2 nd SHARE National Workshop on the Impact of Qualifications Frameworks and Learning Outcomes on Higher Education in ASEAN Development and Implementation of the National Qualification Framework of Cambodia By You Virak Deputy-Director Department of Higher Education Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Tel.: (855) ; Organized by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and supported by SHARE, European Union Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN Region July, 2016, Angkor Paradise Siemreap, Kingdom of Cambodia
1)- Higher Education System 2)- Background of NQFC Development 3)- Purpose of the Establishment of NQFC 4)- Dimenssion and Management of NQFC 5)- Main Principles and Characteristics of NQFC 6)- Structure of Levels and Minimum Credit Hours by Levels 7)- Issues of NQFC Implementation 8)- Solutions and Steps forwards 2 Outlines
Population: Around 15 millions Capital City: Phnom Penh Joined ASEAN in 1999 and WTO in 2004 GDP growth: Around 7% in recent years Current Economic pillars: Agriculture, Garment, Construction, Tourism Future Economic diversification: Broad-based industrial and technology- oriented Economy (Vision 2030 and Industrial Development Policy) 3
HE in the Past : The 1940s – First Born HEIs The 1960s – Glory Period The 1970s – Tragic Period due to Civil War and Killing Fields The 1980s – Reborn Period, establishment & rehabilitation The 1990s – Reforming/Restructuring/Development; – Privatization in HE and Private HEIs The Early 2000s – Growth of Private HEIs HE legal Framework HE at Present : Categories of HEIs = institute & university 118 HEIs (supervised by 15 different ministries) 46 of them are public HEIs; ( 9 of public HEIs = PAIs) Students population ~ 250,000 students Faculty Members ~ 1,100 teachers 4 1- Higher Education System
N Ministries Number of HEIs PublicPrivateTotal 1 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Health Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Ministry of Economic and Finance Ministry of Religions and Cults Ministry of Public Works and Transport Ministry of National Defense Ministry of Interior Ministry of Social Affairs Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy Offices of The Council of Ministers National Bank of Cambodia Ministry of Post and Telecommunication 101 Total Higher Education System (con.1)
FACULTY MEMBERS 6 Teachers BachelorMasterPh DTotalBachelorMasterPh DTotal National 3,4706, ,2023,1396, ,688 International Total 3,7203, ,8423,4097, , Higher Education System (con.2)
Degree TotalFemaleTotalFemale Doctoral %1,1815% Master8, %18, % Bachelor92, %214, % Associate15, %15, % Grand Total117, %249, % 7 2- Higher Education System (con.3)
9 No.Standard 2010 (264 indicators) : Foundation Program Assessment New standard (73 indicators) 2013-now : Strengthening IQA & EQA (based-outcomes Assessment/Procedure) 1Mission (13)Vision, Mission and Goals (3) 2Governing structure, Management and Planning (45) Governance and Management (6) 3Academic Program (27)Academic staff (6) 4Academic staff (57)Academic Program (7) 5Students and Student Services (36)Student Service (13) 6Learning Services (44)Learning Resources (14) 7Physical Plants (21)Physical Resources (6) 8Financial Plan and Management (14)Financial Resources (7) 9Dissemination of Information (7)Internal Quality Assurance (6)
2)- Background of NQFC Development
3- Purpose of the Establishment of NQFC Harmonizing the system of Education in the country Providing nationally consistent recognition of outcomes achieved in each qualification of education and training; Helping with developing flexible pathways, which assist people with moving more easily between the education and training sectors, and between those sectors and the labor market, by providing the basis for recognition of prior learning, including credit transfer, experience, and current competency; -Offering flexibility to suit the diversity of purposes of education and training;
3- Purpose of the Establishment of NQFC (Con.1) Encourages individuals to progress through education and training by improving access to qualifications, clearly defining avenues for achievement, and generally contributing to lifelong learning Encourages the provision of vocational education and training quality through qualifications that meet individual, workplace and vocational needs, thus contributing to national economic performance; Promotes national and international recognition of qualifications offered in Cambodia Facilitates the regional mobilization of skills workforce.
3- Purpose of the Establishment of NQFC (Con. 1) Encouraging individuals to progress through education and training by improving access to qualifications, clearly defining avenues for achievement, and generally contributing to lifelong learning; Encouraging the provision of more and higher quality vocational education and training through qualifications that meet individual, workplace, and vocational needs, thus contributing to national economic performance; Promoting national & international recognition of qualifications offered in Cambodia; Facilitating the regional mobilization of skills workforce.
1- Dimension: Covering all kinds of trainings – Higher Education & TVET. 2- Managing implementation and development of NQFC: is subject to the jurisdiction of the Ministry in charge in Education and Accreditation Institution. NB: (1)- The existing HEIs have a year period to revise thier programs aligning with the conditions set in NQFC. (2)- The new operating HEIs must develop the programs aligning with the provision set in NQFC before comencement of the programs. 4- Dimenssion and Management of NQFC
5- Main Principles of NQFC (1)- Levels: Levels numbered and linked to qualification titles to describe the increasing intellectual demand and complexity of learning expected as students progress to higher technical or academic awards. (2)- Credits: Points allocated to describe the amount of work or volume of learning expected for an academic or technical qualification or for courses, study units or other components of a program. (3)- Learning Outcomes: The broad categories of types of learning outcomes that a program is intended to develop. (4)- Study Pathway: helps with developing flexible pathways which assist people to move more easily between the Technical and Vocational education and training and Higher Education sectors and between those sectors and the labor market by providing the basis for recognition of prior learning, including credit transfer, experience and current competency.
Learning Outcomes (5 domains): Knowledge Cognitive Skills Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility Communication, Information Technology &Numerical Skills Psychomotor Skills Levels (8 levels) Credit hours 1 Credit =15h Types (Level 1- 8) 5)- Characteristics of NQF C Learning Outcomes by levels Level Discriptors Objective Knowledge Skills Application Study duration
CQF Levels Technical and Vocational Education and Training Higher Education Minimum Credit Hours 8Doctoral Degree of Technology/ Business Education Doctoral Degree54 7Masters Degree of Technology/ Business Education Masters Degree 45 6Bachelor of Technology/ Business Education Bachelors Degree 120 5Higher Diploma /Associate Degree of Technology/ Business Education Associate Degree 60 4Technical and Vocational Certificate Technical and Vocational Certificate Technical and Vocational Certificate Vocational Certificate 30
Framework Governance and Management of qualifications: -Many institutions in charge of managing on implementation and development of NQFC: MoEYS, other Ministries…); and institution/s in charge of Accreditations (ACC, NTB) -Need more coordination between MoEYS and MoLVT in registration of Levels and Degree, -No formal linking of NQFC to other qualification Frameworks. -Limited capacity of academic programs development by HEIs -
1- Coordination between ministries, institutions and other stakeholders in curriculum development 2- Revise the national commission of certifying and equivalency of certificates and diploma (from abroad). 3- Issuing qualifications: MoEYS issued the policy action (2013) to HEIs to sign in Degree Diploma by themselves while the other ministries remain keeping in signing diploma; 4- Provide Capacity development to HEIs in curricula design aligning with learning outcomes and by program based approach assessment, such today WS activities are useful. 5- MoEYS continue to managing and monitoring the NQFC through curriculum design/development by HEIs in the alignment with the NQFC
Thank you for your attention 21