Welcome To Our Presentation On Sikhism From Hamim and Levi W
Facts Sikhs who have been through the Amrit Ceremony of initiation, or Amrit Sanskar, become baptised Sikhs, take new names, and wear the 5 ks A Sikh can go through this initiation as soon as they are old enough to understand the full commitment that they are making.During the ceremony, hymns are recited from the Sikh scripture, prayers are said, and the principles of Sikhism are affirmed. hamim
facts The sikh brotherhood initiated by guru gobind singh in 1699, open to both male and female sikh. The word khalsa means pure. Khalsa’s are sikhs which have undergone the sacred Amrit ceremony initiated by the 10th sikh guru. Guru Gobind Singh. The Khalsa order was initially on baisakhi day march , with Guru Gobind Singh baptizing 5 sikhs and then turn asking the 5 khalsa to baptize him. All sikhs are expected to be khalsa or be working towards the objective. hamim
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Facts Prayer is the first action of Sikh women when they find out that they are pregnant. When the baby is born, the words of the Mool Mantar a key prayer, composed by Guru Nanak are whispered into the ears of the child and a drop of honey is placed inside the mouth. Once inside the Gurdwara the Guru Granth Sahib is randomly opened by the Granthi (priest) and a passage is read out aloud. The family will then choose a name by using the first letter of the hymn on the page opened. The baby's name is announced to the congregation, the Granthi will also add Singh lion as a surname if the baby is a boy, and Kaur (princess) if the child is a girl.Guru NanaGurdwara To celebrate, Karah Parshad, a sweet dish made from flour, semolina, butter and sugar, is distributed amongst the congregation. It is also customary to visit the temple as soon as it is physically possible after giving birth, this is usually within forty days of the birth of the child. levi
By Levi And Hamim Thank You For Listening