Prepared Rodolfo Eric Angat1 Essential question How do I avoid or resolve conflicts?
Prepared Rodolfo Eric Angat2 Sense of Responsibility I am responsible for the consequences of my actions. I have the choice to say No if I do not want to do it. Blaming my actions to others or lying is an immature act.
Prepared Rodolfo Eric Angat3 Assertive or Aggressive How is being assertive different from being aggressive? ________________________________ __________________________________ Why should I be assertive when asking permission or a favor? ________________________________ __________________________________
Prepared Rodolfo Eric Angat4 Listening and Talking cannot be done at the same time. How do I communicate my point? ______________________________ ________________________________ Why should I listen before I talk? _______________________________ _________________________________
Prepared Rodolfo Eric Angat5 Form a circle Let us talk about the ways on “ How to avoid conflicts”
Prepared Rodolfo Eric Angat6 How can I avoid conflicts? 1. Leave it to chance 2. Split the time 3. Laugh it off 4. Skip it 5. Walk away 6. Apologize