New Volunteer Orientation
Director of Volunteer Services Victoria/Laredo Terry Blevins or Ext. 306 Volunteer Services Executive Corpus Christi Melissa or Ext. 19 Volunteer Services Executive McAllen/Harlingen Stephanie or Ext. 305 Council Team
McAllen Service Center Victoria Service Center 5317 N. McColl Street 104 W. River McAllen, TX Victoria, TX Phone: (956) Phone: Fax: (956) Fax: (361) Important Websites & Other Resources: Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas: Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Facebook Page: Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Camp Grounds: Camp Greenhill – Park Road 25; Mathis, TX Camp Bayview – 103 South San Roman Road; Bayview, TX Council Headquarters - Harlingen Service Center 202 E. Madison Harlingen, TX, Phone: Fax: Council Locations Corpus Christi Service Center Laredo Service Center 2410 Bevecrest 701 N. Stone Avenue Corpus Christi, TX Laredo, TX Phone: Phone: (956) Fax: Fax: (956)
The Girl Scout Leadership Experience Today’s effective leaders stress collaboration, inclusion, and a commitment to improving the world around them. “Girls themselves tell us that a leader is defined not only by the qualities and skills one has, but also by how those qualities and skills are used to make a difference in the world.” Girls engage in three key activities: discovering who they are and what they value; connecting with others; and taking action to make the world a better place. Choosing in how to participate in the Girl Scout program can be done by pathways. Pathways are identified by how girls choose to participate in Girl Scouts and there are six essential ways. ❖ Camp: Connect with nature, choose a camp by day or overnight ❖ Events: Focus on half or full day, events to share your passion ❖ Series: Explore you interests over a few sessions in a way that fits our schedule ❖ Travel: Pack your bags and travel across town or around the world ❖ Troop: Have fun on a regular basis with your Girl Scout sisters ❖ Virtual: Interact virtually with Girl Scouts everywhere
The Three Keys of Leadership DISCOVER, CONNECT, TAKE ACTION The Fifteen Girl Scout Leadership Outcomes Discover 1.Girls develop a strong sense of self 2.Girls develop positive values 3.Girls gain practical life skills 4.Girls seek challenges in the world 5.Girls develop critical thinking Connect 1.Girls develop healthy relationships 2.Girls promote cooperation and team building 3.Girls can resolve conflicts 4.Girls advance diversity in a multicultural world 5.Girls feel connected to their communities, locally and globally Take Action 1.Girls can identify community needs 2.Girls are resourceful problem solvers 3.Girls advocate for themselves and others, locally and globally 4.Girls educate and inspire others to act 5.Girls feel empowered to make a difference in the world
The Three Processes When Discover, Connect, and Take Action activities are girl led, involve learning by doing and cooperative learning – it is identified as implementing the three processes. Girls achieve the desired and expected short-term leadership outcomes, ultimately resulting in Girl Scouting achieving its mission. The three processes are listed below: ❖ Girl Led: Girls of every grade level take an active role in determining what, where, when, why, and how they’ll structure activities. ❖ Learning by Doing: Girls have active, hands-on experiences. ❖ Cooperative Learning: Girls learn so much about themselves and each other when they work as a team and stride for common goals.
Volunteer Trainings, Notifications and Resources ❖ GS 101: An online introductory to Girl Scouts ❖ New Leader Training: A mandatory training for all registered adult volunteers in troop/group leadership positions. ❖ Levels Training: A training specialized in providing information in the Girl Scout curriculum based uniquely on each level of Girl Scouting. ❖ Volunteer Conferences: Conferences scheduled to offer a variety of training and resource based material to inhabit all the areas of Girl Scouting. ❖ Volunteer Academies – Trainings to build Girl Scouting community. ❖ First Aid/CPR Training: A mandatory training for one adult registered member per troop. Training schedules are posted on the Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Website ( Procedures in Registering for Trainings: 1.View desired training date, time and location 2.Click on desired link 3.Complete the registration form and submit Once registration procedure is completed a confirmation letter will be sent directly to the registered volunteer.
Frequently Accessed Volunteer Forms ❖ Girl and Adult Membership Forms – to be used when registering, a $15 annual membership fee will apply for every member. ❖ Volunteer Application – to be submitted for any adult that will be actively participating with in a troop. ❖ Bank Account Request Form – a mandatory troop account is required for participating troops. ❖ Application for Day Trips and Extended Travel – troops attending a trip or an event outside of their normal meeting place must request council permission. Forms may be accessed through the Girl Scout of Greater South Texas website (
Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Staff We’re Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas and we’re excited that you’re here! As your local Council, we’re your guide and partner to all things Girl Scouts and we can’t wait to get you started!