Burlingame, CA Nevada Office 59 Damonte Ranch Parkway, Suite B309 Reno, NV Pacific Northwest Office th Avenue NE, Suite 1900 Bellevue, WA 98004