+ Bell Work Explain the significance of Marbury v. Madison. This Day in History: November 4, British archaeologist Howard Carter and his workmen discover a step leading to the tomb of King Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. November 4, Following nearly two weeks of protest and political instability in Hungary, Soviet tanks and troops viciously crush the protests. Thousands were killed and wounded, and nearly a quarter-million Hungarians fled the country. November 4, Hundreds of Iranians storm the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, leading to the oil embargo and the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
+ Louisiana Purchase, 1803 France’s Napoleon Bonaparte’s dream of a western French empire was dashed after Haiti rebelled against French rule. Since French was at war with Britain they needed money and had little use for the Louisiana territory. Jefferson was interested in buying New Orleans to protect shipping interests on the Mississippi River. When Napoleon offered the entire Louisiana territory for $15 million the offer was too good to pass up despite the fact Jefferson was unsure of the constitutionality of the purchase.
+ Mini-Essay Write an essay explaining the importance of Lewis and Clark’s contact with Native Americans along their expedition. Use specific examples of relations with tribes throughout their journey.