Synergies between ESIF and other EU Funds SME targeted instruments and building collaborations with R&I ecosystem Eskarne Arregui European Commission DG.


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Presentation transcript:

Synergies between ESIF and other EU Funds SME targeted instruments and building collaborations with R&I ecosystem Eskarne Arregui European Commission DG Joint Research Centre Catanzaro 03/11/2016

Content Calabria among Italian regions in FP7 and H2020 Some specialisation indicators from the FP7 participation Main Calabrian stakeholders Seal of Excellence Universities in Smart Specialisation Strategies

Some Evidence R&D per capita: Calabria (0.55%GDP) Italy (1.29% GDP) EU28 (2.03%GDP) Calabria received 12.6 M€ for 60 participations concerning 15 legal entities in FP7 funded projects. In H2020 Calabria has received so far 8.5M€ for 34 participations concerning 18 legal entities. The FP7 financial contribution per inhabitant in Calabria is (6.4€/inh) while the Italian average is (60.7 €/inh). In H2020 financial contribution per inhabitant in Calabria is (4.3€/inh) while the Italian average is (62.9 €/inh).

Region EC funding in MEUR% Nbr of participations Nbr of coordinations Avg EC funding/ participation 1Lazio % Lombardia % Toscana % Piemonte % Emilia-Romagna % Veneto % Liguria % Campania % Trento % Friuli-Venezia Giulia % Puglia % Sicilia % Umbria % Marche % Abruzzo % Sardegna % Bolzano/ % Calabria % Basilicata % Molise % Valle d'Aosta % ITALY % FP

Region EC funding in MEUR% Nbr of participations Nbr of coordinations Avg EC funding/ participation 1Lombardia % Lazio % Piemonte % Toscana % Emilia-Romagna % Liguria % Veneto % Trento % Campania % Friuli-Venezia Giulia % Puglia % Marche % Sicilia % Umbria % Sardegna % Abruzzo % Bolzano9.50.6% Calabria % Basilicata % Molise % Valle d'Aosta % ITALY % H oct2016

Funding/year/ per capita

FP7 specialisation indicator

CalabriaItalyFP7 Food, Agriculture and Fisheries3.8%4.3%4.6% Biotechnology0.6%1.5%2.0% Health9.2%14.5%20.0% ICT19.7%32.0%28.5% Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies3.3%2.2%2.8% Materials42.1%2.8%2.7% New production technologies (incl. Construction technologies)0.0%5.8%4.1% Nanotech for Indust appl5.6%3.2%3.9% Energy8.2%7.5%7.6% Environment0%5.2%6.2% Aeronautics Space 0.0%3.4%3.6% Space 5.6%5.0%2.8% Automotive and transport technologies0.6%5.7%4.4% Socio economic sciences and humanities0%1.9%2.1% Security1.1%4.9%4.6% 100% FP7 specialisation indicator

9 Calabria FP7 participation by entity type


Calabria S3 priority areas 11

Calabria region ERDF / ESF 12 Source: DG REGIO

13 Seal of Excellence Source: DG RTD B3

14 Seal of Excellence Source: DG RTD B3


Examples of Seal of Excellence use Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in cooperation with CDTI have funded 136 Seal of Excellence proposals which scored 12 or above in Phase 1 of H2020 SME Instrument The Region of Lombardy is issuing vouchers to the value of € to SMEs that obtained seal of excellence under Phase 1 of the H2020 SME Instrument. Vinnova Sweden Innovation Agency invites companies that have scored 13 or above under Phase 1 H2020 SME Instrument, to apply for Runner-up programme. 16

17 Seal of Excellence Source: DG RTD B3

SME Instrument results Italy 18 Country Total Nr of Proposals Non Eligible Proposals Evaluated Proposals Not Funded Proposals Proposals Below Budget Funded Proposals Proposals Above Threshold Granted Budget Italy € ,00 Totals € ,00 PHASE 1 RESULTS PHASE 2 RESULTS Country Total Nr of Proposals Non Eligible Proposals Evaluated Proposals Not Funded Proposals Proposals Below Budget Funded Proposals Proposals Above ThresholdGranted Budget Italy € ,39 TOTAL € ,31 Source: DG RTD B3

Key messages SoE are excellent projects, not left-overs from Horizon 2020 Great opportunity to exploit H2020 first-class evaluation system Keep the process as simple as possible: no need to re-evaluate the content Different support can be provided: grants/loans/guarantee/… general support No guarantee of 'automatic' alternative funding and/or to the funding intensity of H

Universities in S3 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can play a key role in the design and implementation of S3. They are among the few institutions that act as 'boundary spanners', bridging all three elements of the 'Knowledge Triangle' (Research, Education and Innovation). HESS project (DGEAC+DGJRC) focuses on how HEI can contribute to the successful implementation of S3: To help build innovation capabilities of regions by strengthening the role of HEIs in regional partnerships. To promote the integration of higher education with research, innovation and regional development in S3 policy mixes, particularly in the use of European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds. 20

Boundary spanning players to boost inter-institutional capacity Role in generating knowledge througout RIS3 evolutionary process and identifying capacities of the region HEI integrate the knowledge triangle with research, education and outreach missions and are key in building innovation ecosystems HEI develop regional human ressources and attract talent Research infrastructures and international networks 21 Universities in S3

Knowledge Alliances (KA) KA aim at strengthening Europe's innovation capacity and at fostering innovation in higher education, business and the broader socio-economic environment. They intend to: develop new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning stimulate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills of higher education teaching staff and company staff facilitate the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge. 22

KICs 23 Source: EIT 2012

Synergies ESIF and H2020/other EU funds 24 Synergies are about obtaining more impacts on competitiveness, jobs and growth in the EU by combining ESIF, Horizon 2020 and other EU instruments in a strategic and also cohesion-oriented manner.

Thank you!