TL Name Ensuring that all R. A. Long students are effective users and producers of information and preparing the next generation of Literacy and Information Technology specialists.
What does a Teacher Librarian Do?
Information and Technology Literacy – Year 1 Use project-based learning to teach Big6 skills to Library Science students (Fall, 2014) Create work experience opportunities in the Learning Commons for students with significant disabilities to practice literacy skills (Fall, 2014) Teach an Apps workshop at Jack Camp (Fall, 2014) Collaborate with Health teachers to create and assess an Internet Safety unit that addresses Health GLE (Fall, 2014) Collaborate with Personal Finance teacher to create and assess a unit that addresses identity theft (Fall, 2014)
Information and Technology Literacy – Year 1 Facilitate staff use of technology in preparation for the Smarter Balanced Assessment (Fall, 2014) Gather information about how staff and students use technology currently (2014 – 2015) Become an expert in AVID and Common Core and how information literacy and technology support these initiatives (Fall, 2014) Participate in scoring the following assessments with teachers 10 th grade research paper (Winter, 2015) Social Studies CBA (Winter, 2015) Senior research paper (Spring, 2015) Infiltrate the Biology research project (Spring, 2015)
Information and Technology Literacy – Year 5 Advanced Library Science students teach Big6 skills to peers Library Science students use Web 2.0 skills to design an orientation to the Learning Commons hosted on the web site Teach technology use at Jack Camp
Information and Technology Literacy – Year 5 Students teach other students about Internet safety Teacher librarian assists in scoring research papers and social studies CBAs RTI model in place for students needing additional assistance with technology Teach critical visual literacy to staff and students Create a bank of emergency lesson plans that accompany an expanded video library and are aligned with Common Core standards
Reading Advocacy – Year 1 Chair the Lower Columbia Review Group Continue to act as advisor for ReAL Teens Read Promote Banned Books Week (September, 2014) Continue Evergreen Awards collection and book talks (Fall, 2014; New nominee ordering Spring, 2015) Take 5 – 10 students to ALA midwinter conference (January, 2015) English teachers to read two worthy YA Novels and social studies teachers to read one worthy YA historical novel (Spring, 2015) Increase the graphic novel collection to include nonfiction titles (Spring, 2015) Create/maintain the summer reading program (Summer, 2015)
Reading Advocacy – Year 5 Become a YALSA Teen Top Ten School Host at least one author visit per year Post student creative writing on the Learning Commons website Expand collection to include books written in Spanish, Chinese, and French Expand collection to include Kindles and audiobooks
Information Management– Year 1 Attend ALA conference in June, 2014 Begin work on my vocational credential in Library Science (Summer, 2014) Build relationship with colleagues, administrators, district-level IT personnel, and parents (Summer – Fall, 2014) Use program analysis tool to identify current areas of need (Fall, 2014)
Information Management– Year 1 Attend WLMA conference in October, 2014 Present at WLMA conference in October, 2014 – “There’s an App for That – Applications that Enhance Student Performance” Increase the number of students who forecast for Library Science through recruiting in CTE (February/March, 2015) Keep an accurate budget (Spring, 2015)
Information Management– Year 1 Maintain current collection with judicious additions based on need (2014 – 2015) Meet with administrators at least once a month to showcase student progress (2014 – 2015, End of Month) Update Learning Commons website (Winter, 2015) Be an active participant on the Site-Based Decision Making Council (2014 – 2015)
Information Management– Year 5 Learn HTML code and programming language for developing Apps – develop at least one app Develop articulation agreements with Highline Community College for Library Science students Develop volunteers and students who become the go-to resource for staff and students Create a coffee shop in the Learning Commons Partner with the CTE program to have students design and create the Learning Commons website
Information Management– Year 5 Implement BYOD Develop a collection of educational technology devices that supports student engagement across the curriculum Challenge the robotics team to create a robot that can perform simple library tasks and showcase it in the Learning Commons Write at least one research grant and publish results in a peer-reviewed forum
Information Management– Year 5 Assist teachers in creating websites so that all the teachers in our school have a website Create a culture of student-ownership of the Learning Commons – Run by students, FOR students Create a culture of support for teachers and administrators Take over the world?