Healthcare Change Makers Information Session Nick Dean, Project Coordinator, Patient and Community Leadership Programme
Need for the Programme Improving Healthcare Services in Bristol for All Joined up thinking: -Between Healthcare providers and their patients/carers -Between Healthcare providers and Bristol’s communities -Between the three healthcare providers Learning from the experiences of those that have directly or indirectly used the healthcare services Representing the different communities of Bristol in healthcare decisions: Investing in Healthcare Change Makers so that they can constructively engage with their communities, each other and senior managers of healthcare providers to make key decisions on how their services are delivered.
The Three Healthcare Providers Involved North Bristol NHS Trust University Hospitals Bristol NHS Trust Bristol Community Health With support from The Diversity Trust, People in Health West of England, NHS England, the Kings Fund and the Centre for Patient Leadership.
Southmead Hospital, Cossham Hospital, Frenchay Hospital, Community Health Over 8,000 staff employed Patient & Community engagement panel for Healthcare Change Makers to potentially get involved in. “Working in partnership with those who use our health services in NBT and across Bristol is crucial to helping us secure service that meet the needs of the people we serve.Working with BCH and UHB on this exciting program to develop and support Healthcare Change Makers will go a long way in helping us to develop stronger partnerships with all and lead to change influenced by our Health care Change makers.” – Gill Brook, Head of Patient Experience, North Bristol Trust
Providing over 36 different community healthcare services for children, adults and in prison services Employing over 1700 staff Setting up a community led forum that will have a direct input on the way community healthcare is delivered in Bristol. Opportunity for Healthcare Change Makers to get involved in this. “We are committed to sharing decisions with our communities and investing in the Healthcare Change Makers so they can help shape the way in which we plan and deliver community healthcare in the city. We believe by doing this together with the local acute hospitals, we can create opportunities for some real, meaningful involvement that leads to some positive change in city and local area.” – Matthew Areskog, Patient & Public Empowerment Lead
St Michaels Hospital, The Eye Hospital, The Children’s Hospital and the BRI amongst others. Delivering more than 100 healthcare services. Over 8000 staff Particularly looking for people with experience of their children focussed services to form a community group that will assist in ensuring this healthcare is as effective as possible “The Patient and Community Leadership Programme is part of our broad and ambitious plans to refresh the way in which we deliver our patient and public involvement work. It is about creating new opportunities for people to be included in conversations about how healthcare is developed and provided in Bristol and at UH Bristol.” – Tony Watkin, Patient & Public Involvement Manager
Programme Commitment and Locations Part 1 – The Workshops Training period delivered by Mark Doughty November 14 th at the Watershed, Bristol December 16 th at Future Inn Bristol January 9 th 2017 at the Watershed, Bristol January 23 rd at the Watershed, Bristol. Session delivered by the healthcare provider and the Diversity Trust February 6 th at the Watershed, Bristol All of these dates will take place in the daytime, 9am until 5pm. Lunch & refreshments during the day will be provided
Programme Content Key aim: To give you the confidence, skills and knowledge to partner with healthcare providers to influence how their services are delivered to the communities of Bristol Guided by Mark Doughty, Influenced by the participants Past programme training has included: Who is a leader, what do they need to do and how do they do this How to successfully influence, build relationships and work with others How to manage difficult behaviour, disagreements and conflict Engaging in joint decision making when the issues are complex with no easy solutions Dealing with politics and issues of power Becoming a really effective communicator How to overcome barriers to progress The work, structures & systems of the healthcare providers Equality & Diversity
Part 2 – After Workshop Commitment Working together with decision makers in the healthcare providers Healthcare Change Maker Forum Meet together around 6 times a year with senior managers and clinicians of the three healthcare providers Committed to this for 18 months Work with your communities to hear their views on healthcare Influencing the forum’s decisions Other opportunities within North Bristol Trust, University Hospitals Bristol and Bristol Community Health
Healthcare Change Maker Forum The Communities of Bristol Engagement Panel Engagement Panel
Participants Cross-section of Bristol’s diverse communities Experience of Healthcare Services Committed to collaboration Enthusiastic Empathetic Good at engaging constructively Patient & Respectful Communicator Emotionally Intelligent Good Community Links Respectful of diverse communities and passionate about equality Aged 18+
Application Process Application forms can be found on any of the three healthcare providers websites and Voscur. Paper copies here today Application deadline: Midday, October 14 th Either the completed document to Nick Dean on Or print & post to Bristol Community Health, South Plaza, Marlborough Street, Bristol, BS1 3NX If you need any assistance with the process please get in touch with Nick on The three healthcare providers will asses applicants and there will call or meet you for an informal chat before a decision is made. We will be undertaking positive action recruitment to ensure we get a diverse group of Healthcare Change Makers reflect Bristol’s communities
Any questions?