Introduction to Poetry The Fundamental Devices. Definition of Poetry Most compact form of literature Ideas and emotions are tightly compressed into a.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Poetry The Fundamental Devices

Definition of Poetry Most compact form of literature Ideas and emotions are tightly compressed into a package

The Compact Reason Every part is designed to create an effect or to convey an emotion or experience. Parts can include: Meanings and sounds of words Line Breaks Empty Spaces Etc.

Common Elements Despite differences in style, all poems contain some or all of these elements: Form Sound A Speaker Figurative Language Imagery

Form The distinctive way a poem is laid out on the page. Typically divided into lines, which may or may not be sentences. Stanzas- groups of lines May have the same number of lines or varying

Sound Effect of poem is often dependent on the sounds of the words Rhyme Rhythm Alliteration Consonance Onomatopoeia

Rhyme The likeness of sounds at the ends of words Internal Rhyme End Rhyme Rhyme Scheme

Types of Rhyme Internal Rhyme- The use of rhyming words within a line End Rhyme- use of such words at the ends of lines Rhyme Scheme- Pattern of end rhymes in a poem Use a lettering sequence.

Rhythm The pattern or sound created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line. Meter- repeated rhythmic pattern within a line

Alliteration A repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

Assonance The repetition of vowel sounds in nonrhyming words. Some ship in distress, that cannot live.

Consonance The repetition of consonant sounds within or at the end of words. The father answered never a word.

Onomatopoeia The use of words that sound like what they refer to Buzz, crunch, thump

Speaker The voice that relates the ideas or story of the poem. The speaker is not necessary the poet. However, poets can write as themselves and speak directly to reader.

Figurative Language Communicates the ideas besides the ordinary, literal meanings of words. Three basic types: Personification Simile Metaphor

Personification Attribution of human qualities to an object, animal, or idea The wind’s gentle cry

Simile A comparison indicated by the words like or as Solid as a rock, Hungry like the wolf

Metaphor A more direct comparison This room is a war zone.

Imagery Language that appeals to the reader’s senses, such as: Sight Hearing Touch Smell Taste