Howard Goldstein Associate Dean of Research
Your Role in Assisting Junior Colleagues: Is it Realistic to be a Super Mentor? Howard Goldstein September 29, 2015 CBCS Research Forum
What is mentorship? A journey into business, education, and nursing literature
A mentor provides “ a brain to pick, a shoulder to cry on, and a kick in the pants ” Josefowitz, 1980
Common misconception: – An advisor is a mentor. Mentorship is a process that involves a relationship.
Mentoring is a nurturing process in which a more skilled or more experienced person, serving as a role model, teaches, sponsors, encourages, counsels, and befriends a less skilled or less experienced person for the purpose of promoting the latter ’ s professional and/or personal development. Mentoring functions are carried out within the context of an ongoing, caring relationship between the mentor and protégé. (Anderson, 1987)
MENTORING RELATIONSHIP Role Model: X is a model for Y Nurture: X nurtures Y Care Giver : X cares for Y FUNCTIONS OF MENTORING TEACH: model inform confirm/disconfirm prescribe question SPONSOR: protect support promote ENCOURAGE: affirm inspire challenge COUNSEL: listen probe clarity advise BEFRIEND: accept relate MENTORING ACTIVITIES Demonstrate lessons Arrange for practice of skills Observe and provide feedback Arrange support meetings MENTORING DISPOSITIONS MENTORING DISPOSITIONS Opening Ourselves Expressing Care and Concern Leading Incrementally
ADVANTAGES TO PROTEGES Advice on career goals Encouragement; build-self confidence New or improved skills and knowledge Models how to handle difficult situations Provides opportunities and resources Increased exposure and visibility A bridge to maturity
The Appeal for Mentors Mentoring can further own development Feelings of alienation could be alleviated if there were more people like ourselves Belief that the nurturing of interest and desire, and the development of skills are most likely to be accomplished through close, caring, productive relationships Protégés return investments through their future contacts, advise, expertise, etc.
Potential Problems Excessive time and energy commitments Inappropriate choice of mentor or protégé Unrealistic expectations Expectations of protégé failure Protégé ’ s feelings of inferiority Unfair manipulation by a mentor or a protégé Excessive jealousy from others Overdependence on mentors or protégés
Can a super-mentor mentor a group?
Meerkat Roundup Weekly meetings with protégés Tenure prep or not Accountability for writing projects Feedback Problem solving
Developmental Model of Mentorship
Network Mentoring Mentors rarely are capable and comfortable with all mentoring functions A network of mentors helps meet the needs and provides diverse perspectives Potential for reciprocal and non- hierarchical relationships Combining new perspectives with empowerment of networking likely to yield more creative departures from status quo
The mentor takes the protégé under his/ her wing, invites the protégé into a new occupational world, shows the protégé around, imparts wisdom, cares, sponsors, criticizes, and bestows his/her blessing. The teaching and the sponsoring have their values, but the blessing is the crucial element. Levinson, 1976
Discussion Is it possible to assign mentors? Does everybody need a mentor? Why is it so difficult to be a super- mentor? Is it something worth aspiring to? How do you characterize your good mentoring experiences? Bad experiences? What tips do you have for mentors?